Alice Krige and Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: First Contact. Copyrighted, American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
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Star Trek: First Contact

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for some sci-fi adventure violence.

Reviewed by: Ken James

Moral Rating: Average
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Young-Adults Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Adventure Drama
Length: 1 hr. 50 min.
Year of Release: 1996
USA Release: November 22, 1996 (wide)
Copyright, Paramount Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Featuring Patrick StewartPicard
Jonathan FrakesRiker
Brent SpinerData
Levar BurtonGeordi
Michael DornWorf
Gates McFaddenBeverly
Marina SirtisTroi
Alfre WoodardLily
James CromwellZefram Cochran
Alice KrigeBorg Queen
Neal McDonoughLt. Hawk
See all »
Director Jonathan Frakes
Producer Paramount Pictures
Rick Bermanproducer
Martin Hornstein … executive producer
Peter Lauritson … co-producer

“Resistance is Futile.”

Films in this franchise

Over 550 million dollars have been earned to-date from the past collective “Star Trek” movies. …“First Contact” is well on its way to supplying its own hefty portion of money as sci-fi fans rush to the theaters to see the eighth film in this series.

First-time director Jonathan Frakes (“Number One”) delivers an excellent package noble enough to take teens to, and timeless enough to not leave any non-trekkies “in the dark.” Some of the only downfalls of this film was the slight bit of profanity, violence, mild sensuality, and pro-evolutionary themes.

So who is the villain that must be stopped from taking over humankind? None other than Capt. Jean-Luc Picard’s most hideous nemesis, the Borg. This collective organism, half-organic and half-machine, is bent on assimilating all known life forms into becoming “perfect,” as they believe they are. Humans in the 24th century have a “nobler” task: to better all of humanity, hitting on some mild evolutionary themes in the process. The Borg race lives together in a hive like culture, adapting almost instantaneously to any circumstance they are faced with.

Directly disobeying Starfleet Command, Picard steers the Enterprise into joining the intense battle as the Borg initiates an attack on the Federation. Naturally, just when it looks as if the Borgs are destroyed, they emerge with plans to not only take over and assimilate everyone on the Enterprise, but to also access the time-space continuum to go back in time and assimilate the human race. It’s up to the Enterprise to stop them.

Some critics say every “even” numbered “Star Trek” movie is worth viewing… this stands overwhelmingly true for “First Contact”. Yet, in viewing this, we must ponder the Bible’s stance on the existence of life on other planets, and remember that this quite enjoyable film is purely fictional and mentions nothing about the Creator of all life.

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Viewer CommentsSend your comments
overrated and predictable
I guess I’m not on the bandwagon with this one. Star Trek: First Contact was a disappointment. Maybe it was the lack of happy-go-lucky good-natured humor that Star Trek is known for. Maybe it was the very dark evil nature of the struggle (it reminds of the old “Dune” film). Maybe it was the predictable plot and ho-hum special effects.

Other things: the Earth rocket scientist portrays alcoholism, and the savior of the world is made out to be the Vulcans. So much for Christ. Nothing extremely offensive—this is Hollywood after all—but certainly anything but a great film. If you must see every Star trek film, alright, it’s a view, but an overrated one.
Todd Adams, age 30
One aspect that seems to have been missed is Picard’s struggle with his obsession. When his faithful crew refuse or fail to confront him, Lilly gets “right in his face” to make him turn and see the ugliness of what he is doing. Part of the Picard character is a human nobility which tends toward the high side of morality. When he finally faces the horrific line of twisted logic he has been following, he expresses sadness and grief at his actions, and gratitude for the correction.

If handled carefully, this intense scene near the end of the movie could be used as a springboard to show display the level to which even a moral or christian person is capable of living down to when they put their own interests first. It also shows the relief someone feels when they let go of they turn from their actions.
Mike Hoskins, age 38
While significantly darker in tone than its predecessor, “Generations”, this film did offer some good moral messages in its story. Picard’s risking his life to save Data from the Borg queen shows the Christian value of sacrifice that we should all have for each other. Also, I liked how the film condemned Picard quest for vengeance against the Borg for the hurt they inflicted on him. The allusion to Ahab in Moby Dick was a great comparison that really drove the point home.

