Scene from Moana. Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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also known as “Oceana,” “Oceania,” “Vaiana,” “Моана,” “Moana - Um Mar de Aventuras,” “Moana: Un mar de aventuras,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-Rating (MPA) for peril, some scary images and brief thematic elements.

Reviewed by: Curtis McParland

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Kids Family
Genre: Animation Adventure Family Comedy 3D
Length: 1 hr. 43 min.
Year of Release: 2016
USA Release: November 23, 2016 (wide—3,875 theaters)
DVD: March 7, 2017
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

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How did Jesus [the true God] greatly humble himself for us? Answer

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About trying to speak to the dead / necromancy

Kid Explorers™
Adventures in the rainforest! Learn about the Creator of the universe by exploring His marvelous creation. Fun for the whole family with games, activities, stories, answers to children’s questions, color pages, and more! One of the Web’s first and most popular Christian Web sites for children. Nonprofit, evangelical, nondenominational.
Featuring Auli'i CravalhoMoana (voice)
Dwayne “The Rock” JohnsonMaui, a Polynesian demigod (voice)
Jemaine ClementTamatoa (voice)
Alan TudykHei Hei the Rooster (voice)
Nicole Scherzinger … Sina (voice)
Temuera MorrisonChief Tui (voice)
Phillipa Soo … Actress (voice)
Rachel House … Gramma Tala (voice)
Michael Sun Lee … Islander
Director Ron Clements — “Aladdin” (1992), “The Princess and the Frog” (2009), “Treasure Planet” (2002)
John Muskern — “Aladdin” (1992), “The Princess and the Frog” (2009), “Treasure Planet” (2002)
Producer Walt Disney Animation Studios
Walt Disney Pictures
John Lasseter
Osnat Shurer

Sequel: “Moana 2” (2024)

Sailing the ocean blue may be a dream for many, but I doubt anyone could top little Moana’s aspirations to explore the sea. Moana (Auli'i Cravalho) lives on the island of Montunui, which is ruled by her loving, yet overprotective father, Chief Tui (Temuera Morrison). Life is pretty great, that is, until the tides begin to turn on their beautiful island and their lush resources begin to gradually whither away. There is a reason for this, though. And oh boy, is it a big one. A great disruption in nature came to the land when a power hungry demigod by the name of Maui (Dwayne Johnson) decided to steal the “heart” of the mighty goddess and mother island, Te Fiti. Since then, the world has never been the same. Ever since she was a little girl, Moana was “chosen” by the ocean to return the heart to Te Fiti and restore peace to the mother land. And after years went by, the time finally came to fulfill her calling.

Moana’s task seems pretty simple: find Maui and return the heart. But little does Moana know of the great obstacles she will face as she embarks on an epic quest in one of Disney Animation’s most ambitious projects yet.

“Moana” is a film filled with gorgeous, top of the line animation, beautiful music, and lush scenery. Directors Ron Clements and John Musker do a solid job at directing this wonderfully animated film, and the voice talents are spot-on. The story, just like a stormy ocean itself, feels a bit choppy at times and some scenes near the center of the film feel a tad ridiculous and middling. Some pieces of the film appear to be slightly drawn out to eat up some time. Still, though, the beautiful animation, intriguing story, and fantastic music certainly outweigh some of these small inconsistencies in the story.

There is next to no sexual content, as the closest here is seeing shirtless men and characters wearing skirts with a bare midriff. There is no language to be concerned about, as we only here one unfinished phrase of “You lying son of a…” and a reference to somebody’s butt cheek. A character says “Oh shhh—ark head.”

Our heroes find themselves in many perilous situations as they travel the ocean and battle various foes. The violence flows from mild to moderate, as one character drowns off-screen, others nearly drown, waves crash down on numbers of characters, storms rage, and little coconut pirates battle Moana and Maui with various weapons and blow darts. Maui gets hit in the rear with a blow dart and appears to be partially tranquilized and paralyzed. A couple of other intense scenes involve a large lava monster the duo have to battle. It spews fire and lava, and, on three separate occasions, it loses a hand, as Maui slices it off with his magic hook. There are a couple of violent references, including death and human sacrifice, and we see some pretty scary creatures, including bats with multiple eyes, sea monsters with many arms, and a giant crab they battle. Maui mentions that he once ripped a monster’s leg off. A character gets punched in the face and hit in the head with an oar and another is seen getting a painful tattoo.

