Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Alexander Malsan
Moral Rating: | Very Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Young-Adults Adults |
Genre: | Action Crime Mystery Thriller Sequel |
Length: | 2 hr. 21 min. |
Year of Release: | 2023 |
USA Release: |
May 19, 2023 (wide release) DVD: August 8, 2023 |
Family and friends outsmart, out-nerve and outdrive their foes
Enemy fueled by blood revenge
Brazilian drug kingpin
Discovering that one’s own 8-year-old son is the ultimate target your enemy’s vengeance
FILM VIOLENCE—How does viewing violence in movies affect families? Answer
Featuring |
Vin Diesel … Dominic Toretto Jordana Brewster … Mia Toretto Tyrese Gibson … Roman Michelle Rodriguez … Letty Ortiz Ludacris … Tej Jason Momoa … Dante John Cena … Jakob Jason Statham … Deckard Shaw Rita Moreno … Abuela Toretto Helen Mirren … Queenie Brie Larson … Tess Charlize Theron … Cipher Scott Eastwood … Little Nobody Alan Ritchson … Aimes Leo Abelo Perry … Little Brian Michael Rooker … Buddy Cardi B … Leysa Nathalie Emmanuel … Ramsey Luis Da Silva Jr. … Diogo See all » |
Director |
Louis Leterrier |
Producer |
Universal Pictures One Race Films See all » |
Distributor |
“The end of the road begins”
Dominic Teretto (aka “Dom”) has grown accustomed to family life. I mean, come on, he and Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) have a beautiful son, a large extended family, and live in a nice home on the outskirts of L.A., what more could he possibly want? His adventuring days, he figures, are coming to an end.
Roman (Tyrese Gibson) receives a tip from the Agency to steal a computer chip during its transit in Rome. Since it seems like a simple mission, it doesn’t require the whole team, so Dom (Vin Diesel) and Letty decide to hang back while the rest of the team go over.
It’s not long before a not so welcome visitor pops up at Dom’s door, Cipher (Charlize Theron). She’s scratched, bruised and warns Dom that there is a new threat on the horizon named Dante (Jason Momoa), one that is targeting Dom, on a mission to ensure to slowly destroy Dom, his family, his reputation and everything he loves dear. Cipher goes on to explain that Dante has a very personal vendetta against Dom and lives without rules or morals. Dom suddenly comes to realize that the mission in Rome is a trap, and he and Letty race to Rome to go save the team when they come upon their new threat, Dante.
To sum up this threat properly, as Dom would put it: “In a world where there is no code, no one is safe. Truer words have never been spoken by Dom. Let’s just hope for Dom and the team’s sake that he’s wrong…
To the first timer, or perhaps someone new to the whole “Fast and Furious” franchise, one might look from the outside and wonder, “Why have there been 10 films (and one spinoff) to the Fast franchise?” It’s beating a dead horse isn’t it? Indeed, the Fast Franchise is notorious for being one of the longest running film franchises to date, and perhaps a franchise that has far overstayed its welcome in some viewers’ eyes. I won’t get into this argument in length again, as I already did this in the previous review for Fast 9.
I will state, however, that one might argue “Fast X” brings a sense of vigor and rejuvenation to what was a very stale and stagnant franchise. Here me out. Over the past few films, it’s been about the secret agent work, the romance, the side stories; anything BUT the racing, which was EXACTLY what the original “Fast and Furious” film was about! The racing! In “Fast X” however, the racing becomes integral to the rest of the story (you have to look close enough though), which is a breath of fresh air; yet there is still a balance between those who appreciate the drama/romance and those who are there for the action/racing.
Contrary to what the critics are stating, I don’t find that the actors themselves have lost their heart for the franchise. I found many endearing and passionate performances throughout, though perhaps Vin Diesel might have shown some moments of fatigue through some of his dialog. The most terrifying, yet engaging performance, is Jason Momoa’s performance as Dante. His character is sadistic and horrifying—both in subtle and not so subtle ways, and Jason knows this fully well, playing with these characteristics throughout in a spine-chilling (and sometimes downright shocking) manner.