However, there were graphic acts of torture and mutilation of the Enterprise crew either partially shown or alluded to, and there is some sexual innuendo present. This film deserves its PG-13 rating and is not for small children. Still, the production design, special effects and direction by Jonathan “Number One” Frakes were very impressive, making for, in my opinion, a visually powerful piece of filmmaking.

While Star Trek does originate from a secular humanist worldview, it does, as in this case, provide excellent moral messages.
Kevin J. Burk, Age 26
As an elder in a conservative Baptist Church, I am constantly saddened by how “we” Christians continue to relax our conduct. Of all these reviews, I read, I only saw two that call “profanity” and “sexual overtones” for what they really are—WRONG! How we can show our children that just a “little bit” of these is OK, since we live in the world is a sad commentary on how far “professing” Christians are slipping.

I won’t be taking my family to see this movie, even though we have enjoyed watching the TV series. The pull of the world is very strong, and these are slippery times, to be sure, and we must pray to be strong and not give in to our weaknesses.

I don’t want to sound self-righteous, but each of us must have a clear conscience before our Lord. Those of you that saw the movie… can you honestly say you do? May the Lord keep us and strengthen us.
Stan Weber, age 42
I was a Star Trek fan from the original series, and beyond. “First Contact” was exciting entertainment, and even good Star Trek, but since I’ve been saved, “behold, all things are become new,” and I now see God’s perspective, and man’s sin-nature. Jesus was my “first contact” with His ways and His grace. Now we are on a trek for God, preserving His word and spreading it for others to hear! That’s truly exciting! Besides (“warp speed” aside)—while almost instantaneous travel between stars (traveling near the speed of light) is a possibility of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity—time on Earth could pass on the order of thousands, even millions of years, relative to the space-traveler.

Since Jesus will return with a specific time known to God, and provided God does not limit man’s ability to “trek,” it is improbable that time itself can be so vastly relative apart from God’s plans.

Sorry Einstein. Sorry Trek fans. But God is truly the first and last contact we will make! He is the “Alpha and the Omega.” “As the heaven’s are higher than the earth, so are My thoughts higher than your thought’s, and My ways than your ways… says the Lord.” He is an awesome God! Resistance is futile! “Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess.” Opposite the Borg theme, it is really us humans who are Borg-like, and only God can save us. Call on Him to dis-assimilate you from your sin.

“Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” He is the one who blots out our sin, and besides Him, there is no other savior. (ref. Isaiah) “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” “The author and finisher of our faith.”
Peter Baitz, age 34
Although many will look at this sci-fi flick as worldly, falsely-futuristic and bleak, one cannot dismiss the obvious spiritual symbolism in the character of Capt. Picard (willing to give up his life for a friend). Lets find the good in all!
Jeff Marshall, age 29
As a long time TREK fan I thought the movie was OK, not the best Star Trek, but not bad. The character development for the BORG queen seemed fairly consistent with the nature of evil “I will lift myself up, and be like the most High God.” Lucifer did it, Hitler did it, Hirohito (the Japanese emperor) also did it.

The Bible says that Satan can come as an angel of light, just as this BORG queen tried to do espousing the BORG “false” religion. She tried to tempt Data with sensuality, attempting to turn his “normal” desire to be human into something dark, which is the hallmark of evil leaders.

I’m always both amused and disappointed that the characters of the “New World Order” Federation boldly proclaim virtues and values that sound good to them, only to see them violate those values (Picard’s struggle with revenge) again and again. But as so many have said, Star Trek is about entertainment, not Christianity.
Jeff Biggerstaff, age 41
I took my entire family of seven to see this movie. They did not grow up being trekkies as I did so their reaction to the plot was much as mine when I watched horror movies as a kid. Come to think of it, this movie reminded me of a reworked zombie flick with sci-fi special effects added in.
Scott Campbell, age 45
In C.S. Lewis’s auto-biography he stated that just prior to his conversion to Christianity he came to the conclusion that the Eastern religions encouraged one to give up his/her identity and be melded into the universal oneness. However, in Christianity as one died to oneself, Christ would paradoxically make each person more unique. Whatever else may have been intended by the producers, this movie struck me as a wonderful illustration of what happens as one’s identity is lost in the group of the eternal “oneness”. I think this topic could be used as a springboard to discuss the difference between “oneness” with the universe (New Age and/or Eastern religion) vs. submission to Christ.
Rob, age 32
STAR TREK:FIRST CONTACT should be evaluated in the context in which it is offered. That is, a basically humanistic view of Man’s future. There are many spiritual questions raised like, “What makes us human?” “What constitutes life?” Larger questions aside, the film is action packed, entertaining and I feel the best of them all. Any fan of sci-fi should check it out!