The violence really isn’t what parents and family audiences should be concerned about, though. “Moana” treads into some dark, murky waters with its darker themes of magic and mythology. More and more, I tend to see a reoccurring pattern of darker spiritual themes marching into children’s films, and “Moana” is no exception. The film starts out with a voiceover stating, “In the beginning there were only oceans”: an immediate nod to Evolution and false-creation. Maui believes he and other gods have the power to create just about anything. The film continues with some dark references and images of mythology, including an image of “the demon of earth and fire.” Stories of dark magic are shared with little children, and we see Maui turn into many different types of animals, including birds, whales, and sharks.

Reincarnation is mentioned and implied, after one character passes away. The character tells her granddaughter, “There is nowhere you can go where I won’t be with you.” This scene may bother younger viewers, as we see the character laying on her deathbed. We later see the character’s spirit communicate with another character, and it is implied she is reincarnated as a stingray. Moana frequently “speaks” to the ocean, and Maui believes that the heart of Te Fiti has the power to create life itself. Maui “communicates” with his many tattoos, as they perform various acts and gestures. Maui and Moana both later bow to a goddess. On a side note, Moana is a bit rebellious and deliberately disobeys her father after he tells her not to go beyond the ocean reef.

“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.” —Leviticus 19:31 ESV

“Moana” may appear to be another “innocent” animated fantasy/action family film. But when you look a little more closely, it is a film that revolves around some pretty dark magic and borders along the of line occult. The lava monster, in particular, nearly serves as a form of demonic character, as it heaves flames at Moana and Maui. It may just appear as a mythological god in the film, but, when looked at more closely, I believe it serves as more of a demonic symbol than something simply pulled out of a fairy tale. Some parents may be concerned about multiple characters wearing tattoos all over their bodies. Maui brags about how he “earns” tattoos from doing great deeds. There is also some light toilet humor as Moana yells at the ocean, “Fish pee in you all day,” and it is also implied that Maui urinates in the ocean (nothing is seen).

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. —2 Timothy 1:7

“Moana” certainly has its strong points, though, as friendships are cherished, loyalty and self-sacrifice are applauded, the importance of family is shared, and the strong message of faith and courage come into play. Moana is certainly a persistent character, who does not give up very easily. The message of believing in yourself is huge in this film, but this could also give some audiences mixed feelings. We need faith more than anything. We should not be believing in ourselves, but solely on God. As John 15:5 says,

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Proverbs 28:26 also shares,

“Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”

And, of course, this proverb means godly wisdom; wisdom from the one true God.

Throughout the entire film, we see many characters put their faith in the wrong things: false gods, magic, and other human beings. One thing is for certain, though, they do not lack faith, character, or courage. One other positive message that is shared in the film is that greed and pride lead to destruction. We need each other. And this is a huge ongoing theme in “Moana.”

“…to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” —Acts 26:18

“Moana” is a relatively clean film. But, as I mentioned above, the most problematic content here is the use and display of dark magic, portrayals of mythology, and the main characters placing their faith and hope in not only themselves but false gods. A character shares a story about how he was left by his family as a baby and found by the gods. Followers of Christ may find a solid parallel to this story, though. We can be reassured, whenever we may feel lost, all we need to do is seek God out and He will find us and embrace us with His tender loving care. When we find God, He also finds us.

“Moana” is also a film about self-discovery and finding who you really are. John 1:12 shares, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” There is also a great message of defining who you are. It isn’t Maui’s magic hook that defines him as a person and great demigod. It is his character that defines him.

While “Moana” may be filled with plenty of positive messages, the content for concern (for family audiences anyway) slightly outweighs these great messages. I still give “Moana” a cautionary recommendation, as it will most likely be one of the safest options at the cinema this holiday season. But please take great caution before considering viewing this film, especially with younger children. Not only is the dark spirituality a concern, but some of the monsters shown are just downright too scary for the little ones. “Moana” may appear to be an innocent, homemade magical adventure from the studio that brought us “Frozen.” But, just like “Frozen,” it isn’t all that innocent. “Moana” still has its dark roots, moments of intense action/peril, and some questionable themes, just like many of its predecessors.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” —Romans 12:2

Violence: Moderate / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: Minor

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I took my 4 and a half year old and my 10 year old to this movie, and they both really enjoyed it, but so did I! It’s good for kids and adults. Unlike the reviewer, I did not see any “occult” themes in the film. If “Cinderella” or “Sleeping Beauty” came out today, this reviewer would have found occult themes in those as well! Then should movies stop having scary monsters or villains—evil creatures which the protagonists defeat? No, I say not. I loved the movie. Visually, it was beautiful; story wise and in every other respect, it was bright, funny, and appealing. The characters are good and courageous, not failing to do what’s right in the end. Is this not a Christian theme? I enjoyed it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Emily R., age 41 (Canada)
Positive—I thoroughly enjoyed “Moana,” it has all the qualities of a good Disney movies. Great songs ( “How Far I’ll Go” and “We Know the Way” stand out in particular), fun and memorable characters, a very fun story, and spectacular animation (Disney’s most breathtaking animation to date). I didn’t find it to be quite as great as “Frozen” or the superb “Tangled,” but it’s still a fun time at the movies.

