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Left Behind

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some thematic elements, violence/peril and brief drug content.

Reviewed by: Raphael Vera

Moral Rating: Good
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens Family
Genre: Christian Action Thriller Remake
Length: 1 hr. 50 min.
Year of Release: 2014
USA Release: October 3, 2014 (wide—1,825 theaters)
October 10, 2014 (wider—1,887 theaters)
DVD: January 6, 2015
Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment click photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment
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Copyright, Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment

Rapture: This term is most commonly used to refer to the Bible prophecy where faithful believers are taken up to Heaven before the apocalyptic end of days tribulation period of 7 years.



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Reviews of other “Left Behind” based movies

Left Behind” (2000)
Left Behind II: Tribulation Force” (2002)
Left Behind: World at War” (2005)

Featuring Nicolas CageRayford Steele
Lea ThompsonIrene Steele
Nicky Whelan … Hattie Durham
Chad Michael Murray … Buck Williams
Cassi Thomson … Chloe Steele
Laura Cayouette … Neighbor Woman
Quinton Aaron … Simon
Jordin Sparks … Shasta Carvell
Martin Klebba … Melvin Weir (dwarf)
See all »
Director Vic Armstrong—Second Unit Director and stunt coordinator for “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” (2014) and “Thor” (2011)
Producer Stoney Lake Entertainment
Distributor Freestyle Releasing, eOne Entertainment

“The end begins.”

What will you do when the world as you know it suddenly comes to an end? How will the world react if all children, from every corner of the globe vanish? “Left Behind” attempts to paint a picture of the day this happens as untold millions of people disappear at the same moment and without a clue.

The day begins innocently enough when a young college student named Chloe (Cassi Thomson) arrives at her hometown airport to visit her parents on the day of her dad’s birthday. Unfortunately, her father Ray Steele, played with likable ease by Nicolas Cage, is piloting a commercial flight to London within the hour. An impromptu meeting with him is marred when she sees her dad openly flirting with a flight attendant named Hattie Durham (Nicky Whelan).

Also at the airport is well-known photo journalist Buck Williams (Chad Michael Murray) who is confronted by a stranger informing him that the “famines and earthquakes” that he has covered were prophesied in the Bible and are signs that the world will soon come to judgment (Matthew Chapter 24). Before Buck can say much else, Chloe, who happens to be walking by, takes on the stranger by questioning the existence of God. It becomes obvious that she and Buck have made a connection over this episode, and, as her dad goes to prepare for the flight, Buck is also talking and even exchange numbers before he too has to board the plane.

The flight takes off and Hattie is soon boasting to fellow stewardess Kimmy that she and Ray will be enjoying the weekend in London “together” for the first time. Meanwhile, Chloe has arrived home and soon accosts her mom (Lea Thompson) for recently finding God, which must have so alienated dad he felt compelled to work on his birthday, the whole point of her visit. Frustrated, Chloe decides to go to the mall with her little brother Raymie (Major Dodson), and it is then, during the middle of the day, on the plane her dad is piloting, and, in fact, all over the world that millions of people suddenly vanish with nothing but their clothes remaining.

Planes, cars and school buses, suddenly devoid of drivers, crash, and everywhere panic erupts as shocked and bewildered parents discover that their kids, the very young and innocent, have also been snatched from them in the twinkling of an eye.

The rest of the film divides its time between the danger on board Ray’s flight, as there may be no place to land in New York, his panicking passengers who have lost loved ones in mid-air, a hometown gone mad and Chloe’s journey as she, like her dad come to the slow realization that they had been warned about this before and now have no idea what comes next.

After an admittedly slow build up, “Left Behind” does get interesting, and the interaction between the passengers showcases the “everyman’s” reactions and biases that inevitably arise in any emergency situation.

