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Captain Marvel

also known as “Capitã Marvel,” “Capitana Marvel,” “Dai Uy Marvel,” “Kapetan Marvel,” “Kapitan Marvel,” “Kaptan Marvel,” “Marvel Kapitány,” «Капитан Марвел»
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and brief suggestive language.

Reviewed by: Casey Scharven

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Young-Adults Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Superhero Action Adventure 3D IMAX
Length: 2 hr. 4 min.
Year of Release: 2019
USA Release: March 8, 2019 (wide—4,100+ theaters)
DVD: June 11, 2019
Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” —1 Peter 3:9

For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” —Hebrews 10:30

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REVENGE, love replaces hatred—former Israeli soldier and an ex-PLO fighter prove peace is possible-but only with Jesus Christ

Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Copyright, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Featuring Brie LarsonCarol Danvers / Vers / Captain Marvel
Samuel L. JacksonNick Fury
Ben MendelsohnTalos / Keller
Jude LawYon-Rogg
Annette BeningSupreme Intelligence / Dr. Wendy Lawson
Lashana LynchMaria Rambeau
Clark GreggAgent Coulson
Don CheadleJames Rhodes
Chris EvansSteve Rogers / Captain America
Scarlett JohanssonNatasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Mark RuffaloBruce Banner
Rune TemteBron-Char
Gemma ChanMinn-Erva
Algenis Perez SotoAtt-Lass
Djimon HounsouKorath
Lee PaceRonan
Chuku ModuSoh-Larr
Matthew MaherNorex
Colin FordSteve Danvers
Stan LeeStan Lee
Stephen “Cajun” Del Bagno … Cajun
See all »
Director Anna Boden
Ryan Fleck
Producer Marvel Studios, a division of Disney
Victoria Alonso See all »

List of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) feature films

“Captain Marvel” takes place in the 1990s and is intended to bridge the gap in time between previous MARVEL movies that take place in the past with the newer movies taking place more recently. The movie introduces us to the character of Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), who (as Captain Marvel) is set to play a big role in the “Avengers: Endgame” movie, due out shortly.

I am going to attempt to give a brief “big picture” synopsis without giving away too much of the plot, as the mention of names and other titles would be clues to comic fans as to where the movie is heading.

We are introduced to the main character, Vers, a Kree warrior on the planet Hala, where the Kree are in a war against the Skrulls, a race of shape-shifters. Through the story, we are introduced to Yon-Rogg, who is Vers’ Kree Starforce commander, and the rest of Yon-Rogg’s team. A mission to free a Kree spy puts the movie into motion, where Vers will have to deal with the Skrulls, finding herself on Earth, and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). She also must deal with dreams that have been bothering her for some time and what that means for her relationships with the Kree, the Skrulls, and those she meets on Earth.

Credit must be given to the production team, as their re-creation of the 1990s was pretty much spot on. The cars, Blockbuster, Radio Shack and the music all are used well to take us “back in time,” and they did a great job. As an Air Force veteran, I couldn’t help but enjoy all the Air Force things in the movie—new and old fighters, and an off-base bar for pilots to have fun and play “crud” (ask your nearest AF veteran what that is) were great. I also appreciated the tribute at the end of the credits to an Air Force pilot, Maj Stephen “Cajun” Del Bagno, who was a Thunderbirds member who helped advise the producers and cast during production and was unfortunately killed in a training crash shortly afterwards. I also appreciated the last cameo of Stan Lee, and the tribute the producers gave him during the opening montage.

Objectionable Content

Language: When I review a movie, I see the movie twice—once for the “wow” factor, and once to really scrutinize different areas of the movie. I must admit that I went into the first showing preparing myself for language that would really be troublesome. Early Marvel movies, although using words that aren’t normally used in polite conversation, avoided “G*d-d**n” and other extremely offensive words. “Captain America: Civil War” did include “G*d-d**n,” and knowing that Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) isn’t shy about using offensive words in many of his movies, I was prepared for the worst. I left the first showing thinking “wow,” I didn’t hear many offensive words, and only a few other unpleasant ones. I’m disappointed that when I attended the second showing, I noticed many unpleasant words that I had missed the first time, including “Oh my G*d”. There is also a scene where a male pilot implies another meaning for the term “cockpit.” It is a lesson that I need to be more discerning and not lower my standards simply for entertainment.