There are a few positive messages in the movie about courage, perseverance, and sacrifice. Parents should know (there is also some cartoony slapstick and brief toilet humor) this is one of the “darker” Disney movies, with Polynesian religion shown throughout. The beginning of the movie is a story showing their ideas about “creation,” and it is revealed to just be a story told to a bunch of children. Reincarnation is hinted at a couple of times. And need I mention a shape-shifting “demigod” and a “lava monster” both play major roles here. However, none of these deities or myths discussed are shown to be worshiped at all in the film (Maui’s brief moment or two with cheering fans is much more “celebrity paparazzi” than anything else), and we don’t see religious rituals really of any sort. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Blake, age 22 (USA)
Positive—I disagree with the reviewer that this movie is “occult”—in fact, I think that the “occult” diagnosis paints the movie in an unnecessarily negative light, and shows a lack of understanding about Polynesian culture and mythology. There is plenty of mythology in this movie, don’t get me wrong—if you’re very offended by hearing references to gods and demigods, then put this one on the backburner.

But Moana’s positive themes outshine everything else: Empathy, building friendships, bravery and standing up for oneself (or one’s beliefs). Moana has a deep, respectful relationship with her grandmother (rare in children’s films—rare in most films, really), and there’s even a brief “adoption” reference that explores themes of being “worthy” of love because of who you are, not what you do. An empowering, gorgeous film for kids and adults alike.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chelsea, age 27 (USA)
Positive— I enjoyed the movie. It’s a good family-friendly adventure from story from Disney. I didn’t mind the Polynesian mythology. I believe it was in service of telling a good story, not promoting some “occult” ideas. I enjoyed the fact that she had a loving two parent family. Her father is a loving parent who just trying to do what’s best for her. There are some good themes here. Our heroine wants to serve her people, and she struggles with how best to achieve it. She wants to honor her father’s wishes, but is torn by her own dreams of adventure.

No sex. No violence. Some scariness from a volcano monster that may scare younger kids. But, overall, I would recommend it. As side effect, the film is so beautiful it may make you want to go to Hawaii.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Keith Chandler, age 38 (USA)
Positive—“Moana” is a family movie that encourages young people to follow their passions and dreams. I agree that the movie does hint at disobedience and could portray male figures negatively. However, I believe that the overall message of “Moana” is not to condemn men or to encourage disobedience, but to encourage following where God has called you. Although there are aspects of the Polynesian religion, I do not believe that these references encourage black magic or the occult. What is mentioned within the movie is nothing more than what would be taught in the classroom. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Daniela, age 20 (USA)
Positive—While there are references to gods other than God, C.S. Lewis does the same; so if we are to bar this movie for that reason Lewis” books should also be avoided.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Michael Neil, age 19 (USA)
Positive—There is essentially nothing particularly negative in this movie. Nothing sexual, nothing lewd (except, perhaps, the implication that Maui peed into the ocean while Moana’s hand was downstream). Yes, there is clearly a Polynesian religious framework in place—but that doesn’t make this a bad movie. It’s in no way pushing this mythos, it simply… exists. Other religions exist. Other people with other belief systems exist, right around us, and if a child can’t see the difference, and understand that different people believe different things, then a parent has been misguided somewhere. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Michaela, age 19 (USA)
Positive—I acknowledge the animism, the mysticism, and the negative paganism that I think most Christians would acknowledge and either criticize or overlook. But let us remember, this is not a Christian movie, nor was it intended to be. Neither is Peyton Manning scoring a touchdown, followed by a beer commercial, but let’s not start that debate—this isn’t the forum for that. What I’d like to focus on was what struck me the hardest… and that was the story of Maui himself.

His pride (in his backstory) followed by his fall (his exile) are a good demonstration of Proverbs 16:18 at a level a kid might understand. In addition, the family can see the dangers of relying too much on your profession or your skills or your assets as a basis for your identity. There are numerous NT references where the Jews relied on their identity, their birthright, or their lineage to be on God’s “inside track”. Jesus put an end to that.

