Oscar®Oscar® Winner for Best Makeup / Nominee for Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Editing, and Best Sound Mixing

Star Trek

also known as “Star Trek: The IMAX Experience,” “Star Trek: Zero,” “Star Trek: The Beginning,” “Star Trek 11,” “Star Trek XI,” “Viaje a Las Estrellas”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for sci-fi action and violence, and brief sexual content.

Reviewed by: Sheri McMurray

Moral Rating: Better than Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults Family
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure Adaptation Sequel
Length: 2 hr. 6 min
Year of Release: 2009
USA Release: May 8, 2009 (wide—3,500 theaters)
DVD: November 17, 2009
Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
Relevant Issues
Copyright, Paramount Pictures

Anger in the Bible

REVENGE—Love replaces hatred—former israeli soldier and an ex-PLO fighter prove peace is possible-but only with Jesus






Aliens (extraterrestrials)

What does the Bible say about intelligent life on other planets? Answer

Are we alone in the universe? Answer

Does Scripture refer to life in space? Answer

Q&A about the origin of life

Pre-marital sex

Should I save sex for marriage? Answer

How can I deal with temptations? Answer

How far is too far? What are the guidelines for dating relationships? Answer

What are the consequences of sexual immorality? Answer


Sex, Love & Relationships
Learn how to make your love the best it can be. Christian answers to questions about sex, marriage, sexual addictions, and more. Valuable resources for Christian couples, singles and pastors.
Featuring Chris PineKirk
Zachary QuintoSpock
Leonard Nimoy … Spock Prime
Eric BanaNero
Bruce GreenwoodPike
Karl UrbanBones
Zoë SaldanaUhura
Simon PeggScotty
John ChoHikaru Sulu
Anton YelchinChekov
Ben CrossSarek
Winona Ryder … Amanda Grayson
Chris HemsworthGeorge Kirk
Jennifer MorrisonWinona Kirk
Rachel Nichols … Gaila
See all »
Director J.J. Abrams
Producer Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment, J.J. Abrams, Bryan Burk, Jeffrey Chernov, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci, David Witz
Distributor: Paramount Pictures Corporation. Trademark logo.
Paramount Pictures Corporation
, a subsidiary of ViacomCBS

Sequel: “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013)
Star Trek Beyond” (2016)

I have a friend who is the ultimate Star Trek freak… a tried and true Trekker who dismisses this new movie as not in the true cannon and will never go see it. I say, his loss, for the second time around is sweeter, as Sinatra croons, like a friendly home the second time you call… through your communicator.

STAR TREK is delicious Trek ‘verse eye candy mixed with the thrills only current CGI technology can give us. Add to the mix, director J.J. Abrams who isn’t ‘lost’ on how to get the story we all know and love into the next couple centuries without harming the back story, and writers (Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman) who have spared no detail on each one of our beloved characters. Toss in a perfectly chosen cast (even though some people went “huh?” at some of the choices, at first) who have nailed the gestures and inflections of some of the most beloved and well studied characters of all time, with solid, believable performances. Put it all together and you’ll find STAR TREK XI adds up to a euphoric satisfaction not unlike a long cold bowl of bottomless rich chocolate ice cream.

From the dazzling opening battle that takes place in a cosmic lightning storm, the day James T. Kirk is born as his father George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth) sacrifices his life and his ship, The USS Kelvin, to save not only infant James and his mother, but 800 lives, to the closing finale with The USS Enterprise and it’s new young crew blasting off into parts of space unknown, this movie is a thrill a second ride. Not a foot of film is wasted on monotony, although the script borrows well known ideas from the original stories, this Star Trek (say it with me, folks: “Space Opera”) picks them up, polishes them off and sets them out on a new silver platter for us to enjoy. From die hard fans to newbies entering the Star Trek universe for the first time, this eleventh installment has got something for all to experience and relish.

No Star Trek film would be complete without the introduction of a new and sinister villain, and the character of Nero (Eric Bana), a demented Romulan leader with a score to settle with The Federation, is a guy you wouldn’t want to come up against in the dark black holes of outer space. He is the epitome of vicious degraded revenge, with a ship sporting technology which carries the ability to destroy not just starships, but whole worlds and all life on them.

After showing his intent and prowess using Vulcan as his example, Nero proves he is not a force to ignore. His lust for revenge not only spans the universe, but is capable of reaching back across time 125 years, zeroing in on a young Commander Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the green crew members of the newly commissioned Enterprise NCC 1701, under the command of Captain Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood).

The most reluctant recruit, is a very punk, very brash, very defiant James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), who, although shows great promise, has no use for the word authority and learns most of his life lessons the hard way. Pike sees in him the pluck, determination, and ability to think fast in the face of adversity, that he once saw in his heroic father. He calls Kirk out, informs him he’s meant to do something special and challenges him to do better than wasting his talents on bar fights and a dead end life.

Changing his life, and the universe forever, James Kirk takes Pike up on the challenge and graduates Starfleet, although on rocky grounds because of a little incident now known in Trek lore as the Kobayashi maneuver, setting the stage for his introduction to the friends he will have for the rest of his life.

On the parallel to James Kirk, Spock’s history is shown as organized, intelligent, and controlled, except for the little glitch about his Vulcan father, Serak (Ben Cross) who married, of all species in the universe, a human woman, Amanda Grayson (Winona Ryder). Spock is shown as having to fight that stigma his entire life, emotionally as well as physically. Upon meeting up with Kirk, their pairing is nothing short of a nuclear war waiting to happen.

Rounding out James T. Kirk’s delightfully fated acquaintances, is the bright and beautiful Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) who has a perfect command over sub space communications and inter species languages. A blunt, corrosive, but loveable in an irritating sort of way Doctor by the name of Leonard McCoy (Karl Urban). No spoilers here, but we do find out how he got the nick name “bones.” One heck of a starship navigator, as well as a sword wielding marshal arts fighter, in Hikaru Sulu (John Cho).

A seventeen year old genius with the thickest Russian accent in Starfleet, Pavel Chekov (Anton Yelchin). And, found on a planet best never visited, Delta Vega, a diamond in the rough and a guy who can get any ship to purr under his hand, one Montgomery Scott (Simon Pegg).

Not that there is nothing to consider for the Christian movie goer, as the PG-13 rating is appropriate. There is a scene where Kirk is shown in bed with a green skinned Orion girl, and in the same scene Uhura is shown in her underwear, although nothing blatantly sexual is shown, it will make the statement that Kirk is indulging in pre-marital sex, so Christian parents be prepared to answer some questions. There are several occurrences of foul language such as a**, bull-sh*t, G*dDa**, and a statement made in a bar referring to farm boys having sex with farm animals, which any Christian will find offensive.