Objectionable Content

Language. Minor. The closest the film comes to taking God’s name in vain is when Hattie discovers her co-worker is gone and exclaims, “Oh God, Kimmy!”, otherwise God’s name is either said in deference or else defiant as in, “How can a loving God allow this?” Profanity was almost non-existent save for a single “S***” word which was so out of place with the rest of the movie that I missed it the first time I saw the movie, but it is there none-the-less. Why it was included in an otherwise Christian film is beyond me. Ray intends to be unfaithful while on this trip, yet no explicit details are given by him or Hattie.

Violence: Moderate to heavy. Aside from the panic, seen locally and worldwide via television, there is wholesale looting of stores, people fighting each other, many crashes, and a man is shot trying to rob a jewelry store. People are threatened by guns and two “threaten” suicide, but no blood is ever shown, and neither are any deaths on screen, aside from the robber. A school bus goes off a bridge, but no driver or children are found. There is the peril of planes crashing into each other, and people everywhere are seen falling into a frenzied mob mentality.

Violence against oneself, in the form of drug abuse (still often erroneously referred to as a victimless crime), is also shown when a passenger resorts to this in order to escape the horror of what has happened (unsuitable for younger children, especially due to the intensity of the situations).

Sex/Nudity: Mild. Ray clearly intends to be unfaithful to his wife Irene, but no details are discussed, either by him or Hattie. When we first see Hattie, the camera focuses on her legs, and her blouse is probably a size too small, as she is practically bursting out of it. Chloe shows her own cleavage, though most often in threatening situations where the tension overrides the moment. I noticed nothing else bordering on inappropriate.


A Muslim passenger suggests, after hearing numerous theories on the disappearances (alien abduction, invisibility), that they all consider prayer. While this instigates an argument on the plane as to, “whose God do we pray to?”, the point is a Biblically valid one and supported by the whole of the Bible, for good reason. At times of judgment, prayers to God have saved his people, as when Moses cried out on their behalf.

“I feared the anger and wrath of the Lord, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But again the Lord listened to me.” -Deuteronomy 9:19

God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, advises us more than once what could be accomplished if we only put our faith in prayer.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” —Matthew 7:7-8

Ray had not yet been physically unfaithful to his wife, but he is clearly planning to commit adultery with Hattie while in London (having first committed adultery in his heart). His alienation from his wife may have begun the day she was saved, a year earlier, however the Bible warns us that by dwelling on desires we know are wrong, no matter what the “excuse,” it will inevitably lead to acting out the sin.

“But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” —James 1:14-15

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The film depicts an instantaneous departure of God’s chosen, and I found the scenes an interesting modern interpretation of well known New Testament Scripture, including:

“Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” —Matthew 24:40

Looking for answers, Chloe heads for her church, only to find it deserted, except for Pastor Barnes (Lance E. Nichols). Shocked, she asks him why wasn’t he taken (raptured), and he is forced to admit the reason when he says, “I knew the Words, I could quote them chapter and verse, but that’s not enough, you have to believe.” Our Lord himself warned us that many who call on his name would find themselves in the same position for lack of faith, and the deeds that follow faith as a matter of course.

“Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?” —Luke 6:46

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” -Matthew 7:21

Based on the popular twelve (12) part book series, readers familiar with the works should be aware that the film only covers content from a few chapters of book one. The anti-Christ never gets introduced, so we don’t get to see the world government begin to take shape under his leadership. A few other liberties are also taken with the storyline, making it seem more like a real-time disaster film, but more in the tradition of an episodic TV series like “24”.

As an “end-time” film, it captures well the utter sense of hopelessness that must take place after the Rapture. The kind that will drive many to thoughts of suicide and yet others to God, and that will be what comes next for those “left behind”—the choice to then acknowledge Jesus as Lord or to continue to live this life rejecting him. Yet, as desperately as it is portrayed, real events will pan out much more tragically than can be captured by a writer’s imagination. Hopefully, the film will encourage many to do their own research on the subject, beginning with the most reliable source—that of God’s Word-because no one can truly know his timing and we all need to be focusing on Him lest we be caught unawares.