In this film, we see that Maui’s reliance on his demi-god status, most specifically, his hook, for his personal strength would eventually fail him. This is something he would eventually repent of, and apologize for, verbally. (Another good point for kids to see…) Maui realizes this finally when he comes to realize “Hook. No hook. I’m Maui.” That for me was the most impactful line of the movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
—Chuck, age 50 (USA)
Positive—I am a [Anglican] Christian priest, and I celebrate “Moana” as true to Biblical stories and themes. Those who are concerned about Maui’s portrayal as a demi-god may have missed the scene where he says, “I wasn’t born a demi-god, I was born to human parents.” The image of his mother tossing him into the water is directly in line with the story of Moses. In the end, Maui is not understood to be a god at all, but to be a human, following the Creator’s will and heart. The line “We tell the stories of our elders”—is that not what Christians do, in sharing Biblical stories?? As a priest, I will be showing this to children without hesitation and inviting them into the parallels, as well.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Timothy, age 51 (USA)
Positive—I like “Moana” very much, it’s one of our favorites. All “god’s” in the history are in fact fallen angels, they brought knowledge, fire, war etc. The fact that Maui says he wasn’t always a demi god but a human, at first, doesn’t change the fact that he chose to sin by changing what God had created after gaining powers from fallen angels.

Going further he even claims to have created things that God has created—trees, coconuts, land… etc. Lies. He changes God’s work by stealing the heart of “tafiti” (earth) and corrupting it. Although this is all… cultural… its lessons and warnings have roots in factual events. Satan is tempting so it’s easy to see the good qualities in the film and ignore the bad. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: no opinion
Sar, age 31 (USA)
Positive—This is a good story about a young woman going on a quest to save her people. Moana having the courage to go beyond the reef to keep her people from starving shows nobleness and a sense of responsibility to her tribe. A good leader looks out for the well being of the people he or she is leading. I disagree with the reviewers who see the movie as anti-male. There is a man who has trouble fixing a roof, but not all men are carpenters. I don’t see an issue with the man who was a good cook. I have known many men who are great cooks. Men and women vary in talents and interest. Not every man is going to be good at fixing things, not every woman is going to be good in the kitchen. The important thing is to use the talents that God has given us to better humanity. I also don’t see why people were offended by the boy fainting when the grandmother is telling a frightening story. In the past female characters in cartoons fainted when dealing with something scary. If it isn’t offensive for women to faint, why is it offensive for men to faint?

There is a bit magic and mythology in the movie. However, most Disney movies have magic and mythology. “Brother Bear,” “Brave,” “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Hercules,” “The Little Mermaid” to name a few.

I like the positive relationship Moana had with her grandmother and parents. It is nice to see positive family relationships as opposed to dysfunctional relationships. Moana’s father being protective made sense, loosing someone close can have that effect on a person.

Maui’s character is selfish, but he chooses to do the right thing in the end. He is similar to Kuzko from “The Emperor’s New Groove” Overall, I thought it a good movie and very enjoyable to watch.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Susie, age 28 (USA)
Neutral—The film was very clean and funny, but, as time, went on I got more and more bothered with the whole “demi-god” aspect and the song about how this “demi-god” created everything… I know my son who is 7 wasn’t spiritually harmed by this song, because he knows there is one God who created everything… still…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
James, age 42 (USA)
Negative—Aside movie making quality, the FEMINISM level in “Moana” is appalling. Literally all female characters in the movie are positive, and ALL male characters are negative… even the rooster is all messed up and needs constant attention from Moana. I’m either paranoic, the whole thing is an incredible coincidence, or movie makers are really that anti men and blatantly proud of it.

Also, which is not surprising for Disney movies (except for rare cases like Emperor’s New Groove), this one is suffering from “child knows best” syndrome; Moana is shown as the wisest of all, while her father is the stumbling block for everybody’s happiness. P.S.: I thinking I know the reason Emperor’s New Groove was never popular, —the movie gave to much credit to the male/father character (by feminist’s standards).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Vladislav Valentinov, age 40 (USA)
Negative—This movie is so filled with occult themes that it is impossible for me to give it a good “moral” rating, regardless of the good qualities the characters display. The characters, of course, are likable, and, at the end, things work out, but, in the biblical sense, the film is offensive to God. No pun intended, but from the beginning, they take the first verse in the Bible “In the beginning…” and from there everything is twisted. The most blatant offense to God is the worshiping of the goddess “mother nature”.

As far as entertainment, this movie is simply breathtaking. The effects and animation, the colors, the humor all comes together for an entertaining feast. Just be prepared to explain to your children that this is in fact an anti-God movie and don’t look the other way saying that it shows biblical values, when, in fact, it insults the most important of all biblical values.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Angel, age 51 (USA)
Negative—I happened to be invited to this movie. This movie is filled with episodes of occultic nature. This is a typical scenario to brainwash our children into following false values. Believing in yourself, reincarnation, communication with spirits, false gods and nature worship are portrayed throughout the film.

