Copyright, Universal Pictures

Jurassic World

also known as “Jurassic Park 4,” “Jurassic Park IV”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for intense sequences of science-fiction violence and peril.

Reviewed by: Samuel A. Torcasio

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Adventure Horror 3D IMAX
Length: 2 hr. 10 min.
Year of Release: 2015
USA Release: June 12, 2015 (wide—4,274 theaters)
DVD: October 20, 2015
Copyright, Universal Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
Relevant Issues

Copyrighted illustration, Films for ChristEXTINCTION—Why did dinosaurs become extinct? Answer

NOAH’S ARK—Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark? Answer

DINOSAURS AFTER THE FLOOD—Following the Flood, what happened to dinosaurs? Answer

The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line
Visit our dinosaur-size Web site where you’ll discover a mountain of knowledge and amazing discoveries. How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? You’ll find the answer to this and many more of your questions. Play games, browse and learn. Includes many helps for teachers and parents.
Copyright, Universal Pictures

LIVING WITH DINOSAURS—What would it have been like to live with dinosaurs? Answer

hazards of genetic engineering

cloning science runs amok

Copyright, Universal Pictures

FILM VIOLENCE—How does viewing violence in movies affect families? Answer

family relationships

Copyright, Universal Pictures

Divorce in the Bible

DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE—Under what conditions may Christians divorce and remarry? Answer

What does it mean to be “the husband of one wife”? Answer

Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
Featuring Chris PrattOwen Grady, the Velociraptor trainer
Bryce Dallas HowardClaire Dearing, the park operations manager
Vincent D'OnofrioVic Hoskins, the head of security operations for InGen
BD WongDr. Henry Wu, chief geneticist and head of the team that created dinosaurs for Hammond’s Jurassic Park
Judy GreerKaren Mitchell, Claire's sister and the mother of Zach and Gray
Omar SyBarry, a tamer who takes care of Owen’s Velociraptors
See all »
Director Colin Trevorrow
Producer Amblin Entertainment
China Film Co.
See all »

“This incident was an eventuality.”

Any kid who loved dinosaurs back in 1993 will tell you what an experience it was to see the first “Jurassic Park” in a movie theater. I’ll never forget the excitement I had when my Dad took me and my brother to see that movie. We felt just as wowed as the scientists in the film, saying to ourselves, “I can’t believe it, that’s a dinosaur!” Now, 22 years later, we have “Jurassic World,” and without a doubt it is the best sequel to that original film. The premise is innovative, the acting is top notch, the dinosaurs absolutely rock, and to top it off the movie is just plain fun! I tried to avoid giving any major spoilers, but I should say there are some minor details revealed ahead.

The story idea for this film was created by Steven Spielberg and Mark Protosevich who got together privately on several occasions (without studio observance) to confer the notion of doing another installment in the “Jurassic Park” franchise. 22 years after the events of “Jurassic Park,” Isla Nublar (the island from the original film) now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. This is the first film in the “Jurassic Park” series to feature an open, fully functional dinosaur theme park. This is one of the things that makes it so cool, because we have not seen that yet. In “Jurassic Park,” the park is under construction and not yet open, and, in “The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” Jurassic Park: San Diego isn’t entirely completed and lacks dinosaurs.

After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which ends up backfiring horribly. At the corporation’s request, the park’s geneticists create a hybrid dinosaur known as Indominus Rex to boost visitor attendance. The official Web site informs us that Indominus Rex (which means untamable king) was created from the DNA of Giganotosaurus, Rugops, Majungasaurus, and Carnotaurus. However, the film adds some twists and mystery to the makeup of this fearsome creature.

Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), the park operations manager, is hosting her nephews, Zach (Nick Robinson) and Gray (Ty Simpkins), who are are visiting the island when the hybrid escapes. It then becomes the responsibility of Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), a Velociraptor trainer, and Jurassic World’s security team to contain the hybrid dinosaur before she can cause more damage. Though it is not mentioned, Dr. Ian Malcom’s (Jeff Goldblum) chaos theory from the original “Jurassic Park” is definitely implied in this film; just when you thing everything is happening as usual, the unpredictable happens!

Chris Pratt does a great job as the lead protagonist. His relationship with his four raptors Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo is complex and not as straightforward as some may think. It is very well done though, and seeing the progression of that relationship throughout the film is another one of the aspects that makes Jurassic World such a great adventure.

Bryce Dallas Howard’s character, Claire, at the beginning, is seemingly all about statistics, numbers, and making a great product. However, she does flesh out a bit throughout the film. Howard’s and Pratt’s characters have a great chemistry, and they complement each other well. Claire’s nephews Zach and Gray, played by Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins respectively, work well together as brothers and provide an excellent performance.