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” —Matthew 24:42-44

“Left Behind” is a decently made, taut and suspenseful drama with enough humor to keep it interesting, but the small budget, by Hollywood measures, gives it a small screen (TV) quality that is occasionally hard to ignore. Messaging, however, is excellent (as far as it goes), and it made me wish this had instead been produced as a year-long TV series, as I do believe it deserves high marks for effort, though slightly lower for execution.

Violence: Moderate to heavy / Profanity: Mild—“My God” (2), “Oh God” (1), s-word (1) / Sex/Nudity: Mild

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I was worried that Hollywood would distort this movie, however it followed very closely to the original with Kirk Cameron. Nicholas Cage did an excellent job playing Rayford Steele! The supporting cast was Awesome! I was pleasantly surprised! This movie drives the message home that we all need to be ready!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Trish Coleman, age 52 (USA)
Positive— Fantastic movie. Really showed people’s various emotional struggles with the Rapture and their struggle to understand God. Didn’t do any cheesy religious preaching. Did a great job with holding to the Truth, yet depicting the true to life struggles people have with receiving Jesus. I sure hope they make the other ones, because this one was a lot more powerful than the earlier “Left Behind” movies. It didn’t skip any emotional steps towards realizing the Truth. It showed the denial, then the anger, then the eventual coming around.

I can’t wait to see the next one, because they are going to begin falling in love with Jesus and understanding who He really is. And with the way they did this first movie as a foundation, I know they will show their relationships with Him as genuine. No quick “Christian” fixes in this movie. Emotionally, very real to life. Great acting also. And showed good unfolding of the story with wonderfully detailed interaction between characters. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Christa, age 45 (USA)
Positive—They did a very good job in what will now obviously be the 1st of many sequels to follow. I have read all the books, suffered through all the awkward ones made back in the 90s. This new one was done very well.

I love how the entire secular review system hates this movie. And it has nothing to do with the movie itself, but a society who rejects the truth more and more. In fact, reading those bad reviews made me want to go see it even more. I took my 12 year old daughter. We both really liked it and can’t wait for the next one. Christians go support this film. Vote with your money.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Gino S., age 47 (USA)
Positive—Ever since I first heard that they were going to be remaking the “Left Behind” movie, I have wanted to see it. I was not disappointed in the slightest. There was no profanity or overly inappropriate physical/sexual content. The film did contain some violent, disturbing and intense moments, but, considering the setting and overall storyline, those elements were not unexpected. The movie is rated PG-13, so parents should exercise caution when deciding whether to let younger children see it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4
Austin, age 27 (USA)
Positive—In terms of moviemaking qualities, this movie was very well done. It was very exciting and hung you on the edge of your seat. I thought that the look of the film was much better than the original with Kirk Cameron. However, I heard no one accept Jesus as Lord in this movie. Chloe went to the church and rejected what Pastor Barnes had to say. Pastor Barnes was in the movie for about five minutes overall… To be honest, the film revolved more around Nicholas Cage’s character, Rayford Steele, than any other. Chloe was seen throughout the film, but the story is only about the actual Rapture. It showed people panicking and getting upset that people were missing, but it did not go any further.

Overall, this is a decent movie. It does make you want to talk about Jesus. It is not preachy. It does not beat you over the head about the Bible, but it will make you want to look at it. Go see the film in order to support Christian films.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4
Karen, age 49 (USA)
Positive—…Nicolas Cage did a great job as he does in his movies. He realizes and says that his wife had told him the truth and that God took the people to heaven. No one gets saved or born again. The story only covers a small part of the original movie “Left Behind” (2000) starring Kirk Cameron as Buck Williams.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Karen, age 62 (USA)
Positive—Excellent, must see movie. Great cast and wonderful acting. Great entertainment for the whole family.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Paul, age 57 (Canada)
Positive—Was apprehensive about this movie and not a big Nicolas Cage fan, but, once it warmed up, it was actually pretty good. I liked the casting and the interesting array of characters. Some nice special effects at the end and gripping seat action. Overall, worth seeing and definitely prompted lots of conversation on the way home, theological and spiritual. Slightly looking forward to the sequel, but dearly hoping they don’t over milk the cash cow!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Christopher Winter, age 59 (USA)
Positive—I just saw the movie and had limited expectations. I’ve read all the novels in the series and watched the Kirk Cameron versions. I’ve also read the comments of others, especially the negative comments. Some complained that parts of the story were left out. I have to say that the special effects were ample, and the acting was of a higher caliber than in the original films. The evangelistic thrust of “Left Behind” 2014 was much more subtle. I do agree that there was a little more emphasis on bosoms than I anticipated, but not as much as is typical in Hollywood.