The movie had a really good animation and storyline. I wish there was a movie with good moral story just like in old days.

Particular emphasis shall be made on communication with spirits. These spirits are not friendly spirits just like they are portrayed in the movie. Coming out of New Age occult, I can confirm that there are real demons behind the spirits that will manifest some day when a child starts calling on it to come. These kind of movies are particularly good in achieving its purpose of convincing little spectators and people with little or no discernment. One has to be born again in order to see the kingdom of God. Once we are born again, we get a special set of “spiritual eyes”. God truly reveals all hidden things behind what looks like innocent kids movie. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Olga, age 36 (USA)
Negative—Many subtle problems that will influence younger viewers. This includes:

1. Worship of spiritual beings on high places (the mountain)

2. Calling up ancestors for advice, including the use of drums for this purpose

3. Communicating with ancestors

4. Reincarnation

5. Attributing power to inanimate objects, e.g., the ocean (eastern belief) and that the ocean chose Moana

6. The confusion of a “good goddess” with a “demonic” character, i.e., implying that the reverse side of good is evilSee all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Cazbee, age 51 (South Africa)
Negative—Had anybody paid attention to the lyrics in “You’re Welcome”?? It even states, “There’s no need to pray, it’s okay; You’re welcome!” Now how can that be good… at a time when we must encourage and teach our kids to pray. Yet Disney subliminally does the opposite.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Anibal Bernal, age 38
Negative—Another poster mentioned how anti male this movie is, and he’s totally right.

• One big man whimpers and almost cries while getting a tattoo. • Another man tells a group of people he can’t fix a hole in a roof, no matter how many times he tries. Moana swings down from the roof and tells the group she fixed it, and then tries some of the food the man made and says it’s really good, and implies he’d be better off working in the kitchen.
• The male demi-god Maui is vain and selfish and brags on himself.
• The giant male crab villain is also vain and conceited and loves to talk about himself.
• A boy in a group of kids passes out during a scary story but none of the girls.
• Moana’s father is over protective.

But all the females in the movie are perfect. They pretty much can do anything and are wise and brave and don’t have any faults at all.

The movie is nothing but man bashing to appeal to a female audience.

Think they’ll ever make a movie aimed at men that’s full of female bashing? I don’t either.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
John, age 65 (USA)
Negative—Moana is an excellently beautiful movie: excellent animation, characters, good story, beautiful and sometimes hyper-emotional music (but always lacks a “message”).

But after watching it, I got very depressed. I like Moana, who is kind, strong, smart, brave… What made me depressed was the dark spirituality, which is a huge contrast to Moana’s character. As an Independent Fundamental Baptist, I really dislike the “spiritually incorrect” contents: a false “in the beginning” story, Polynesian mysticism, animism, polytheism, reincarnation, consulting spirits, magic, bowing down to a goddess, a demigod robs the credits for creation, etc. And that Moana telling Maui “you’re worthy to be saved” (but actually no one is worthy), Moana parting the sea (maybe this is a deliberate mocking of Moses). Putting the lovely Moana in this dark pagan world is a tragedy! The music is also sometimes too emotional (like “an innocent warrior” etc.) without spirituality. Just listening to the music could make one depressed.

Maybe I’m oversensitive or too into the movie. I hope to fix it. I hope there’ll be an Old Testament style sequel to Moana. So I made a very brief sketch of it:See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Magist, age 32 (China)
Comments from young people
Neutral—Maui, The Demi-God, gloats about creating everything including the wind and sun. To me, he is possessing the spirit of pride, and it is very offensive as a Christian. But, the colors and humor were good, and the singing by Moana is very well based.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Serenity, age 15 (USA)
Comments from non-viewers
Negative—I saw enough on the case I checked out from the library and in the first 3 minutes of watching to cause me to hit eject. My instincts have been confirmed by checking several review sites, including Wikipedia. Disney seems to have a broken record history of painting parents as overly protective, cowardly, not so bright losers. The hick carrot farmers in “Zootopia,” who preached giving up on your dreams as the path to bliss and rejoiced over their daughter’s initial failure. The royal parents in “Frozen” who laid down rules to protect the life of their younger daughter after the older almost killed her. These parents were killed off early in film. I believe there was a similar setup in “Brave.” The timid dad in the “Nemo” film (mother killed off); Disney loves killing off parents. See all »
Don (USA)

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