Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Pamela Karpelenia
Moral Rating: | Extremely Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Adults |
Genre: | Supernatural-Horror Mystery Thriller Sequel |
Length: | 1 hr. 43 min. |
Year of Release: | 2018 |
USA Release: |
January 5, 2018 (wide—3,116 theaters) DVD: April 3, 2018 |
So-called “DEMONOLOGISTS”—those who study demons (or beliefs about demons), and especially the methods used to summon and supposedly “control” them
“In ancient Babylon, DEMONOLOGY had an influence on even the most mundane elements of life, from petty annoyances to the emotions of love and hatred. The numerous demonic spirits were given charge over various parts of the human body, one for the head, one for the neck, and so on.”
What is PARAPSYCHOLOGY and what are supposed paranormal “gifts”? Study of paranormal and psychic phenomena which include reincarnation, apparitional experiences, telepathy, psychokinesis (movement of physical objects using the mind alone), precognition, clairvoyance, near-death experiences, and other paranormal claims. “It is identified as pseudoscience by a majority of mainstream scientists.”
What is the OCCULT? Answer
THE OCCULT—What does the Bible say about it? Answer
People who try to contact the dead / mediums / channeling…
• What is a NECROMANCER? Answer
• What are SOOTHSAYERS? Answer
So-called modern “ghost hunters”
Who is SATAN, the enemy of God and all people? Answer
Is Satan a real person that influences our world today? Is he affecting you? Answer
What are DEMONS? Answer
Devils and in the Bible
DEMON POSSESSION and Influence—Can Christians be demon possessed? In what ways can Satan and his demons influence believers? Answer
What is DEATH? and WHY does it exist? Answer in the Bible
What is the FINAL JUDGMENT? and WHAT do you need to know about it? Answer
What is ETERNAL LIFE? Answer
What is ETERNAL DEATH? Answer
NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES—Who is the being of light encountered in near-death experiences? Answer
Satan and his demons want people to believe false things about him and his demons—and he uses these deceptions to his advantage in misleading, tempting and even terrorizing humans
FEAR, Anxiety and Worry—What does the Bible say? Answer
AFRAID OF THE DARK—How can I help my child to trust in God’s care when she is afraid at night? Answer
Sin of abusing children
Hope for those who have an abusive parent
Why does God allow innocent people to suffer? Answer
What about the issue of suffering? Doesn’t this prove that there is no God and that we are on our own? Answer
Does God feel our pain? Answer
ORIGIN OF BAD—How did bad things come about? Answer
Featuring |
Lin Shaye … Elise Rainier Leigh Whannell … Specs Angus Sampson … Tucker Kirk Acevedo … Ted Garza Caitlin Gerard … Imogen Rainier Spencer Locke … Melissa Rainier Josh Stewart … Gerald Rainier Tessa Ferrer … Audrey Rainier Aleque Reid … Anna Ava Kolker … Young Elise Rainier Pierce Pope … Young Christian Rainier Bruce Davison … Christian Rainier See all » |
Director |
Adam Robitel |
Producer |
Blumhouse Productions Entertainment One See all » |
Distributor |
occultic, spiritually misleading, grotesque and potentially spiritually dangerous
“Insidious: The Last Key” is the fourth installment of the “Insidious” franchise, which serves as a prequel and a sequel. A sequel to the third film and a prequel to the first and second films. The film opens up with a flashback to a young Elise (one of the series’ protagonists—the woman killed in the first film). She is shown to be abused by her prison-warden father due to her “gift” of continually seeing ghosts and communicating with the dead. This flashback is quickly revealed to be a nightmare that a much older Elise is having. Elise is now a demonologist and parapsychologist who runs her business of combating spirits and demonic forces. She receives a call from someone who is living in the house that she grew up in as a child and is being haunted by its ghosts.
The film doesn’t have the classic horror vibe that the first two movies delivered. It comes off as more modern and rushed and not as painstakingly consistent as the first two films. The lead actress Lin Shaye (Elise) gives an adequate performance—nothing remarkable, but agreeable and true to the character established throughout the franchise. The remainder of the cast is very much as they were in the other films.
There is a plethora objectionable occultic content, starting with the film’s very unbiblical concept of ghosts and spirits lingering after death and the paranormal ability to communicate with the dead, the unrealistic depiction of demons and powers, and the depiction of communicating with demons as being a paranormal “gift.” Biblically-speaking, this movie is filled with dangerously wrong information. What is true is that a man or woman only physically dies once and then faces judgment.
Editor’s Note: Demons are real and active supernatural beings, but are depicted here in a way that is very misleading and potentially dangerous—creating irrational fear (a strong motivator frequently employed by Satan) and promoting so-called occultic paranormal psychic “powers” as something to be sought after as the solution to overcome fear, dangers and attacks—when nothing could be further from the truth. That path leads people into great trouble and deception, not away from it—just as our hateful Adversary desires. The world pictured by “Insidious” is godless.
MALEVOLENT SPIRITS—Where do these dangerous, hostile, and evil entities come from? Answer (Who are they? Why do they exist? An open letter to Wiccan and Spiritist believers from a former Spiritist)
What does the Bible say about SPIRITS/GHOSTS/FAMILIAR SPIRITS? Answer
Another unsettling part of the movie is when a character hands Elise a Bible and she ever so briefly scoffs at it. This revealing action sums up what’s wrong with the movie—very unbiblical principles, ideas and themes run rampant throughout the “Insidious” film universe.
There is very scary imagery throughout the film—dark creatures and beings with great strength that cause harm to humans. A young girl is shown being possessed, and a girl is shown being beaten by her father. Such dark themes are throughout the film, and are hard to shake after leaving the theater and are unfortunately devoid of what most are looking for in a horror film.
I consider myself a fan of the franchise because of the vintage horror angle. However, this film is very dark, and the subject matter is truly not for Christian viewing. It takes wholly unbiblical concepts and attempts to manifest them as a working reality in this sinful world.
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
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