Those of us who may want to complain about this (or any other) movie or comment that we refuse to see it, remember the church controlled the film industry until the “Golden Age of Hollywood.”

When the industry began to corrode from the inside, the church backed off. It is the “hands off” mentality that has contributed to what Hollywood is today. If any of us are going to discourage others from seeing particular movies, then with the same breath, we need to encourage each other to pray for better ones. We are living in a visual society, learn to use it effectively, don’t just blow it off.
Dr. Arthur L. Terry, age 42
We have to differentiate between reality and fantasy with all “Star Trek” movies. If you go looking for Christian spiritual growth, you’ll find none. If you go looking for extremely fun entertainment, you’ll find much.If you go remembering that the movie is meant to tickle the imagination and fantasy rather than reality, then I believe you’ll find it to be an acceptable movie to enjoy.When the Bible speaks of not being “of the world,” I believe it meant not partaking of things of the world—meaning, not doing as they do.
Travis, age 23
I agree with a lot of the reviews that say this isn’t a Christian movie (but I didn’t expect it to be) and has less objectionable material than most of what’s out there. I thought it was interesting that Data’s battle was over his “flesh.” How many of us can identify with that? I think almost all of us here want quality Christian movies. Keep supporting their efforts in that direction (i.e., Touched By An Angel) and maybe one day…
Michael, age 35
As far as christian content… Umm none… But I did enjoy the movie!
Barnaby Baker, age 28
The bible says to avoid even the appearance of evil. Certainly paying to listen to profanity and see “mild” adult material has the appearance of evil. As Christians, we shouldn’t need this kind of entertainment. I didn’t see the movie and wouldn't.
Chris Guthrie, age 32
The bulk of above reviews seem to indicate a fear of the subject of sensuality as specifically depicted in First Contact. Scenes very similar to this were portrayed in a more dated manner in the serial-“pulp-fiction” trailers of WWII era. What should be a topic of discussion amongst Christians, is the gnostic-christ figure that the Borg queen is portrayed as.

As in Generations, with the mad religionist character that Roddey McDowel played, Christ, and his children are constantly portrayed as evil. The Borg in the ST universe represent the very ideal of Christianity: to bring all things under the lordship of Christ—things in heaven, and on Earth. The Borg imperative to assimilate (i.e., evangelize and convert), and their egotism (i.e., though we still sin, in Christ we have perfection), the World is making a brazen statement against Christ.

Regarding profanity, socialism, evolutionism, and sexuality… Brothers and sisters, the world is the world. Expect it to be evil and wrong, but at the same time, don’t give up the truth. Sex is a wonderful function created by God.

Adam was not a pool of sophisticated amino-acids. All forms of human government are flawed. Paul said that his pursuit of religion—apart from Christ’s righteousness was “fecal matter”
Kerim S. Ozan, age 28
I have always considered Star Trek to be pure entertainment. I’ve never looked for God in anything that Hollywood puts out. I do wish though that once in a while some brave soul would make a movie proclaiming His Word. Until then, I take everything Hollywood does with a grain of salt. The only part of First Contact that I found truly objectionable was the Borg queen referring to herself as “the first and the last.”

The rest of the movie (aside from the profanity, is the same stuff that was on for 7 years). If I want good Christian programming I turn on my local Christian tv stations.
Dana Greenblatt, age 23
I’ve read several of the previous comments and am disturbed about some of the folks talking about how un-Christian the movie is. I’ve not seen much Sci-Fi that IS Christian, but Star Trek has long been a favorite of mine (yes, I am a self-avowed trekker) because of the themes being presented which can act as a springboard for discussion with teens and adults alike. Many of my fellow trekkers would agree that the original Star Trek TV series was actually “about” Vietnam. First Contact has many themes which need discussion: lust, revenge, honor, duty, compassion, and loyalty just to name a few.

