Scene from Warriors of Virtue. Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).
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Warriors of Virtue

also known as “A tao harcosai,” “Creature Zone,” “Die Krieger des Tao-Universums,” “Erdem savaşçıları,” “Guerreiros da Virtude,” See all »

Reviewed by: Dale Mason

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Ages 10-15
Genre: Teen Martial-Arts Action Adventure Fantasy
Length: 2 hr. 11 min.
Year of Release: 1997
USA Release: May 2, 1997 (wide release—2,101 theaters)
Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)click photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
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Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

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Copyright, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

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Featuring Angus MacfadyenKomodo
Marley SheltonElysia
Jack TateYun
Doug JonesYee
Teryl RotheryKathryn
Mario Yedidia … Ryan Jeffers
Chao Li Chi (Chao-Li Chi) … Master Chung
Don Lewis (Don W. Lewis) … Lai / Mayor Keena
J. Todd Adams … Chi
Adrienne Corcoran … Tsun
Michael J. Anderson (Michael John Anderson) … Mudlap
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Director Ronny Yu
Producer China Film Co-Production Corporation [China]
Law Brothers Entertainment [Hong Kong, China]
Yoram Barzilai
Ogden Gavanski
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If you’re still into comic book fantasy, but too old to admit that you like watching the “Power Rangers” on Saturday mornings, this movie was created for you! It is targeted at gradeschoolers and early jr. high kids, especially action-loving boys. Unfortunately, it will appeal to most young children.

In a strange mix of normal drama, “Star Wars” style creatures, and “Power Rangers” comradery, “Warriors of Virtue” is unique. It combines special visual effects, humorous tension, eastern/Hindu-like religious elements and a couple of special relationships (mother/son and girl/boy) to communicate its central message: preserve life, don’t take it. Unfortunately, that nice sounding message is all but lost amid the myriad martial arts fight scenes.

In a nutshell, the story is this: Ryan, a pubescent latchkey child who literally limps through life with a painfully obvious leg brace, is starved for the attention and acceptance of his peers. He succumbs to peer pressure and accepts a stupid/dangerous dare from a popular bully. The dare is spitefully designed both to humiliate and initiate him into a suburban “gang”, but something goes wrong and Ryan finds himself transported to another world. He emerges in a beautiful swamp in the land of Tao.

He soon learns that an evil tyrant in this mystical world is selfishly using up all the energy from the “life springs” in order to keep himself young. Only one lifespring remains, putting the survival of the world in doubt. Young Ryan eventually overcomes all odds with the help of a Star Wars-type Obi-Wan character and 5 kangaroo-looking, “kung-foo” fighting good guys (the Warriors of Virtue), plus an all-important ancient manuscript.

“Warriors of Virtue” falls short in the virtue department, and in most other departments as well. Yes, the costuming is elaborate and top-notch, and the martial arts fight scenes are enjoyable to youngsters. But the weak story and poor exhibition of true virtue will sweep this movie into discount theaters and low-price video release very quickly.

Because most parents probably will not pre-screen a movie such as this, but are likely to allow their children to view it, here are some words and expletive terms that you may hear your children repeating more frequently: fart, woosey (2x), God!, sucker, “Sh*t happens” (4x), A*s, “Go to h*ll.”

Editor’s Note: This Chinese film failed badly at the boxoffice in the U.S. and worldwide, with gross income far lower than its US$35-million budget.

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I read the review of the movie and the child’s comment. Although I do think there were a few words that could have been left out, I am not so naive as to think my children don’t hear those words and much worse at school. …the young man was not correct in his thought that this movie supports Toaism any more than “The Razor’s Edge” supported Buddhism or “The Little Mermaid” supports Greek Mythology as a way of life.

I think “Warriors of Virtue” is one of the better family movies I have seen this year. Our children are subjected to so much violence and gore in movies that the message “If you take a life you lose part of yourself” was refreshing to hear.

Yes, there were fight scenes, but the story is about good battling evil and through team work winning out. As Christians don’t we preach the same message??? We must fight against evil and if we pull together no evil can defeat us.
D. Blailock
Positive—Are you in the mood for a movie version of a fantasy comic book? Then this is the movie for you! The plot is like somebody’s drug-induced hallucination following a night of Jackie Chan and Star Wars video viewing. I became much more interested in the salt-content at the bottom of my popcorn container than the life of this movie’s hero cheesy hero. Here’s some free advice: Save your money and your sanity; forget the “World of Tao” and enter the “World of Jordan” this week during the NBA playoffs! you’ll thank me… I promise.
Jim Ost, age 31
Comments from young people
Negative—I was somewhat interested in this (I usually prefer medieval fantasies to ninja flicks, though) until I heard it supported the Tao religion
Michael C., age 15

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