Speaking of bars, people are shown drunk, drinking and as with any action movie, there is fighting, explosions, torture and blood in small to heavy doses.

Some action sequences are extremely realistic and could prove disturbing to very young viewers, so my advice is for parents to consider this, along with the information as to language and adult situations depicted in STAR TREK XI, before taking any child younger than the rating cautions.

There is much to be said of Gene Roddenberry’s original concept about our social and moral structures in the real world. These days, perhaps even more than in the turbulent 60’s when Star Trek was first a glimmer in Gene’s mind, we need a grounded source as an example for moral and character building representations from show business. So many young people, today, more than any other time in the past, because information and entertainment is so prevalent along with our dependence on technologies such as cell phones, blueberries, iPods and computers, use entertainment and those figures who entertain them, as role models. Keeping that view, STAR TREK XI is a glimmer of hope on the summer blockbuster scene. No other films out to date this summer convey the positive aspects of honor, sacrifice, love, integrity and the concept that revenge is a poison, that ultimate corruption corrupts ultimately, as straightforwardly as STAR TREK XI.

That one unchanged aspect of Star Trek has always been the beacon that keeps it alive in the hearts and minds of its followers. Hope. A hope that in the world of our future, even in the face of adversity, bigotry, and political injustice, there will be a final resting place for integrity, compassion, honesty and true justice. That hope will keep us alive and our universe, no matter how far it may extend, to thrive.

[Learn about Hope and The HOPE]

These beautiful concepts are only underscored by the Christian. Put into practice, Jesus’ commands to love thy neighbor, honor mother and father and those in authority, keep oneself pure until marriage, sacrifice for a friend, give to the poor and share with others no matter whom they may be, is the basic reason Christians are drawn to the Trek ‘verse. Although Trek, even as honorable as it’s motives have always been, is not perfect, it is a reassuring knowledge that Jesus was, and although his flesh and blood body is no longer with us, His spirit, The Spirit of God Himself, lives on in us. That He Lives.

As a Trekker myself and writer of science fiction which includes the Star Trek universe, I find this new STAR TREK and it’s concept a brilliant springboard for many new voyages (and good news, Trekkers, they are already working on the script for the sequel). Just the sight of the ship as the younger versions of my beloved TOS characters see her for the first time, brought a lump to my throat and a quickening to my heart. The breathtaking soundtrack will definitely be on my personal Mother’s-Day-present-to-get-list too.

“There are those who’d bet
Love comes but once—and yet
I’m oh so glad we met
The second time around…”

I could almost hear Frank Sinatra as I left the theater in a state of euphoria…

I can’t help but mention in closing a gem of a review I found in The Washington Post by Ann Homeday, titled “A Heavenly Enterprise.” Although I have no doubt she was joking about offering a prayer of thanks to God that Star Trek stayed with the original core concepts, her review posted as a prayer actually was thanking God for all the right reasons. Thanks Ann, you thought you were being clever, but you were actually doing STAR TREK a great service. Thanks also to J.J. Abrams for not caving into the dark, depressing, comic book hero movies, and giving us characters and a story built on what’s truly important, as well as an inspiration to every age. So…

Friends found, stage set, battle ensues and you are there! With Pike held hostage by Nero, Spock as acting Captain and Kirk banished from the ship, the story is full of action, tension and intrigue, while still getting us to believe in faith, sacrifice, honor and love. It takes two hours to tell this story, yet, even at that, when the ending credits flash across the screen you’ll find yourself wanting more!

Me too, so I’m off to the IMAX Experience tonight!

Violence: Heavy / Profanity: Mild / Sex/Nudity: Minor

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—The reviewer was pretty much right on concerning the movie, though I think the objectionable elements were more problematical, meriting a lower moral rating for the movie. There were also some problems with the story line. For example, Scotty’s sudden transition from lone man on a snowy outpost to chief engineer in one fell swoop is never explained and unrealistic.

***BEWARE: SPOILERS AHEAD*** Hard core Star Trek fans may be upset with some of the changes to the time-line, although it was done in a quintessential “Star Trek” way. For example, I kept expecting a trip to the past to undo the destruction of Vulcan and the death of Spock’s mother, but it didn’t happen. I suspect this alteration has to do with giving the writers the freedom to do things within the ST universe that otherwise would have contradicted stuff from the TV shows and movies.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
David, age 46 (USA)
Positive—This is an entertaining trip into a sci-fi universe that I have not frequented, never having watched Star Trek on TV. Not my thing. But the story line is crisp and clear, the dialogue full of amusing overtones, the characters likeable, even the brash young Captain Kirk, who seems to grow up and become more sober as he undertakes life and death situations. I found the character of the Russian crew member hilarious. This is a nicely balanced movie, with enough positive elements to please many viewers.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Halyna Barannik, age 63 (USA)
Positive—Boldly going into the cinema into a movie no man, at least in my town, has ever seen before, I was treated to a great movie going to the final frontier and beyond. Yes, Star Trek is back after years of absence, and, after the failure of “Star Trek: Nemesis” back in 2002, this is a more refreshing and exciting Trek movie.

Unlike the last number of Star Trek movies, this one takes it back to where it all began with the famous Captain James Tiberius Kirk (Chris Pine). It’s the start of the adventure that led into the old classic Star Trek series, telling of how all the famed crew members such as McCoy (Karl Urban), Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Scotty (Simon Pegg) came together and set off on its mission to seek out new life and new civilisations.

Many people I know would probably be turned off with the fact that this movie is about “Star Trek” and therefore, only Trekkies need apply. This is untrue. I am not a Trekkie, even though I have seen some of the episodes of the original series, and I loved this movie. All of the actors who portrayed the crew of the USS Enterprise played their parts very well, and there was some great character development, even going as far as having some fun with them, such as poking fun at Chekov’s (Anton Yelchin) Russian accent, and Scotty complaining that his talents and knowledge were all going to waste, as well as some great dialogue. It was even exciting to see the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy, making an appearance in the movie. The movie itself was mostly true to the original, with some added tweaks and improvements to make it look more futuristic. I myself loved seeing the interior and exterior of the Enterprise—it looked so well done and well remade. Eric Bana did an excellent job as the evil and sinister Nero—I barely recognised him under all that makeup.

There were very few negatives that I can point out that let this movie down in the moral area. Kirk is naturally a womanizer, thinking that at the Academy women take higher priority than his studies to get into Starfleet. There is a scene where Kirk is in bed with an alien woman, both wearing only their underwear, and there is also a scene where Kirk views Uhura (Zoe Saldana) getting undressed. I also don’t understand why Spock and Uhura were infatuated with each other—it seems to be, in the words of Spock “most illogical” considering that they never were interested in each other romantically in the original series. I only picked up one profanity in the movie (Kirk swearing in disbelief at Spock) and the violence is moderate—little in the way of blood, but poor Kirk does get beaten up a lot throughout the movie, which I thought was going a little over the top.