Irran Khan’s Simon Masrani, the successor of John Hammond, and current owner of Jurassic World, is a very likable character who is both business minded, but also knows how to enjoy life. He provides some nice comic relief. BD Wong is back as Dr. Henry Wu, and Vincent D'Onofrio is Vic Hoskins, head of security. Neither of them disappoint. There is excellent acting in this film all across the board. And many props to director Colin Trevorrow for giving fans the sequel we have been wanting.

Without giving too much away, let me just say that I and many others were thrilled with the dinosaurs in the film. Go see this movie, and experience some great dinosaur action. In this particular installment in the franchise, there is not a whole lot about Evolutionary theory. There is some additional discussion about Evolution in some of the promotional materials, but regarding the movie itself not much is said. Now don’t get me wrong, there is some talk as well as implications, but nowhere near the amount of scientific explanations as in the first film. It seems they are simply building on that foundation.

There is one shot of a bird’s foot in which it is clearly being insinuated that birds evolved from dinosaurs. But, all in all, there is definitely more dinosaur interaction here, and less talk. Either way though, it’s important for parents to keep in mind the fascination that kids (and even adults) have with dinosaurs, and that these mighty creatures can be a great teaching tool. They can, sadly, be be used to promote a Darwinian Evolutionary worldview, but they can also be used to promote a Biblical worldview. Parents should not shy from teaching their children contrasting worldviews, because, as they grow up, they will interact with the secular view point about dinosaurs.

God’s Word is sufficient to give them a ready answer for the world (1 Peter 3:15). Job 40 describes a formidable land animal called the Behemoth. This Biblical description seems to match that of large sauropods such as Diplodocus or Apatosaurus. God describes the creature with the following words,

“Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron. He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword! For the mountains yield food for him where all the wild beasts play. Under the lotus plants he lies, in the shelter of the reeds and in the marsh. For his shade the lotus trees cover him; the willows of the brook surround him. Behold, if the river is turbulent he is not frightened; he is confident though Jordan rushes against his mouth. Can one take him by his eyes, or pierce his nose with a snare?” (Job 40:15-24).

Before the study of dinosaurs exploded and became really popular, many identified this creature as the elephant or hippopotamus (in fact some still do). However, these animals do not seem to fit the description, especially that of the tail. The Bible has more to say on the issue of dinosaurs, and there are many Creation ministries that have excellent resources on this issue. If your children are old enough to handle the violence in this film, it can be a great aid to biblical teaching on these mighty reptiles of the past.

DINOSAUR ORIGIN—Where did dinosaurs come from? Answer

Are dinosaurs mentioned in the BIBLE? Answer

WHY did God create dinosaurs? Answer

Another plus of this film, is that contained within it are messages with conservative values that work well with a Christian worldview. First, it is most definitely pro-family and has an encouraging message about brotherhood. As Zack and Gray are exploring Jurassic World, they are also dealing with the sad reality of a potential divorce between their parents. Zack, the older brother, attempts to cheer Gray up by telling him that if their parents get divorced that means they will get two of everything from now on. Zack replies by saying, “I don’t want two of everything.” It’s indeed true that divorce takes a hard toll on kids, and as much as kids like stuff, they would rather see their parents together; they would rather see two people who had at one time loved each other continue in that love.

I thought that this was a rather bold and inspiring statement in a culture where divorce is rampant, and commitment in really any kind of relationship is not taken as seriously as it should be. We also see the bond of brotherhood between these two. There is tension between them, they fight as brothers do. But, there is also brotherly love. In a scene amidst intense action, fear, and uncertainty regarding the outcome of the events on the island Zack assures Gray, “We will always be brothers, and come back to one another.”

Even though the older Zack at times wrongly picks on Gray, at heart he loves and cares for his brother. This brings me back to my relationship with my own brothers, as well as many other close family members. It also causes one to think of his brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, we may fight, and we quibble. But if we are truly united by the unbreakable bond of the love of our Lord and Savior, a love that was demonstrated by His shed blood on the cross, we will always forgive each other’s wrongs and never forsake one another. No wonder, the apostle John gave such a stern warning that false brothers and sisters do not have this true love when he said,

“If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen” (1 John 4:20).

There is also within this film a message about the materialism and consumerism so rampant in our culture. All throughout the Jurassic World theme park, you see a wide variety of vendors and shops, including the world famous coffee spot Starbucks. Zack is often seen on his cell phone, even as a Tyrannosaurus Rex appears right before his eyes. At the beginning, Indominus Rex is viewed completely as a product. This is evident when we learn that the new hybrid dinosaur is sponsored by Verizon Wireless.