OMG, da*n it, a*s in various forms, sh*t, and h*ll are all in the movie, but I did notice they were not used as often as in many other films, including “Ant Man” and others. There was also the phrase “mother flucker”—even though referring to a character and not the traditional offensive phrase, was still included for humor, and left no doubts what was meant.

Sex/Nudity: There is a scene on the beach with surfers wear normal cold weather surfing attire—upper bodies in wetsuits with swim trunks for men and bikini bottoms for the women, but there is nothing revealing or sensual about the scene. There is also a scene of an alien autopsy where the dead alien is covered at his waist with no other clothing, and there is also a “joke” associated with this scene that was unnecessary.

Violence: There are numerous scenes of violence and killing.

Items of Note

There is a character called the Supreme Intelligence. I was first concerned that it was going to be a god for a planet; it is not, but this is not fleshed out until much later in the movie.

The main character must deal with lying and deception from those she trusts.

It was also obvious that plot points about war and refugees was intended to be a commentary on current events.

Due to the language and the violence, I urge caution about the ages children attending. I saw many as young as 6 or 7 attending, in full MARVEL superhero costumes, and was saddened because of the language and the violence they were exposed to.


Friendship: Friends are held in high regard in the movie—from Carol, as she struggles on Earth, to the Skrulls and the issues they face. Given deception is a major part of the plot, consider 1 Corinthians 15:33,

“Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’.”

Mercy: Shown by Captain Marvel during the climactic fight scene at the end of the movie. Luke 6:36 says,

“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”.

Forgiveness: At one point, Captain Marvel and an alien have a conversation about how they were part of the horrors of war. Although not explicit, the intent is that there should be forgiveness as part of moving forward. Philippians 3:13…

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead…”

War: In the end, war is not glorified, and is seen as an evil that destroys much, particularly an unjust war. Exodus 20:13,

“You shall not murder.”

Responsibility: Captain Marvel’s decision at the end of the movie, to do something away from Earth, is a sacrifice and the acceptance of responsibility, despite what the individual wants.

Closing Thoughts

I normally watch a movie to discern whether it intends to honor God (the movie “Courageous,” for example) or not. I then watch to see if it is attempting to overtly be anti-Christ, via language, sex and nudity, the occult, and the like, or if it is characterized by simply a lack of focus on God (which Christians would still understand that there truly is not a neutral point of view—you are either seeing something that honors God or not). This movie seems to me to be neutral towards God, in that there is not anything that overtly attacks Christianity, but there is also nothing that is edifying to a Christian. Although some of the film’s lessons could have a parallel theme that is Biblically-based, I would not say that this is what was intended by producers; there is no underlying Christology in the movie.

I was also alert to the switch from a male lead character to a female character, and wondered if the movie would be nothing more than a “girls are good, boys are bad.” I did not feel the film bashed men, it seemed fairly even-handed about genders. I was pleasantly surprised at the lessening of bad language, as well as the lack of issues with sex and nudity.

The story could have been stronger, particularly the ending, but I did enjoy it—knowing it is a starting point for the entry of Captain Marvel into the MCU. Those who like the MCU and superhero movies will problably enjoy this film. Keep in mind the very heavy violence level and the language, and please limit viewers to adults and older teens. Just because the language is “relatively” mild, certainly does not mean it is God-honoring.

List of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) feature films

  • Violence: Very Heavy
  • Profane language: Moderate— • “Oh my G*d” (2) • “d*mn” (3) • “H*ll” (5)
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Moderately Heavy— • “mother-fl****” • “You know why they call it the cockpit?” • “sh*t-hole” • “sh*t” • ugly-a** • “a*”* (2) • “cr*pped” • “b*stards”
  • Nudity: Minor
  • Sex: None, but a joke about male parts
  • Occult: None

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—I thought “Captain Marvel” was an overall enjoyable movie. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of crude and dark content, and there were a number of entertaining and funny moments. I have to admit that I was afraid that this movie was going to be one big feminist propaganda piece, but, again ,I was pleasantly surprised.

I think my biggest disappointment with this movie was the lack of character development and the rather flat acting of Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel.

After the first 30 minutes of the film, it never really felt like there was any real danger or threat for the protagonist. Rather than the plot presenting any real challenges for the hero to overcome, it just seemed like the writers were saying, “Yeah, Captain Marvel is really powerful. Let’s watch her blow some stuff up and call it a movie.”