Having said all that, I think the film will serve its purpose if there are sequels and the attendance is strong. You cannot hit the secular public over the head with your Bible and throw the salvation message at them all in one fell swoop. This film was a great introduction to the series and will hopefully initiate a taste for what will happen next. It is not Christians who need to be saved, but the rest of the world. A subtle Christian message will be much more effective than cramming salvation down people’s throats thus turning them off to sequels.

I believe this film did a good job of at least showing what the Rapture could be like. I hope the cast remains on board, no pun intended, for a whole series matching the books. A television miniseries would be better, in my opinion.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeff Mazza, age 55 (USA)
Positive—Excellent, must see movie. Great cast and wonderful acting. Great entertainment for the whole family.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Paul, age 57 (Canada)
Positive—I’m really shocked that this version of “Left Behind” got so many bad reviews. I’m not talking about on this Website, but from many other sources. Yahoo! news said that this movie really bombed. At first, I was disappointed, because I was REALLY looking forward to it. Then, my friend told me that she was interested in seeing “Left Behind.” I was interested, too, so went to go see it with her this afternoon (though my expectations were lowered). I really was impressed!

You should definitely go see this movie. I’ve never read the original Left Behind book (and it’s been years since I’ve seen this Kirk Cameron movie), so I can’t speak for how faithful the movie was. But, this movie really entertained me, and was truly awesome! You should definitely go see it. It would be great if Christians could go and support this movie. Especially since a big actor like Nicolas Cage stars in it. I really hope and pray that starring in this movie gave Nicolas Cage a chance to think more about God, and I pray that this experience will lead him to Jesus. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Sarah, age 24 (USA)
Positive—4.0 Stars! Nicolas Cage was really top notch! (I’m proud of him, actually, for taking this role). I chose an overall 4.0 JUST because I felt like the actors didn’t really elaborate on God or the rapture… What I mean is (bear with me) when 2 characters were just about to address one of the subjects of God or the rapture, that particular scene would stop and another scene would be injected. When the “discussion” scene would return, the subject matter had “already been discussed,” so neither subject of God nor the rapture were actually discussed in the movie. That, to me, is not only the content this world needs, but the whole POINT of a movie called “Left Behind” based on Revelation.

In addition, it seems to me that the movie begins to lose sight of the RAPTURE and turns into an action/adventure and is a little over the top. But what movie isn’t a wee bit unrealistic—old school “Dukes of Hazzard,” or “Matrix,” if you will. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 4
Serena Whitney-booth, age 44 (USA)
Positive—I can be so picky when it comes to Christian films hitting the big screen. Why? Well usually most are shoved down your throat evangelical films that don’t show a hint of realism beyond a Christian’s point of view. I understand that. I remember seeing the first “Left Behind” in theaters, and, as a movie, thought it was horrible. The message was clear and wonderful, but the acting was just bad. I couldn’t wait until a remake was going to happen. I’m a huge fan of Nic Cage and enjoyed his movie and was happy when I heard he would play Rayford.

The movie had a good story and definitely told people what it was about without sounding too preachy. I thought it was just the right amount. In the end, you’re talking to the lost, not the already saved, right? However, the quality of the film kinda felt like a Lifetime Original movie or something you’d see on the USA Network. That’s not bad. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Marty, age 41 (USA)
Positive—Saw this movie over the weekend with my parents. Given how poorly other Christian-themed films have performed lately, I was kind of expecting to be disappointed. I was not disappointed in the least. This is a great Christian film… even better than the “Left Behind” movie with Kirk Cameron, which wasn’t bad, either.