However, this is a movie for Trekkies and non Trekkies alike, with excitement, smart dialogue, a good story to follow and a fantastic cast. Enjoy and “live long and prosper.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Dave, age 23 (Australia)
Positive—Being the lifelong Trekkie that I am, I truly enjoyed that aspect of the film, and loved it’s new take on the old series. The modern technology paired with Star Trek was a dream.

However, I had some major moral things that made me cringe and take pause.

1) The sexual issues. The scene with Kirk in bed with the Orion cadet was unnecessary. I’ve never had a real problem with the William Shatner Kirk’s affinity for ladies, but this is different. Also, the nature of the sexual comments. That bar scene was chock full of innuendo, and also one comment from Uhura later was more than I cared to hear.

2) The violence. The ship vs ship and some Starfleet vs Romulan fighting I could handle as it was necessary to the plot, but again the bar scene with Kirk literally getting beaten bloody, as well as a young Spock beating up another child violently was too much.

3) The tacit approval of Kirk’s rebellious attitude. The film glorifies a man who gets where he does by rebelling. Granted, he’s right, but his attitude towards authority (and Spock’s) bordered on disgraceful at various points. Us Christians are called to respect the authorities over us, especially parents.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Esther, age 25 (Canada)
Positive—I was able to see this movie at a Thursday night screening offered in our area. I confess I was a pretty big Trek fan going into this, so I was half-inclined to like it anyway. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t like it, even if you’ve never watched any of the shows. I think they really tried hard to make the story accessible to a general audience, and those who are already fans like me will love all of the allusions to the original show, especially the appearance of Leonard Nimoy (the original Mr. Spock) in the movie.

Morally, the worst part is Kirk’s womanizing. There is one sensual scene where he is making out with a green-skinned woman, although no explicit nudity is seen. The girl’s roommate walks in and takes off her shirt (Kirk is hiding under the bed by this time), so we end up seeing all three characters in their undergarments. This is a fairly brief scene, and it is the only love (lust) scene in the movie. Other than that, there are a few more mild (spoken) innuendoes and a smattering of profanities (comparable to the language in other Star Trek movies). Explicit religious faith is mostly absent in this movie (some characters are seen standing in a circle around a statue as if praying, but what they’re actually doing isn’t really explained).

Aside from the concerns already noted, I felt the story was excellent, and the movie certainly kept my attention. It is a remake of the old franchise, but the changes and updates are made gracefully and in the spirit of the original characters, I think (even Kirk’s womanizing is true to the original series, when it comes down to it). The original theme song plays during the final credits.

I am sure that both fans and non-fans will enjoy this. If the love scene mentioned above is problematic and you’d still like to see it, either look down during that scene or wait for the video so you can skip over it! Live long and prosper!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
John Stanifer, age 23 (USA)
Positive—You don’t have to be a Trekker to enjoy this movie. Any casual movie going fan will enjoy the characterizations, plot and action in Star Trek.

I’m a Trekker from way back. I’ve watched much of ST:TOS, all of ST:TNG and many of the other spin off series and I’ve seen all of the ST movies. The latest incarnation holds it’s own against the best of the original movies. Replacing William Shatner and co. is no small feat. Chris Pine and co. have made me a believer.

As a Christian, Kirk’s womanizing is the main objection. Thankfully, it is brief and sex is implied more than seen. There is some language. However, both the language and womanizing is in keeping with the history of Star Trek so no new ground was broken here. Kirk’s character is fully rounded warts and all.

On the positive side—loyalty, self-sacrifice and love of fellow man are on full display. Willingness to lay down one’s life for others is also a theme too. In these areas, Kirk is a great role model. He has his flaws, but his positive attributes far out weigh them, IMO.

Parents should he give heed to the PG-13 rating for obvious reasons. Otherwise, go see “Star Trek” and live long and prosper.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
James Taylor, age 38 (USA)
Positive—WOW!!! What a great movie. As a trek fan for years I was excited that another Star Trek movie was coming out, but I was worried that it would not be made well. My worries were cast out when I saw how awesome the film was made. I highly recommend it to everyone.

I really didn’t see anything really offensive in this movie. In the beginning, the rebellious James T. Kirk was a bit… randy in a couple of scenes; however, nothing seriously offensive was shown. (This is of course my opinion; I know some people get offended seeing skin above the knee.) As far as violence, there was very little, mostly in the form of people responding to situations with anger and hatred which, of course, is something every human being must constantly learn to cope with all throughout life.

Like all Star Trek movies, the story contains certain philosophies that we all encounter at times. Our beliefs, our morals are revealed by how we respond to certain situations. What part of our inside do we follow? Do we follow the “good” part of ourselves which tells us to serve others? Or do we give in to our darker side which is more self serving and often is harmful to others as well as ourselves? I do love the opening scene where the acting captain’s love for his family pushes him to sacrifice himself so that they may live. Love is such a powerful motivator.

In short, awesome movie. Recommend it. Go see it!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Troy Mendez, age 34 (USA)
Positive—Man what a great movie. My review is short due to the fact that most have already said what needed to be said. This was so unbelievably good that I have but one thing to say. During the whole movie I heard so little language that it impressed me, except that one time. 'GD', why did it need to be there?? The modest sex scene, why did it need to be there?? That is my problem with Hollywood. They took a super good movie and threw in 2 things that took the movie down like 3 notches for me. Other than that nothing else needs saying.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Larry Barber, age 46 (USA)
Positive—Wow! What a movie!!! From a trekkiee that has followed all from a young age, it was fun to see that there were other ST fans watching with me cheering! I can only say to those who are not going because “it’s another ST movie…” you are really losing out on a top-notch movie!

Though on a flip side, isn’t that if you are coming from the future (Spock) you should be able to alter the course of events, like the destruction of the Romulan planet and it’s subsequent reactions…? Hey, but who said that Star Trek has to make sense? brilliant filmmaking!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ashby, age 32 (South Africa)
Positive—STAR TREK has got action, drama, and CGI that compliment the over all arc of an interesting story. A reboot for the aging franchise that both felt nostalgia yet has elevated to a new exciting level. J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof (both from ABC’s LOST) with casts and crews did a fantastic job of revitalizing this pop culture icon. Kudos for Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto plus all the supporting actors, due to time and story, each actor’s character shines, even with the briefest moment on screen.