I still enjoyed the movie, but it felt more like a filler movie than the exciting entrance of a new epic character to the Marvel universe.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Caleb, age 33 (USA)
Positive—I agree with much of the reviewer’s comments EXCEPT regarding there being no spiritual message. This film is a lesson about the importance of knowing one’s identity. Captain Marvel’s biggest vulnerability was NOT her emotions (which is a lie she had heard repeatedly and grown to believe—a lie that can also be sexist); it was that she was confused about who she is. Her confusion was due to being lied to by those she trusted, including a false Supreme Being. HELLO!?!? How can you miss the spiritual lesson in that?

Captain Marvel finally steps into her full power when she realizes and owns her full identity. After being called by her false identity to her face in the midst of battle, Captain Marvel gains her full powers when staring down her enemy and saying, “MY NAME IS CAROL!”

That is a lesson in and of itself. Beware of Satan’s lies. They can even come from the mouths of others who claim to be our friends. Know who you are in Christ. That is where your power will come from.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Christina, age 42 (USA)
Positive—I really enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. The story had some surprising twists that had you really examining who’s who. I found the flashbacks to be too many, although they were explained at the end.

Morally this was better than expected. Not the massive violence like Avengers. Only questionable thing was calling something in the movie a supreme being that you can’t look at. Good message about picking yourself up when you fall down.

Proverbs 24:16—“For a righteous man may fall seven times
And rise again,
But the wicked shall fall by calamity.”

Overall, entertaining and my 9 year old enjoyed it also.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Brett, age 42 (USA)
Positive—Wasn’t sure about this movie but ended up really loving it. Maybe to confusing for kids though since there are a lot of flashbacks and other issues. Also, there may be some scary looking scenes for kids. I’ve actually seen it twice now.

I mainly made this review to address the common topic of “agenda” in the movie.

There is no agenda. I find people often assume because there’s a woman as the lead role that it must be agenda driven. I am not into Social Justice stuff at all, I should mention. The movie does show Carol (Captain Marvel) back story where she was always told she wasn’t good enough and bullied because she was a girl. I see nothing wrong with its message of not letting others tell you that your not good enough to do anything.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Matt S, age 37 (USA)
Neutral—I got a free ticket to attend the film for a relative’s birthday.

  1. Statement made on the human-condition, in relation to failing, dusting yourself off and trying again.
  2. Attributes of sympathy and forgiveness expressed by the Captain Marvel character in the latter-third of the movie.
  3. There seemed (to me) to be about 20% less cursing or so than your typical PG-13 Hollywood movie, but it certainly was still sprinkled throughout.
  4. The “de-aging” of Samuel L. Jackson was very impressive from a technical perspective.
  5. Jude Law also gave an impressive performance.


  1. Agree with the reviewer that certain developments in the movie were clearly written to be analogous to a liberal view of world-events—although crafted in such a vague way that they could call anyone who suggested such as “reading too much into it.” That vagueness, however, does mean that you can ignore or miss these parallels, in favor of the general theme. If it’s relevant to you at all, this undercurrent just got a metaphorical eye-roll from me, instead of the grossness I’ve felt watching several other movies that have employed this tactic.
  2. None of the main characters expressed any sort of Christian/religious traits or world-views. The idea of religion itself was (mostly) ignored. Main character is shown to be a Guns N” Roses fan multiple times before losing her memory. I mean, I was one too pre Christian-conversion but it’s not something you should be showcasing to children that may see her as a role-model.
  3. The female “empowerment” angle did not add very much in the way of negativity—however some of the situations—Captain Marvel’s father yells “You don’t belong here!” to her (on a Go-Kart track) when she was a girl and a male Air-Force contemporary tells her “that’s why they call it a c***-pit” in reference to airplanes. Seems like the sort of exaggerated things that a patriarch would say in a liberal’s imagination. Also, a female Air-Force member has a line that implies non-combat roles in the military have no real meaning.
  4. Movie’s setting takes place in 1990’s so much 1990’s culture is present without any consideration of its morality. The band Hole’s song stating that the singer was “a walking study in demonology” blared as I left during the closing credits for instance.
  5. Main character was likable-ish, but pretty generic. It’s been a day since I watched the movie, and I’ve already forgotten her character’s name outside of Captain Marvel, for instance. I mean, I don’t think I remember any of the characters” names, but she was the main one.
Other Possibly relevant info: There is advanced (technological) alien-species present if that is an issue for you.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Derek, age 37 (USA)
Neutral—I was SUPER excited to see this movie, and I’m not gonna say it was a let down IT had it’s great moments of action and comedy. However, what I wasn’t impressed by was the lack of action going on. I expected so much more. But, not bad Captain, not bad.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Chris, age 29 (USA)
Neutral—Fun movie. The 3D was great. Aside from the potty language, I noticed a subtle message. I used to read comics as a boy (a few decades ago). Captain Marvel was a man then. The movie showed Captain Marvel as a woman. My thought was, this is possibly part of the feminization process going on in our society: women are now the giant killers, men are wimpy. In our current society, women can be transsexual men, men can be transsexual women, if a man feels like a woman, he can use the women’s bathroom and showers, and vice versa for the women.