I think a comparison of the Borg queen to God could spur a marvelous conversation about reality and theology! For those of you who DON’T think this is a good movie for Christians to see, remember that our Lord tells us we must live IN this world. Remember also that this is entertainment—view it as such, and try to use it to witness to your kids about Christianity. Just MHO, of course.
Carl, age 49
I certainly enjoy reading other people’s comments. I agree with a great many of them. One things that hasn’t been mentioned, though, is an observation that my husband had right after we got out of the theater. He had an excellent comment on Data’s struggle with the evil Borg queen, and how quite often we are tempted by evil, because we want the power, while at the same time being repulsed by evil because it is a horrible thing.

That desire to destroy evil, as well as that pull toward evil, are handled well, especially in the final moments of the movie. I agree that parents should see it with their kids, in order to talk to them about some of the themes. All in all, very entertaining.
Kim Eames, age 26
While very well-made, and an astonishing debut for a first-time director (Frakes), I concur with many of the objections noted here about the philosophical subtext of the movie. I think what we may have here is a nod to those on the fringe of our society who actually DO believe that “first contact” will solve all our problems.
Patrick Rist, age 32
Special effects are great. I could have done without the profanity and drinking scene. The New-Age theme in Star Trek TV and movies is unfortunately becoming more and more evident. Also, the repeated time travel throughout Star Trek shows is extremely unChristian, not to mention the evolutionary themes. Star Trek is good entertainment as long as it is not taken seriously, but many people (such as the show’s producers) unfortunately take it more seriously than they should.
Bob Veenhuis, age 36
First Contact additional comment: The disrupting thing for me was the symbolic character of the Borg. When speaking to Data (early in her character development) the Borg nearly blasphemes God and actually takes on an identity of a god per say. The remainder of her evil and immoral (soliciting Data for sex) Character is well developed but some of her characteristics remain to parallel even our God’s character. I think this blend is cleverly designed to confuse and thwart His real identity.

The more characters we see that come close to God’s, especially the ones our young minds see, the less and less they will be able clearly identify the God of Abraham. You may tell I am a deeply involved viewer, but I am a more deeply involved Christian that would like not to see the Christian community not remain ignorant of director’s deceitful designs of movies these days. If you don’t think this director/screenwriter is criticizing our God for wanting to make everyone perfect, yet boring assimilated beings, you need to think again. I didn’t like the blaspheme and the symbolism cleverly included in the plot to take a stab at my King’s identity and true plan for us that will be made perfect in His sight.

I think something should be said to warn our brothers and sisters regarding this fact… Take the next step, pray and report… You have a great ministry opportunity… Hollywood is Satan’s major weapon these days. Stay ready for battle… Last thing: Just how strange do you think “normal” has gotten since movies have been used to re-mold society’s morals?… I encourage you guys to take the next step! Go deeper.
Kevin Ford, age 26
Overall, I would consider this the best Star Trek film to date. The story line was much “tighter” than most Trek films. The cinematography and characterization were very high caliber. There was, of course, the ever-present humanistic ideals that are to be expected in any Star Trek film. (This would be a great film to bring older children to in order to teach them how to pick out humanism). Overall, it is a fun film.
Jeremy Mayhew, age 21
I agree that the moviemaking deserves a 4 star and the Moral Rating a 2 1/2. I thought they did a great job but the philosophy in the movie is definitely not Christian. Star Trek fans are used to this however. For me I wouldn’t bring kids to see it under 13 or so.
Libby, age 35
I felt “First Contact” was a very enjoyable film, with very limited profanity, a nice change of pace considering many films insert the “f” word every other word. The sexuality referred to by many reviewers on this page was VERY mild compared to even daytime television, and showed the nature of temptation Data was dealing with, temptation we later learned Data overcame.

As for the reviewer who felt Data being fully functional was put in here to up the naughty factor, this is a function brought out more than once in the television series, and employed in one episode with Tasha Yar, and referenced in the episode in which Data was forced to defend his right to exist. It is a component of his being just as our sexuality is.

This movie in no means is Christian, as much science fiction is not. If we want good Sci-fi that is Christian, perhaps someday someone will produce a movie to meet that demand, based on some of the very good Christian Sci-fi available, such as C.S. Lewis' trilogy Out of The Silent Planet, Perilandia, and That Hideous Strength.