From the opening dramatic action packed, tear jerking intro of the attack on the USS Kelvin, James T. Kirk’s dad sacrificed himself for his crew and family’s escape. Then we are introduced to the half-human, half-vulcan Spock being mocked and bullied as a child by his fellow full blooded Vulcan classmates. These two would eventually collide as they became members of the USS Enterprise. They maybe at odds with each other, but no one is talking of killing each other before the Romulans became their greatest threat.

This is not BATMAN BEGINS, but more like IRON MAN, yet with enough gravitas to ground us while the laughs comes appropriately to make us cheer. There’s a few strong languages, Kirk kissing a half naked redheaded green girl and Uhura undressed down to her undies, while none of the killings were graphic or gory, which is a plus. However, there was a graphic bar fight where Kirk was plummeted.

Overall, if you’re new to Star Trek, you’ll enjoy this little thrill ride. If you’re a Trekkie or a Trekker, you’ll still enjoy the fun spin.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Mang Yang (USA)
Positive—Good movie, not great. First of all, I have to admit that the actor playing Spock was distracting, if you have ever watched the TV show “Heroes.” It was hard to think of him as Spock and not the guy off that show. I enjoyed the movie, and it is a fun movie. After reading some of the reviews on this site prior to going to the movie, I did expect more. So, in someway’s, the movie was a bit of a let down, as I was expecting it to be better. It had a few profanities in it and really only one sexual situation where you see a man on top of a woman in lingerie kissing her. I am not saying this is OK, but it is nothing worse than anything you would see on any network show or even in commercials these days. Once again—Good movie, not great. If you are a Star Trek fan, then I am sure you will enjoy it, as it gives several nods to the original series.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Brad, age 37 (USA)
Positive—Hopefully, my 3 viewings in 24 hours, one of those IMAX, will suggest this is a solid movie with sheer replay value.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Keenum, age 22 (USA)
Positive—First, my disclaimer: I am a Trekker and so are my children. We could not wait to see this movie and actually got tickets for the first night, which we rarely do for any movie. But, I can honestly say that even those who aren’t familiar with ST or who think they dislike it will really enjoy this film. My 14 year old daughter raved about it to her non-Trekker friends (don’t you wish we all spoke of Jesus Christ with this level of enthusiasm?) and they all loved it. Sure, you may find some of the references more amusing if you know the ST universe a little, but almost anyone will be impressed with the quality of the acting and the intricate, fast-moving plot.

Like most ST movies, this focuses more on the characters than on special effects. Most sci-fi movies have a very grim view of the future in which the machines we’ve made suddenly turn on us and hate us, but ST’s view is much more positive. It’s a universe in which cultural differences are largely overcome and people work together to explore, not take over, 'strange new worlds.'

And speaking of worlds, yes, there is a great deal of worldliness in this movie, as others have mentioned. There is drunkenness, sexuality, and violence. In the sex scene between Kirk and an alien woman early in the movie, the characters are clothed, but it’s pretty graphic nonetheless, and I was a little embarrassed for the sake of my 12 year old son and 14 year old daughter. My daughter slunk down in her seat, and I heard my son and his friend mutter “oh no, not this stuff.” So parents, be warned. What’s interesting is that this same scene contains a bit of information that is very important to the plot, but you almost miss it if you’re a Christian parent thinking 'I hope that’s all there is of this!'

That said, I hope there are many more ST movies with this cast. They really do an admirable job convincing the audience that they really are the younger versions of the TOS characters we have come to love.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Ashley, age 46 (USA)
Positive—Some offensive language, and womanizing, refreshingly tame given the subject matter and setting. Given the opening (which was fantastic), I must view Star Fleet in this film in a military context. In that context, the language and the womanizing mentioned by others is actually quite mild. As a veteran, I heard far worse in my first three months in the military, and that was not in the heat of battle. In a similar vein, the same drives young men have to seek adventure and to make their lives matter can make them chase inappropriate romantic encounters. I took the opportunity to discuss with my boys the questionable, impetuous nature of young men, and the importance of controlling or directing those impulses in positive manners.

Now, setting aside the caveats, what does the movie open with ? “No greater love.” How often can you find that in a mainstream movie without any reservations? My family sees perhaps 2-3 mainstream movies per year (IF we’re lucky and they produce that many good ones), and this was the most positive one I’ve seen in a long time.

I’ve seen other entertaining ones, to be sure, but for positive lessons, this one is hard to beat. A military force shown in an unabashedly positive manner, self-sacrifice, loyalty, honor, courage.

Yes, there is excitement, and action galore. But I can find those in many movies that are far poorer teaching tools than this. My family will be discussing this one for weeks.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
J, age 45 (USA)
Positive—I fully enjoyed this movie! There was little that was offensive…a “G-D” comment by McCoy and a scene where Kirk is in bed with an alien chick. Other than that, it was an exciting, engaging, suspenseful story. I hope another one is coming out soon!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Holly, age 33 (USA)
Positive—This movie had me a little worried going into it at first because I have always been a star trek fan from the original series to TNG (the next generation), Voyager, and Enterprise and having seen all the movies. Our theater here locally has this new thing where you get food served right to your seat while you sit in a recliner and enjoy the movie so I thought if nothing else we had to try this new concept in movie going out.

So on to the movie from a huge Star Trek fan. The movie was really good lots of action and a good story line. I know time travel has been done a million times in the star trek universe, but I also read that the writers felt this was a way to change the time line and allow them to rewrite the trek history as we know it without interfering with anything that happened previously. Good idea I thought.

I did not like the fact that a couple of the girls were in their bra and underwear for about 2 minutes on screen and there were a few curse words. Nothing horrible no S*** words or f-words or anything like that. I mean movies like Paul Blart and others get by with no language and star trek has been one that has usually never had any except Star Trek IV so why it was included here I don’t know, but it’s there.

SO in the end this movie rocks and is really great renewal to the trek universe. If you are worried about seeing it because other people are playing kirk, spock and mccoy then I urge you to stop worrying. I think overall the guy who played Mccoy “Bones” was the closest to Deforest kelly of all the people in the movie. I thought everyone did a good job and the movie had a good story line you never knew what was around the corner and overall just a great movie.

If you saw Nemesis and thought the good ol days of star trek are gone then come see this one. Nemesis even left me wondering what did they do to the Star Trek universe it was like they went off the deep end but now they are back.