Aside from some sexual innuendos and the foul speech, the movie was a real eye-popper.

I like to rate movies on what I will watch again (5 stars), what I might watch again (4 stars), what I would watch again in a pinch if asked to see it with a friend (3 stars), what I wouldn’t watch again unless I was paid by the hour (2 stars), and what I wouldn’t watch again unless tied to a chair and my eyelids were propped open (1 star). “Captain Marvel” gets 3 stars, but “Men in Black” gets 5 stars, “Chuck” (tv) gets 5, “Stargate” (movie) gets 4, “Star Wars IV” gets 5, “Pulp Fiction”—yuk 1 star.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jon, age 73 (USA)
Negative—This was boring and Brie Larson’s acting was bland and flat. She has no depth and her expressions and movements are dry. Story was okay, but writers were definitely trying to promote what I call “the year of the woman.” I’m a woman, but it was so obvious and overdone. Was looking for something as exciting as “Wonder Woman,” but was disappointed beyond measure.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Reba, age 60+ (USA)
Negative—I streamed this movie the other day on Amazon and I’m glad I only rented it instead of buying it. This is one of the worst movies of all time, all the hype for this foolishness? The “Skrulls” are in this film from start to finish; they look like demons. I could not enjoy “Captain Marvel” even when I tried to.

As someone who grew up in the 90s, I like that this film is set in the 90s, but that still was not enough to get me to like this movie. I read on IMDb that there’s going to be a sequel, hopefully the second instalment will be better than this one.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Nadine, age 36 (United Kingdom)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Secular Movie Critics
…What’s said to be Marvel’s most powerful superhero ever is served Melatonin by Larson. There is precious little texture or detail, ups and downs, or emotions of any kind in her performance. The character, even when kicking a**, is a total bore. Such as it is, the film’s best moments are provided by Jackson and a hilarious cat. …
Johnny Oleksinski, New York Post
…This shiny and progressive and golly-gee packaging misrepresents how “Captain Marvel” made its way into the world, and what it is actually about. Namely: money, the easy exploitation of intellectual-property, artistic conformity and queasy politics that undermine whatever liberal notions it’s peddling. …
Barry Hertz, The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
…cinematically Captain Marvel feels like a step backward for the MCU. Fresh off the heels of the all-or-nothing bombast of “Avengers: Infinity War,” the righteous representation of “Black Panther” and the giddy lunacy of “Thor: Ragnarok,” “Captain Marvel” is a retreat into a bland formula. …
Barbara VanDenburgh, Arizona Republic
…Let’s get the bad news over with quickly: “Captain Marvel” is no “Wonder Woman.” …Captain Marvel is a bland character. At the start of the movie, she doesn’t remember her past. She doesn’t know who she is or where she came from, and she has no moral center. …Then later, when she comes into her power, she comes into too much power. If there’s one thing worse than a superhero who can’t do anything (Batman), it’s a superhero that can do absolutely everything. …
Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
…By the time I got to the end of “Captain Marvel”… I heard the voice of my own inner superhero, Peggy Lee, whispering in my ear: Is that all there is? The most heinous supervillain of all is Boredom. …
Stephanie Zacharek, Time
…I spent over two hours with Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, and I still have no idea what her personality is. Sure, there’s a lot more going on in “Captain Marvel,” but it’s a pretty egregious failing considering that the creative bigwigs at Marvel had 10 years and 20 films to work it out. …
Lindsey Bahr, The Associated Press
…The picture is not dull, exactly, just mundane, marked by unimaginative plotting, cut-rate villains, a bland visual style and a lack of elan in every department. …
Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter

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