I have only seen one movie that was hailed as being a great Christian movie made for the mass market, and that was “The Judas Project” which turned out to be horribly embarrassing, I told all my friends to see it based on all the hype I heard on the Christian radio about how well produced this was to be, then it turned out to be the quality of a poor made for TV type flick out of the 70's.

We MUST up our standards if we are to ever seem credible in the movie industry.
Richard DuVal, age 27
I am a Trek fan from my youth. So I enjoyed the show; however, Christians need to realize that movies show a philosophy. I was disturbed by the use of “I am the First and the Last” by the Borg Queen. I was disturbed by the thought that technology will save man from war, disease, and poverty. It won’t. Jesus said, “The poor ye have with you ALWAYS.” Until Christ comes, the sinful nature of man will continue to bring these blights upon us. I was disturbed by the statement that “money doesn’t exist in the future.” Of course, it will.

The book of Revelation tells us that God will destroy the idol of economics (known as one kind of Babylon…). Deep Space Nine episodes have revealed the socialistic ideals of Star Trek. So we can assume the context for Picard’s statement about money… If we can see the philosophies and discuss them with our families and children, then movies can be educational as well as entertaining. But they shouldn’t go unanswered…
John Rush, age 29
An excellent representation of the Star Trek theme with a few surprises and plot twists. Suitable for young children but a little violent at times.
robert callahan, age 34
This was the best Star Trek movie to date! I recommend it if you are not offended by light cussing and implied sexuality. But the action is spectacular, the story line is great, and the main message is wonderful. Go see it!
Richard West, age 25
My comments on the movie STAR TREK, FIRST CONTACT are directed toward other parents who believe, as I do, in the exercise of “parental guidance” in the selection of entertainment for their children. Yesterday I attended a matinee alone and previewed the PG-13-rated movie, concluding that it is not a movie I care to let my family experience. I am offended by the movie’s encouragement of irresponsible sexual activity.

Unlike past episodes of Star Trek, in which the collective consciousness of the Borg “hive” remained incarnate, Star Trek First Contact incarnates in a “queen bee” the reproductive appetite of the Borg juggernaut. This incarnation is bio-mechanical, but remarkably female. She employs her wiles at seducing the captive Commander Data, who alone possesses, in his circuitry, the encryption codes that deny the Borg access to the starship’s main computer.

In a scene lasting more or less five minutes, we watch the “Borg-ess” systematically replace Data’s hairless synthetic skin with male skin grafts. Once completed, she blows softly on his fore-arm asking “Is this [sensation] good for you, Data.” She asks him if he would like to explore this human emotion further. He sees no reason not to do so, as it has long been his ambition to fully understand and experience human emotion.

Besides, he is, in his own words, “fully functional sexually” (Why Data’s designer would make him so is unexplained—and inexplicable. The producer, in my opinion, made him so merely to boost the naughty factor.).

She asks him how long it’s been since he last functioned sexually. Data, as always, formats his reply in overmuch detail as “[n] years, [n] months, [n] days, [n] minutes, and [n] seconds.” We are spared the bed scene, but young, fertile imaginations fill in the detail. Our hero is now numbered among the host of fornicators that inhabit the Enterprise, exploring the universe in religious adherence to the “Prime Directive.” One can only hope that Star Fleet may someday admit “Lesser Directives”—Continence and Piety, for example.

My resistance may or may not be futile, but the ENTERTAINMENT BORG is certainly going to lose what revenue it might otherwise have gained from my taking the rest of the family to see its movie. I will not be assimilated!
Jack A. Cleeton, age 42
I thought this to be the best of the Star Trek saga, though I tend to favor the Next Generation over original. The action was good, and storyline way better than the previous movie. The one thing I felt was that it was almost new age in theme, too bad it didn’t reflect at all on the true Creator.
Darren DeMeulenaere, age 26
I loved ST2: Wrath of Khan. That was the best of the Classic crew. First Contact is the best of the Next Generation. I’ve only seen it once, but the story is sharp, the action is intense, the effects are incredible. If you are already familiar with the Trek universe, you gotta see this.

If your kids already watch Next Gen. reruns they shouldn’t have a problem with the “combat” scenes. I was disappointed at the few occasions of bad language and, as some have already mentioned, the humanistic perspective that is attached to Star Trek.
Brad Hinds, age 26
The special effects in this movie were truly wonderful. The story line wasn’t what I expected, which turned out to be a good thing. Also, the film lacked the (standard) “Rodenberry religious attacks.” Maybe the guys taking over the this Star Trek movie sway away from making the subtle religious statements Rodenbary slipped into his other works.