As it starts out, Chloe, a college student, is going home to spend time with her dad, Rayford, an airline pilot, on his birthday. But, when she arrives at the airport, she sees him getting ready to take off on a flight to London… flirting with a stewardess, even though he’s married, no less. ***SPOILER***She confronts him about it, and thinks he has left because her mother, Irene, has just become a Christian… which Chloe and Rayford are not. But he assures her that this is not the case… that he just got called and couldn’t say no. While there, she also meets Buck Williams, an investigative reporter, who is to be a passenger on the flight Rayford is piloting. When Rayford leaves, so does Chloe.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jared, age 34 (USA)
Positive—I first heard they were remaking this movie about three months, before it came out. I was ecstatic—I am familiar with the original movies, and I have read all the books. The first attempts at trying to recreate the well known books into a series of movies was laughable, at best. My family and I were actually laughing while watching the 2000 version. “The Omega Code” far surpassed the old “Left Behind” trilogy in its storytelling and acting, and even that wasn’t all that great. So to find they were going to give it a second whirl definitely caught my interest.

Despite all the negative comments I’ve heard about it, I was not disappointed when I went and saw it with my family. Though it definitely takes some liberties from the first book, it captures a lot of the feeling and hopelessness that we’re familiarized with in the Left Behind novels. I got into it; I really was holding my breath in some scenes where we’re watching chaos and mayhem take over. People are screaming, mothers are crying and holding clothes that used to contain babies. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot, but let’s just say that we’re talking plane crashes, cars toppling, fights, gun scenes, etc. It’s fairly intense.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Emily Mcc., age 18 (USA)
Positive—As far as a number of the negative reviews? The post-Rapture/Tribulation account is not intended for believers. It’s for unbelievers. I have the two DVD set of the original movie. It was written for people eating popcorn in their churches on movie night. This movie presents a much closer to realistic feel intended for those who have been rejecting the Gospel.

If you are going to do a movie about the beginning of the Tribulation? And, only presented it as a sugar-coated, Scripture-laden story? You would not be reaching those who actually need to find Christ. Sugar coating it with religious morality would have produced a movie intended for an audience not needing the truth. One that many unbelievers would find distasteful, and would have been reason for their resisting this story.

This movie has potential to make an unbeliever think. For there will be plenty of cleavage to be seen when the Rapture comes. Goody two-shoes movies do not win souls that need Christ. Realistic ones stand a chance. It’s their choice.
My Ratings: Moral rating: none / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Gene Z., age 65 (USA)
Positive—Although I did not know much about the film before I saw it today, my plan was to watch a good action movie. As the first 20 minutes, passed, I wondered if this was the right movie to watch. As many people have said… it was slow and somewhat flat, until I started understanding the plot. By the middle of the movie and till the end, I can say it was magnificent.

Realizing that, in this day and age, someone like Nicholas Cage had the courage to go forth and be the star of a movie with the message “Are you ready?” makes me believe that there is still hope.

I agree that in some instances, God was portrayed as unfair or as a “bad guy.” But the biblical reality is that although God is an all loving God, he is also a very fair God. The movie successfully tried to bring the message, that there will be a day of turmoil… and we should try to be ready… spiritually.

I tip my hat that Hollywood allowed this message to be presented! Hope to see more.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Ayman Farid, age 50 (USA)
Positive—I have read the whole Left Behind series of books!! I was a little skeptical watching this movie, but it did not disappoint. It kept pretty close to the script. I love the theme song by Larry Norman, which I remember from the “70s. This movie should be watched by everyone—young and old—it will make you think a little more about what really does happen to those people “left behind” and the chaos left behind.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Rita, age 58 (Canada)
Positive—I’ve watched “Left Behind” several times, and I give it 2 thumbs up in every category. I’ve also read several negative reviews, including the ones proclaiming that this is not a Christian movie. Really? This movie conveys a very clear message of an upcoming biblical event that absolutely will happen that will trigger the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel to accept Christ as the Messiah. They are biblical scholars who know the New Testament better than most Christians. They will be worldwide evangelists who many will be beheaded for their beliefs. By conveying the message of the Rapture of the Church, this movie evangelizes a New Testament doctrine and makes this movie a Christian movie.