But a quick underwear scene and a few words wont keep me from watching the movie. You know that’s why they make that DVD player that filters out objectionable content such as language. But still This is Star Trek and there was nothing that bad that I cant close my eyes for a couple minutes and enjoy the rest of the movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jason, age 33 (USA)
Positive—The acting in the show was beyond reproach. Chris Pike had me believing he was William Shatner before the end of the show. And is there any end to Zachary Quinto’s ability? Don’t go there looking to see the original plotline. Yes, the crew looks considerably younger than the crew did on its “original” 'five year mission'. They are launching out roughly 17 years early, taking normal ranking into consideration.

Star Trek has never really been a moral show, unless you are a humanist. But that doesn’t mean you “check your morals in at the door.” However, the Christian can easily be reminded as to what hate and the need for revenge can do to a person, as well as how it can change pathways. A dose of forgiveness could have caused the major Romulan(played by Eric Bana) to see reality a little clearer, and not go down a path of sure destruction.

As for Jim Kirk’s promiscuity, it was never glorified. In fact, if you know the old story line, there are ramifications for his choices. And if you bring your adolescent or teen you can discuss it.

I wouldn’t recommend it for children younger than adolescent.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
V, age 44 (USA)
Positive—What a movie! I didn’t know what to expect when I went to Star Trek, but I had a rip-roaring time! It was fresh and exciting! J.J. Abrams had his hands full trying to lure new fans while keeping “purists” like myself happy, but I think he did a wonderful job. Hope more episodes are planned and that they will be as good as this first installment.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Reba, age middle age (USA)
Positive—With regard to the various comments about misusing God’s name (e.g., G__ D___) in this (or any other) movie, I’d like to point out that God’s name is not “God” or “LORD.” What the Bible is talking about is misusing God’s personal name (e.g., “Yahweh,” “Jehovah,” or “Jesus”).
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Tom, age 40+ (USA)
Positive—This was the Most Impressive and Stunning Star Trek film I’ve ever seen, The TV ads say “This is Not Your Father’s Star Trek” and I agree, Chris Pine is great as young Captain James T. Kirk, this film is fresh and original, and gives new life to the Trek Franchise, I have been a Loyal Trekker since I was age 8, I’ve seen all the Trek Movies and TV series, even Star Trek: Discovery and the parody series “The Orville” both of which debuted in September 2017.

Even in 2018, many movie fans say the 2009 “Star Trek” film is the best reboot in Cinema History, and the best of the 3 Kelvin Timeline Films. This film was Fun, Enjoyable, Action packed, never a dull moment, eye-popping special effects, all the characters were perfectly cast, great chemistry and plot/story, after the corny lame Trek films, “Insurrection” and “Nemesis” the 2009 reboot makes it cool to be a Trekker again, nothing really morally offensive in this film, but this film demonstrates the importance of duty, friendship, loyalty, and helping others.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jeff Andrew Winters, age 38 (USA)
Neutral—First of all, upfront, I’m a Star Trek fan, and a science fiction fan. Always have been. And as a movie, this chapter of the ST story is brilliant, enjoyable, well-cast/acted/edited/directed. I enjoyed it very much. They honored the franchise. That said, it has always bothered me, as a born-again Christian, that the future as depicted in ST is idyllic. Humanity has eradicated poverty, hunger, political dissent, war, disease, and crime, and unified into a coherent, happy oneness that repudiates and contradicts the Bible’s message of personal sin and humanity’s utter inability to find world peace outside of God and his Son. In fact, the Bible clearly states that one day the world will indeed unite as one, and we all know how that ends 7 years later. I worry that shows like “Star Trek” which depict a future one-world paradise are reinforcing humanity’s desire for a one-world order, and conditioning us when it does eventually arise to accept it as a positive development. However, as pure entertainment I enjoyed this movie. If only it were an accurate prophecy of what is to come.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Kimo, Honolulu, age 48 (USA)
Neutral—I am a sci-fi fan and have always been one. However, since coming to know Christ and feeling convicted, I have been very careful about the kind of films I see. It’s shame that Hollywood just hasn’t grasped the idea that they can draw an audience without sex or foul language. Trek is a very entertaining film. It’s action packed and well produced. The problem is it’s also a film marketed towards children (just step into the toy section of your favorite store). The film contains unnecessary foul language including what I consider the unforgivable (G** D***). I don’t like hearing it and don’t want my children exposed to it. Also, the sexual scene with Kirk was really unnecessary. The creators of this film could have easily shown Kirk trying to woo women (which they did) in order to convey his womanizing attitude. I rated this film neutral because I want to make sure movie goers are warned. The film is entertaining, but does not support a Christian walk or core values. My advice is if you do go see it do not take any children younger than teens. And then, be prepared to discuss the negative behaviors in the film.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
David, age 42 (USA)
Neutral—I say average rating because we Christians seem to get “sanded papered” with all the sexual innuendos to give a moral rating above average, that we take too lightly. Now, let’s get down to the business of Star Trek format of the original and re-boot 2009 version.

It was cute seeing the origins of the young crew. I liked that.

However, let’s get down to getting away from the cannon of Star Trek. Mr. Spock being kissed twice by this aggressive lustful Lt. Hrura was out of character of Spock. Spock is not one to take lightly the military rules and regulations of the whole star fleet and would not allow a young “hussy” kissing him twice on ship, especially during “on duty” command. Even the heathen would agree, as I talked a non-Christian, who saw the movie last night, and was upset that Mr. Spock allowed Hrura to linger the mission by allowing her to kiss him and in front of the troops; it was against Star Ship military regulation and Vulcan controlled emotions, even if he is half human. We knew that the producers were trying to revive the first white/black kiss scene on TV, but it was inappropriate for Spock; and twice for that matter even doing it on the “the beam me up Scotty” transport room.

The young arrogant James T. Kirk taking his first simulated test on command eating the apple was way out of character with him, too. The real James T. Kirk had little humility in any operation that you would at least feel the possibility of failure under fire, yet he came through. None of that here; just a jerk kid showing off. Last negative comment. All were too young to command and operate a battle Star Ship especially the pride of the USS Enterprise.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Robert Garci, age 62 (USA)
Neutral—We all Christian reviewers forgot a very great scene in the Star Trek 2009 movie. When James T. Kirk’s father is about to give his life for the crew while at the same time his wife, on the escape pod, is having a baby (James T. Kirk). It was a tear jerking scene when the father, in those final moments of his life, only now wants to know if the baby is a girl or a boy and what they should call the baby, seconds before he dies. That’s real family love, that was a fantastic scene for us Christians—and others for that matter!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Bob Garcia, age 62 (USA)
Neutral—This movie was okay for the most part. There was one offensive scene where the main character, Kirk, is hiding under the bed watching one of the girl students undress after just having sex with one girl. Seriously? Was that really necessary or was that just a scene put in for the teenage audience? Lots of action for sure. The plot was, unfortunately, very confusing to follow. I had never seen Star Trek before and I couldn’t follow the movie very well even though I heard that even if you never saw the series you could follow it. Oh well.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Alex, age 19 (USA)
Negative—…A definition of believe by Webster’s is: To take as true, real. To trust a statement. To suppose or think. To have faith, trust or confidence.