One portion of the movie did seem inappropriate. Data, in his quest to be more human, is confronted on the subject of sex. Though handled with more taste than most movies, this could have been left out!
Penney Sorrells
I enjoyed this movie thoroughly! I think it is the best of all of the STAR TREK movies to date. Some Christians have a problem with science fiction, which is understandable. The movie making industry does tend to embrace a worldly view that we are not alone, but I think that Star Trek is good, clean fun.
Danny Smith
This is the most “realistic” Star Trek movie to date. It has broken the “comic book” flavor of the previous Star Trek movies and TV shows. I found the film visually disturbing, due to the realistic portrayal of the Borg and their methods of “assimilation,” and would recommend only older teens and adults. It did not have the much-rumored sex scenes attributed to it, which was a relief, though the mental concept of lust and revenge was dealt with very well.

As a Christian, seeing Picard deal with the desire to exact vengeance, was worth the price of admission. Honor, loyalty, temptation, the value of individuality, are all concepts clearly portrayed. The language is a little salty, but not obscene. If you are at all a Sci-Fi fan, this is a great movie!
René Petsche
Positive—Even in 2023 “Star Trek: First Contact” remains the best of the TNG Star Trek films, perfectly setting the plot for the 2003 episode of Star Trek: Enterprise “Regeneration’ which saw the Borg without violating Canon. When Zefram Cochrane yelled “Sweet Jesus!’ upon seeing the Enterprise-E in orbit it felt forced and artificial as compared to Dr. McCoy saying “Sweet Jesus’ while trying to save the life of Chancellor Gorkon in “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.” One great healer, Dr. Leonard “Bones’ McCoy calling upon The Greatest healer of all Time and Space… The Lord Jesus Christ in his time of Need. “First Contact” is an excellent story of the beginning of the fictional Star Trek Future the real world has known since The Original Star Trek came on TV in 1966.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeff Andrew Winters, age 43 (USA)
Comments from young people
I had no real problems with the movie (exceptions: brief sexuality; language; etc.). Two points however: 1. The Borg queen says she is a “god”. In the end, however, good triumphs over evil (as always in most movies).

So, in a certain parallel, it’s like Satan and God. Satan tries to take over everyone, but God will end up winning in the end. (Note: only another Christian would understand me at that point.) Number two: Picard did mention that man had evolved to the point where revenge wasn’t necessary. If so, then why did the lady (who’s name escapes me at the second) end up showing him he wasn’t right? Picard did end up admitting that he did want revenge.

So, in a way, he said that evolution is a farce. (A little deep, but that may/may not have been what the scriptwriters said.) Just a Trekkie giving an opinion.
Clint M., age 17
I believe that Star Trek: First Contact was an amazing film that differed much from other Star Trek movies. It would have been even better without the unnecessary profanity. Though non “Star trekkies” would most likely enjoy the movie, I believe that some comments and scenes that would be hilarious to a normal trekkie would have no effect on someone who wasn’t familiar with Star Trek. Overall, I think the movie was excellent.
Sarah Quintal, age 13
This movie was great! I especially enjoyed the first one or two minutes, so don’t arrive late. The movie had an excellent plot, something lacking in the last three Star Trek movies. I found the swearing a bit excessive, and the emphasis on Data’s (an android) status as a life form. Other than that, the movie was great!
Matt Heard, age 15
I loved “First Contact,” and I personally think it is the best movie of the Star Trek series. I was, however, offended by the humanistic and evolutionary views that were portrayed in the movie. Other than that I thought that the storyline and action were great!
Erin Stagner, age 15
This movie was a GREAT addition to the Star Trek saga. Although I wouldn’t rate it as the best Star Trek film ever, it definitely ranks #2 or #3! This film does present some references to sexuality, and presents some subtle communistic, humanistic, and evolutionary views which you may be adverse to showing your children. There is small amount of language, but the rating is for the “darkness” of the Borg and some violence which makes the film more intensive.

If you are a Star Trek lover this movie is a MUST SEE!!!
Ryan Kelly, age 15

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