Anything that moves the Word of God gets a 2 thumbs up from God Almighty. Anyone who is a Christian and knows the Word of God knows that we have the ministry of reconciliation. So I ask the negative reviewers, are you christian? How many times have you conveyed the gospel of salvation to a lost soul?

Nicolas Cage, Chad Michael Murray, Cassie Thompsen, Lea Thompsen and all of the actors and actresses did very well and my hats off to the director who had the courage to convey a Christian message to an unbelieving world. None of us starts out a Bible believer. It’s wonderful movies like this that plants the seed of salvation.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
John Reid, age 66 (USA)
Neutral—Letdown. Didn’t live up to our expectations. We were hoping for more emphasis on the Gospel message. It came across as another airplane hijack type of movie. Unrealistic reactions from passengers. And the ending was ridiculous, showing Chloe running, racing on a motorcycle, breaking down barriers on the runway in a truck and finally setting it on fire. Really? Based on the amount of people in the theater the first week it came out, will there be a sequel? Doubtful.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
J.B., age 74 (USA)
Neutral—Because I love Nicholas Cage’s acting, I was really geared up for this movie. I was a bit disappointed, not with his performance, but with the flatness of the movie, e.g., the airport scenes were nearly void of background noise. I’ve read all of the books in the Left Behind series within the past year and was sad that they came to an end.

Somewhere in the middle of reading those books, I watched the 2000 version of “Left Behind” starring Kirk Cameron. I like it much better than the 2014 version. It packs a lot more of what was going on, showing the attack on Israel and the supernatural destruction of the attacking planes. That is probably the last prophecy that will be fulfilled before the Tribulation begins. This film included the many important features that would help people understand the end-time scenario.

Nevertheless, “Left Behind” 2014, was a good movie, and for some people it’s probably all they can handle about spiritual things.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Jon Covey, age 69 (USA)
Neutral—Nicolas Cage, not being a Christian, that I know of, did a good job with this obvious B-movie. Too slow in parts. Low budget feel on the special effects. No message in the movie on Jesus as the only way to everlasting life. I don’t even remember if Jesus was mentioned in this movie. The dwarf actor was good. By now, this movie is only on DVD. I’d say wait for Netflix to put it on. Otherwise, wait until you see it in the discount boxes at Wal-Mart for 5 bucks. Buy it, see it, and give it away.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 1½
Robert Garcia, age 67 (USA)
Negative—I was looking forward to seeing this movie since I first saw the advertisement months ago. Although it was not offensive, compared to most, it surely can’t be considered a spiritually uplifting film. Was it really necessary to show so much cleavage on a couple of the female characters? I usually like Nicholas Cage’s acting, but I feel he fell short in this role. While there were a few redeeming moments, for the most part it was slow to get my attention, as well as disappointing, overall. No mention of the anti-Christ, very little reference to the Tribulation. The first “Left Behind” movie was better by far.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Carol, age 60 (USA)
Negative—The first “Left Behind” film with Kirk Cameron was horrible, and the two sequels which followed were even worse. However, my expectations were high when I heard that Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins were going to reboot the series with an even bigger budget, visual effects, etc. I even read that their families were shown a rough cut of the picture, which they endorsed. However, I was very disappointed with the movie.

Aside from most of the supporting cast (as characters who I’m sure weren’t in the novel), the movie does not follow the book. Like the horrendous “Three Musketeers” films in 1973, 1974 and 1989, the film just uses the basic premise and some central characters and plunges them into an average thriller.