One of the main things that Star Trek has always taught us is that we as humans are a lower life form, and that we have not evolved yet as the aliens have. Even though, in the original, Kirk and crew are able to overcome their being inferior to the aliens being superior, through great reasoning and sometimes brute strength, it teaches us that instead of being made in the image and likeness of God we are just lower life forms, but if we try hard enough and work together we can overcome. This is not sound biblical teaching. Though the characters do a really good job of reminding us what we liked so much about the original series, and the plot is interesting, we as Christians can’t get past the swearing, partial nudity and very graphic and disgusting violence.

This movie was very offensive. Every character was an exaggerated version of the original series. Kirk not just a womanizer, but an extreme pervert! Bones swears like it’s going out of style. The thing that got me to watch this film was nostalgia, not the Holy Spirit. Think on the things that are lovely, pure and of good report; the violence, grotesqueness was over the top. We as believers are used to Batman, “The Matrix,” Bond films, they just keep us away from thoughts of purity, not towards a life filled with purity. I believe they tend to help harden our hearts, not soften them.

…The characters are endearing, but are exaggerated versions of the originals. Kirk especially has a really hard time with woman, much more than the original. Bones swears and Spock beats on people a little to easily.

…My flesh liked parts of this film, but closing my eyes in various parts doesn’t seem to be a good indicator that this was a film that was holy. The filming of action films with close up and shaky camera does not do justice to the stuntmen and choreographers. It’s hard to see.

…As a former Trekkie it seems they did a pretty good job of casting for look-a-likes of the originals, except for Chekhov. If it’s creepy, it’s not Christ!…

…Evil is evil. It was hard to watch this movie and not think about it afterward. This morning when I woke up I thought of the movie and how some of the parts were disturbing. In mornings past I would wake up and hear the birds singing and join them in worship of our great God.

I am not saying parts of this movie aren’t fun, or that it’s not well made, but it’s a nostalgic recollection of times past that draws my flesh into places I should not go.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive to Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1 to 3
Tim Stromer, age 42 (USA)
Negative—See movie at your own risk! I admit, I was extremely taken into it and it was full throttle action, until almost at the end. Doc had to boldly tell Kirk a statement, “this is the last G__ d___.” After that I left. I spent $8 to see this film, and the money isn’t important it’s my values and what God has done for me, that I show Him the RESPECT He deserves. Our God’s name taken in vain is allowed to be written in these high budget scripts. In my opinion, when they seep that low, I consider it to be unintelligent, untrustworthy, and most of all disRESPECTful. Not to mention a cheap and lame script when they do this. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Alex Campbell, age 29 (USA)
Negative—I’m very familiar with the Star Trek franchise. I’ve seen some of each series; My once-upon-a-time preference being Voyager, then TNG. I’ve watched the original series many times in the past. I’ve never really liked it though. But this film was something different; JJ Abram’s Fringe is more interesting than this film to me. Some of the things others speak of about the movie I have to strain to remember because it just was not that interesting. For all the hoopla and fanfare and stars, it was still somehow empty. I had intended, as had been the norm, to just go in, sit like a sponge and watch it. The Spirit of God just would not allow that. Instead, my thoughts lingered on the fellow movie-goers in the room with me, on things like how they were receiving what they were watching and drinking in. People I didn’t know; Every one of them teenagers. I still caught most of the film, but without being engrossed in it.

The hypo-spray sequence between McCoy and Kirk was funny, but the language and the sexually suggestive Kirk/Orion girl scene (him on top of her in bed? in their underwear?? And it’s mild?????) were not. Paul’s whole encouragement is to “not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but rather, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” There were the things the editor stated as being noble qualities, but there is no mind renewing flavor or essence to it. How can there be? The whole Star Trek universe is God-less by design. Plus, it just felt all “cookie cutter” with 21st century effects.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Billy Prince, age 38 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—Some things that I really liked about this movie, even though I’m not really a “Star Trek” fan, was that the show had you caring for people from the very beginning. Also, the aliens were cool-looking, not stupid and, although I am a girl, I liked that things were continually getting blown up left and right. The guy who played Spock did a very good job at playing an emotionless man who stuck to the rules and talked like he was from another time. In fact, he did so well, that I wanted to slap the character just to hopefully get an emotional result because I was getting too fed up with him, admittedly! I liked Kirk and Scottie because they were really likable people. However, there were a few things that I wasn’t fond of. There were a few instances of cussing and swearing, although not nearly as much as in most movies these days and sadly, there was one (thankfully short) inappropriate scene that was very stupid to have in there because, aside from obvious reasons, it didn’t really mean anything to a very action-packed story. This movie was very good, however, not good for those younger than the movie rating (I actually saw a little girl who looked to be about 5 alone in the bathroom saying she just came from the show) and those who are older than the movie rating should not go see it if they are even slightly immature because of a few startling scenes of strange monsters and things getting blown up.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
A. Hyde, age 12 1/2 (USA)
Positive—So, I just want to lay this out from the beginning. I really never liked Star Trek. I tried to watch the TV shows a couple of times, even made an attempt at one of the films (Wrath of Khan, I think) once. But I just wasn’t a big fan.

But I really, really enjoyed this movie. For me, it was everything I want from a sci-fi film that I never really got from the show. I always felt like the show lacked imagination; laugh at me if you will, but that’s just what I thought. But here, I really felt like they were creating brand new worlds in which I could get lost in ways that I hadn’t with the show. Perhaps this is helped along by the film’s truly brilliant visuals. I’m going to wait to see it on the small screen before I solidify this opinion, but I’d say this film’s special effects are the best we’ve seen in Hollywood today. Nearly everything is CGI, something about which I’d normally complain, but here, it manages to blend incredibly well with the actors and the set pieces that were actually constructed. My disbelief was successfully suspended.

Not to mention the film moved along at a very brisk pace that kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat the entire time. That might’ve been helped along by the frequent action sequences, but the movie never quite feels like a constant ‘splosion-fest either. There was depth interlaced with all the action, somehow.

Also, the cast was great. Like I said, my knowledge of the original Star Trek series is limited at best, but all the characters had a really great chemistry. It meshes them into this really great team that you’re happy to root for.