However, what I do find troubling with this latest chapter is the foul language, the increased amount of sexualized content (including sexualized females), and the violence for the film has certainly increased. It’s troubling, quite honestly, because while I understand that the film is trying to go out with a bang with the final three chapters (yes “Fast X” is being divided into THREE parts), there simply is no reason to increase the amount and extent of vulgar, distasteful content just to fill the seats. Your fans will be faithful till the final credits roll.
VIOLENCE: There is a TON of violence in “Fast X,” so much so that listing it all would be as long as a book, and as such I won’t list everything. Toward the beginning of the film some cars smash a wall and steal a vault. This vault is attached to the cars and is seen being dragged around town destroying everything in its path (and I do mean everything); it even sends vehicles with people in them over a bridge into the water, including police vehicles, killing a character. A character is killed in a flashback (in fact a couple are in a few flashbacks).
Dante’s henchmen are seen taking guard’s families hostage via live footage threatening to kill them unless the guards leave another villain and follow him. There are multiple car chases and explosions. A scene with an armored truck smashing cars. Trucks are seen flipping over and exploding. A runaway bomb is shown causing destruction throughout the city of Rome.
There’s an extended chase scene. In one incredible scene, explosions are seen throughout Rome leaving destruction everywhere. Guards are seen trying to kidnap a woman and a young child (they are unsuccessful) and the guards are killed. A car detonates with someone inside and another detonates. Glass is thrown inside someone’s eyes. Characters are shot and killed. Characters die in a massive explosion. There is a massive car chase. A plane is shot down with people inside and we watch it crash into a mountain. A car explodes after driving down a dam. We see an explosion next to two characters occur before the camera cutaways (we don’t know what happens).
Guards are gassed. Dante talks to two rotting corpses about his thoughts and plans (guards he killed). A scientist is gassed.
VULGARITY: A** (6), S*cks (1), Son of a b*tch (1), Sh*t (13), B*stard (1), “Shut the front door” (a cover for something very obvious, “Black Bezos” and an off-color comment about a character’s death.
PROFANITY: G*d-d*mn (1), G*d-d*mnit (1), OMG (1), H*ly Sh*t (2, 1 cut off), d*mn (2), d*mnit (2),amd h*ll (10).
SEXUAL CONTENT: Dom and Lenny share a tender moment in bed together, almost engaging in intercourse but come short due to a conversation. There is a discussion about different sexual positions.
NUDITY: Letty is seen in PJs and a T-shirt. Females are seen in crop-tops and very sensual clothing at a drag-racing event and other events. There is some sexualized dancing in the film. A guy, half-naked, thought to be dead, walks out of a body bag.
ALCOHOL: Characters are seen drinking at a family gathering, a drag-racing event and at various other points throughout the film.
DRUGS: Someone takes a small LSD trip by acciden.t
Dom says he is all about honor and about being honorable amongst everything. This includes putting himself above everyone and everything for his family and his extended family.
What does honor mean for Christians? Is it about we ourselves being honored by our peers? Is it self-gratification? No, it is about our walk and how we live in service to God and for others. Honor is about glorifying the Father by our witness, by what we say and by what we do to and for others. For Christians, the Bible is clear that this also includes those who God has put in authority over us: when we honor them, we also honor God. This includes our parents, our church elders, the authorities and the elected officials (whether we like them or not).
Regarding our parents it states:
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. —Exodus 20:12
Regarding authority it states:
“Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” —Romans 13:7
Regarding the Church Elders:
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching”. —1 Timothy 5:17
In Psalms with regards to honoring God it states the following:
“You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!” —Psalm 22:23
John recorded the following statement by Jesus Christ about our service to God…
“If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.” —John 12:26
The end of the road truly has begun. It’s not just a tagline for “Fast X.” The minute I saw the Universal logo appear I knew this had been 22 years in the making and what a journey it has been, and it’s still not over yet (that’s by no means a spoiler by the way).
“Fast X” has elicited a colossal amount of conflicting thoughts in me. On one hand “Fast X” is a nice return to the franchise’s roots. On the other hand, the violence is the heaviest the franchise has had in its 11 films, not to mention there are some not so subtle jabs at Christians (particularly Catholicism), some sexualized content and language to contend with.
I’m sorry to say that I cannot recommend this film for Christians, as there is too much questionable content to ignore. It’s definitely NOT recommended for teens or children by any means. Viewer discretion is advised.
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.