One thing I did like about the film, though, is the inclusion of Chloe’s relationship with her younger brother and mother, which is never explored in the book. There were some mildly amusing comic moments, which, however, felt out of place. Biblically speaking, there is no cursing or swearing and no sexual content; just some intense sequences of peril and brief drug content. See the film once, and then re-read the novel. Skip the Kirk Cameron movies altogether.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
D, age 28 (USA)
Negative—As a discerning Christian and cinephile, I must say tat his film is a failure on every conceivable level. While there are no gratuitous violent, sexual or profane aspects, this fails as Christian entertainment. I went into this film with heightened expectations and was sorely disappointed on both the Christian and entertainment levels.

Firstly, on a prosletysing level, this film is a disgrace. Firstly, there is no mention of the anti-Christ, new world order or political machinations that will lead to advent of the Tribulation. The Christians are either portrayed as smug debaters or hypocrites. The lady who hassles Cameron at the beginning of the film is the type of smug and sanctimonious caricatures that you expect Hollywood to use to mock our faith. It was grating to watch her exchanges with Cameron and later, Chloe Steele. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Dwayne, age 58 (USA)
Negative—This movie was absolutely terrible. The plot was spotty at best and the special effects were horrendous. While it is advertised as a Christian movie, it barely touches upon the concepts of salvation and the Antichrist. Nicholas Cage is very underwhelming in his awkward role as an airline pilot, and the banter between passengers just seemed to take up time.

Overall, I would only recommend this movie if you want to take an expensive nap.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: ½
Grant, age 18 (USA)
Negative—If you want to make a really Good Christian Movie, stick to the real story, which you will find in The Bible. Stick to the story. I like Nicolas Cage—very good actor.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Leo, age 38 (South Africa)
Negative—As a hardcore Christian and film critic, I will say that I hate this movie; it is terrible, the acting is dreadful. A director that is good at his or her job will push the actors to give a decent performance, no matter how many takes, if it takes 100 takes to get a scene right, then that is what needs to be done, but the director of this movie obviously just lets the actors do what they want, so they get away with the bad acting.

The only reason this depressing and pathetic movie hit the cinema is because A-Lister Nicholas Cage is in it; other than that this is a straight-to-DVD movie. The scenes of the clothes being left behind during the rapture is stupid as any Christian should already know that it is the soul that will get raptured, not the physical body, so, in fact, the scenes should have been bodies just laying there like they are dead, as the souls gets taken up to be with the Lord, but obviously this awful movie wants to be highly dramatic.

This flick is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in my entire life. “Left Behind 2: Tribulation Force” of the early 2000s is a much better movie; check that out instead.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 1
Ace, age 32 (United Kingdom)
Movie Critics
…Very strong Christian, biblical worldview… The strength of the movie is that it profoundly poses the simple question, “Are you ready?” …The weakness of the movie is that it takes so much time for the survivors to comprehend what happened. … [3/4]
Ted Baehr, Movieguide
Left Behind is not a good movie—Christian or otherwise. …It’s mainly an airplane-in-peril drama rather than a thoughtful treatment of the story’s theological underpinnings. …too little eschatology, too much disaster… stock disaster-movie tropes and an absurd finale…
Christian Hamaker, Crosswalk
…Where’s the Antichrist? Where’s this and that character? This movie cares about none of that stuff. It cares about the thrill of a plane crash, explosions, cars soaring off bridges, chaos, panic, and disaster. …“Left Behind” is not a Christian Movie …the film takes no stance on anything. …
Jackson Cuidon, Christianity Today
…It struggles sometimes with plot holes and special effects but tries to make up for that by working hard to raise questions that both the faithful and the faith-seeker can examine and discuss… you can’t watch it without wondering what's up with your own spiritual condition. [4/5]
Bob Hoose, Plugged In
…With a “Sharknado”-inspired visual style and a deeply weary lead performance from Nicolas Cage, “Left Behind” is cheap-looking, overwrought kitsch of the most unintentionally hilarious order… as for when believers can expect to see the tenets of their faith reflected with any sort of sophistication or intelligence in a mainstream genre film, we still know neither the day nor the hour. …
Andrew Barker, Variety
…hackneyed religious thriller (think “The Leftovers” as interpreted by the Hallmark Channel). …
Sara Stewart, New York Post

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