That said, not quite all is well in this movie. Sometimes, it feels like the filmmakers got a little too lost in their special effects extravaganza and forgot that there’s a human element behind it. The destruction of a major planet (and the homeworld of an important character) should’ve been heartrending, but…well, it wasn’t. It was just really pretty special effects. Another thing is that Kirk came off as a bit underdeveloped to me. I was content with the rest of the cast to be developed through the great relationships they had, but I needed something a bit deeper with Kirk, something I never quite got. He seems really determined and driven to live up to the expectations of the father he never knew, and it’s never explained why. In fact, it was hard at times to view him as the main character instead of Spock.

Finally, time travel plays a large role in the plot, and it opens up some reasonably significant plot holes that I couldn’t reveal without spoiling the movie. The film’s engrossing enough to keep you from noticing, but when the movie’s over, and you start to think about what you watched, these things start to occur to you and make you wonder, 'You know, couldn’t they have just done this?'

But overall, it was great fun and absolutely gorgeous to look at, and I’ll be happy to add this one to my DVD collection when the time comes.

CONTENT—You might be concerned about what appears to be a sex scene shown in the trailers; however, it’s not nearly as explicit as the filmmakers want you to believe it is. The two people shown never actually end up having sex; they are interrupted by the woman’s roommate, forcing the man to hide under the bed. Of more concern is the fact that he stays there long enough to see her strip down to her underwear.

Violence-wise, it’s mostly mild for a PG-13 movie. It’s generally the standard sci-fi shoot-'em-ups and space battles typical of Star Wars. However, it is a bit more realistic than a Star Wars movie, just in the way that it is presented. There were only a handful of moments that could qualify as disturbing—first, in the beginning of a movie, an explosion aboard a ship knocks a female officer against the walls of a corridor like a pinball; she is then sucked out, screaming, into space. Another bothersome death sees a man being pulled violently into long stream of fire, where he is quickly incinerated. Also, I’d call attention to the torture scene mentioned in the review, where a man has a buglike creature inserted into his throat. It’s worth noting that this man does survive the movie.

My main concern with the movie was that there was quite a bit of profanity. I don’t sit through movies and count, but I’d say it happened around twenty times or so. D-n, h-l, a-s, b-stard, and sh-t (once) were all used for sure. The Lord’s name was taken in vain a few times as well.

Basically, I’d say the movie pretty much earns its rating and isn’t for kids under 13. 13 and up should be able to handle it, but I’d recommend you know your kids first.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Matt Triponey, age 17 (USA)
Neutral—I thought that overall the movie was pretty awesome. I was mad @ first because my brother made me go and see a “boys” movie. But, I actually loved it. There was only one part that I didn’t like: The main character (Kirk, I think) was lying on top of the “green girl” and they were both in their very tight underwear kissing. Then the main girl character comes in and doesn’t know that Kirk is under the bed and starts undressing. So, they’re all three in their underwear… which is kind of embarrassing if you’re sitting next to the opposite sex. And then, they make some reference like “this has to be the 10th boy you’ve let in here this week…” and yeah, so that was the weird part. Otherwise, it was great!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Sarah M., age 15 (USA)
Positive—I went to see this movie the other night and I absolutely LOVED it! The actors, costumes and effects in this movie were great! There were some parts that were slightly objectionable, but it was rated PG-13 so I think it was pretty clean for that rating. I would gladly see this movie again. …
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Dana, age 13 (USA)
Positive—Star Trek was a fast-paced exciting movie full of surprises and accurately representing the previous series. The characters were dramatic and real, full of personality, and how they were brought together to fight their common enemy was beautiful. The scene with partial nudity and suggested sex is absolutely inappropriate and comes rather suddenly. Although my dad and I were able to look away before we saw too much, we did see enough to know what was going on. This was rather disappointing in view of how awesome the rest of the movie was. There was also quite a bit of swearing.

However, these negative points did not distract me from the plot or the movie itself. One viewer commented about the implied degradation of the human race, that Star Trek has painted humans as lower than the evolved alien forms. However, this is science fiction, and aliens are a mere symbol of this genre. Space aliens do not exist, and as a result, no negative message in this regard is portrayed. It is true that working hard to overcome difficulties is emphasized in the movie, but the concept of working together and using each person’s talent to win overrules the former.

Each person had a specific talent, and they humbled themselves to allow the others to fill in. This is not at all contrary to Christian-teaching; the body of Christ works in a more or less similar way. Some have been given gifts of preaching, some gifts of encouragement, and some gifts of giving etc. (Romans 12) With everybody’s God-given gifts, a group of Christians is stabilized and looking towards Christ as their Head. The movie, technically speaking, is one of the best I have ever seen.

The casting was almost perfect, the special effects stunning, and the action thrilling. I am planning to see this again with a friend. Now, I know scenes I’d like to avoid watching, and can warn my friend about them as well. I do not recommend this movie for people under the age of 15.

Parents: please consider bringing your child to this movie. As a teen, I know somewhat the minds of my peers and those younger than me. The suggestive content may impact your child negatively and the violence may disturb especially young children.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
S. Bird, age 15 (USA)
Positive—I saw this movie with my father for his birthday, it was a very very good, but there was some inappropriate stuff in it, like two women in their underwear and bras. But overall it was a great movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Jefferson, age 13 (USA)
Positive—We went to see this for my mom’s birthday and I loved it! The acting was superb and Anton Yelchin is by far one of the coolest in the movie. I have never watched any of the old Star Treks, but I got the movie completely.

There were, of course, some language and a bed scene, but if you want to watch movies like this I think that for a PG-13 movie I was VERY appropriate and clean. The scene with the underwear is weird, but the girl that is involved is green, so I thought it was really more of a joke that a really sensual and serious scene. There was swear words but they are spread around in the movie. I also did hear god’s name used in vain, and I do agree that is wrong, but God’s name is used repeatedly in many many movies, so this was not unusual.

I really recommend the movie, my 11 year old brother watched it and although he can be very sensitive about such things, he was not afraid at all of the movie. Hope this helps.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Raquel, age 13 (USA)
Positive—Overall great movie! I was not a Star Trek fan before I saw this movie, now I’ve seen every one. I thought the story line was wonderful and well thought out. Because of intense violence and some language, which in one use of the s-word and other objectionable phrases, I believe the rating of PG-13 is appropriate. 10/10 highy recomended!!!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Marley, age 16 (USA)
Positive—If you are looking for an intense, action-packed movie, go see “Star Trek.” Although there was quite a bit of language (including the GD-word), this was an extremely good movie, and I really enjoyed it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Caleb, age 11 (USA)
Neutral—As sci-fi films go, I’ve seen much better. As Star Trek movies go, I have also seen much better. In other words, this movie is hugely overrated in almost everything. But then again, I’m not a Trekkie. Let’s start with the plot.

1) It was sub-par, to put it gently. The plot consisted of some weird miner whose planet was accidentally destroyed by Spock. So now this weird miner wants to kill everything in sight using the same earth-shattering technology that Spock used in the accident of the century. Maybe I speak falsely. Maybe there are much bigger accidents that happen in this space-age universe. Or maybe they all have to do with planets blowing up (I hearken back to Genesis in Search for Spock, a much better movie). Oh well, technology does come with its costs. Anyways, that’s the plot, and once again, Captain Kirk and Spock are the only ones who can stop the bad guys. And by the end of the movie, that is exactly what they do. No, that isn’t a spoiler.

2) It’s weird. If you’re a Trekkie, then maybe you can easily understand the whole time-travel thing. Or maybe you’re just a lot smarter than me. And the interjection of the old Spock came with a pro and a con. The pro is that they squeezed in some camera time for Leonard Nimoy, Spock when he was cooler and older. The con, it is almost too weird. Right now, I can’t tell if the advantage outweighs the disadvantage.

Now let’s move on to the characters. The only interesting thing about this movie is to see what the classic characters were like when they were younger. Well, now we have. Kirk is an immature, rebellious playboy who believes that the ends justify the means (I’m pretty sure that he gets better by the end, but I haven’t seen the movie in a while). From the time he’s a kid and wrecks his guardian’s antique car to when he’s cheating his tests, Kirk is the ideal jerk.

Spock is the most interesting character, who struggles with his identity. Is he a Vulcan or a human? Or is he some weird hybrid? So there’s some nice inner conflict with that subplot. Uhura is the most annoying character, because while Kirk is kind of a jerk sometimes, at least he’s a funny jerk. Uhura’s only job in the movie, it seems, is to have a pointless relationship with Spock, make Kirk jealous for that same reason, and abhor Kirk as any smart girl should. So that’s Uhura when she’s younger.

Checkov is much the same as when he was older, so that’s all good. Bones is great for two reasons. The first is that he’s played by Karl Urban, and the second is that he still has the same cynical wit of the old one. Urban captures all of it, and he even looks like Bones too.

Sulu is also awesome as a still-learning pilot. I don’t remember a thing about Scotty, except that he’s played by Simon Pegg, which is an automatic con, because Simon Pegg is one of the most annoying characters I’ve ever seen on screen and because he doesn’t look anything like the Scotty we all know and love. So, in the end, the most important characters are not at all how they are when they’re older (with the exception of Bones, Sulu, and Checkov). Doubtless, you won’t find very many similarities.

Language is mild, but there is one f-word in a particularly rebellious song that blares near the beginning of the movie as Kirk races his guardian’s car down a cliff. I actually didn’t find out about that word until after I saw the movie, so chances are you’re going to miss it.

Violence is typical of any Star Trek movie. Sex is brief but downright annoying and unnecessary (it’s only purpose was to make Kirk look more of a jerk than he was in the previous scenes). Uhura and Spock kiss. I hate that part for different reasons, if you know what I mean.

For the record, I loved the red monster that tries to eat Spock on that cold planet that looked suspiciously like that mining prison camp in “The Undiscovered Country.” I guess there are a lot of snowy planets in space. And don’t forget the “Empire Strikes Back.” Really, this one is only worth your time if you’re a Trekkie. If you’re not, than I promise, there are better action movies out there. But everyone who reads this review will probably go and see it anyways. I know I probably would. It’s too much of a temptation to see what happened in the earlier days of the Enterprise crew. Some things you just have to learn by experience. Really, I’m just writing this review because I like writing. I doubt it’ll keep anyone from seeing it, because if they’re reading these reviews, chances are it’s because they want to see it, and this isn’t going to stop anyone. But trust me; there are better sci-fi films out there.

“Matrix” isn’t all that violent and “Equilibrium” is much the same. “The Island” is also a wonderful movie with about as much objectionable contact as this one, although more violence. If you’re dying to sink your teeth into something Trekkie, see this movie. You might like it. As for me, I want to see “The Undiscovered Country” again.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Joseph Hughey, age 16 (USA)
Positive—I really enjoyed this movie; it keeps you entertained the whole time, and it’s very funny, as well. Unfortunately, there is a brief sex scene, but it lasts for no longer than 30 seconds and is easy to skip. Besides that, there is some violence, but nothing too bad, in my opinion. I don’t like the “Star Trek” TV show, but I loved this movie; it’s just a fun movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Benjamin, age 15 (Australia)
Comments from non-viewers
I have only seen the trailer for this movie, but plan to see it today. Great review of movie by Sheri McMurray. …Pike sees in him the pluck, determination, and ability to think fast in the face of diversity, that he once saw in his heroic father.
Gary Sawyer, age 52 (USA)
No, my wife and I will not see this, but we were planning on it. However, we found out from the main reviewer that G*D D*** was used. Now, I’m confused… How did this get a “Better than Average = only slightly objectionable” rating from most reviewers. Blaspheming God is very objectionable, especially in the bible. The use of these two very inconvenient swear words would lead us to believe that they were purposely inserted into the script by God haters and approved by the same. Are we in league with God haters? My wife and I are not. This film crossed the line (as most do now a days).
Jay, age 35 (Canada)
No, I haven’t watched the movie, and now I can’t. To use God’s holy name in vain in a movie is to put a curse on it, in my opinion. The Bible makes it clear that we will answer for every word we utter (Matt. 12:36-37, also see Matt. 15:18-19). I cannot in good conscience pay to see a movie where they use my Father’s name in such a way, and if all Christians began to think this way, then the movie industry would indeed have to make some changes. Think of it logically: If someone used the name of your mother, father, child, etc. as a curse, would you be offended? Then why pay to hear them smear God’s name in such a way, the One who loved you enough to die for you? Let it bother you!
Trudy M., age 46 (USA)
I would like to thank all the believers out there that wrote about the Lord’s name being taken in vain. My mom and I were almost about to see Star Trek today until we came to this site. I am thankful that we won’t be spending any money on something that offends our Father in heaven and offends us as well. The only thing that makes me sad is that ANY movie with ANY blatant disregard for the commandments and who we are in Christ would be labeled “better than average” morally. This is very unsettling and will only continue to get worse if we don’t somehow stop seeing movies like this and have a voice about what is acceptable and what isn’t…
Laurie, age 31 (USA)
I had to stop watching the film half-way through when Dr. McCoy decided to take God’s Name in vain. Great movie… up to that point. Christians must draw the line there. This, and this alone, should put it in the “extremely offensive” catagory for anyone who honors the Name of Our God. Very unfortunate that the writers chose this path.
Robert, age 41 (USA)