Many have wondered why this movie needed to have a hybrid, when there are so many real dinosaurs to choose from? But the film very craftily plays on this very point. You just have to see it to understand; they knew what they were doing. Just as real life dinosaurs within the world of the movie do not impress everyone like they used to, neither does a movie about dinosaurs impress people in the real world like it used to. While there is still a sense of awe, the workers and the visitors have become used to the idea of living dinosaurs; they are now common place. Everything is controlled and nice and neat, until the I-Rex begins its havoc. There is a definite distinction in this film between the I-Rex and the real dinosaurs, and you will have to see the film to fully discover that.

But, one thing to say here about the I-Rex is how ruthless it is. Never before, has there been such a ruthless dinosaur in a “Jurassic Park” film. Yes, they have been vicious, but not like this. The I-Rex is a loner, and it kills everything that stands in its path. It reminded me much of Satan, who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

There are surely insights to draw from this movie, it is filled with action, and, on top of it all, this film is just plain old fun. There was not a moment I was bored, and the story runs fairly smoothly. It also had a great musical score.

What exactly the villains in this film are up to seems a bit hard to discern. However, I think that was a clever move, and the questions left unanswered kind of play into the overall feel of the film. We are not sure exactly what’s going on, but we do know that something is up, and we definitely know that there is a huge terrifying dinosaur on the loose that needs to be stopped.

I cannot rate this film quite as high as the original “Jurassic Park,” but it is a worthy installment in this franchise, and again it is, in my opinion, by far the best sequel. It is also worth noting, that in an era of reboots, I am glad that this was not a reboot, but rather a solid and unique sequel. They will probably make more sequels, but this movie stands on its own. If this were to be the last in the franchise, I would be satisfied.

Folks will flock to this movie because it is about dinosaurs. These “thunder lizards” fascinate us. Why is that? At one point in the film Khan’s character Masrani shares that dinosaurs remind us that we are small, and what a profound insight that is. God has put not just dinosaurs, but other large creatures on this Earth to humble us. This was God’s whole point in bringing up Behemoth to Job, if God was sovereign over Behemoth was He also not sovereign over the affairs in Job’s life.

Masrani also says to Claire that “the key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control.” The writers may not have intended this, but can we give a hearty, Amen? As much as we would like to control our little individual worlds, at the end of the day, complete sovereignty belongs to God and God alone. Only by trusting Him as our creator, can we have that true happiness, because we know that He is good and that His plan for us is also good (Romans 8:28).

What else can we learn from Dinosaurs? These mighty creatures that have fallen are a shadow of the past. Dinosaurs, as well as other amazing extinct creatures, such as the saber tooth tiger and the Wooly Mammoth are a reminder of the greatness of the world that God had created, a world that was ultimately corrupted by sin and death. There are still many wonderful creatures on the planet today, but, nonetheless, the world is not what it once was. Dinosaurs, far from disproving the Bible, actually prove that its message is true and that creation was seriously affected by the fall of Genesis 3. Creation is groaning for the day that it will be restored (Romans 8:19-22).

Fossil remains remind us that God has indeed brought judgment upon this world, and that it is heading toward a day of final judgment. Each of us, on that day, will have to give an account before God. But in the midst of this message of judgment, there is a message of hope. The world has not ended yet, and the message of salvation through Jesus Christ is still being extended to all who will believe. One day, God will restore this creation and His children will reign with Him forever. This world is perishing, but believers have the hope of dwelling in new heavens and a new Earth (2 Peter 3:13). Will there be dinosaurs there? Well, the Bible does not specify exactly what kind of animals will be there, but I certainly hope so! Whatever is there though, we know it will definitely be grand.

As mentioned, this movie can be a great teaching tool on Creation and the Gospel. However, there is definitely objectionable content. PLEASE READ BELOW before deciding whether to see this PG-13 film.

Objectionable Content

  • Violence: Heavy to Extreme— • intense dinosaur attack scenes • many deaths and injuries • fair amount of blood
  • Profane language: • several uses of our Lord’s name in vain (OMG, “Oh G*d,” “Oh J*sus”) • d*mn (4) • h*ll (4)
  • Vulgar/Crude language: • sh*t (6) • b*tch • son of b**ch (2) • a**
  • Sex: • 2 instances of sexual innuendo • short kiss
  • Nudity: Minor— brief cleavage

The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-lineVisit our Dinosaur Web site where you’ll discover a mountain of knowledge and amazing discoveries. How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? You’ll find the answer to this and many more of your questions. Play games, browse and learn. Includes many helps for teachers and parents.

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Well, I guess I know where I’m not going to on vacation—Jurassic World… but am I going to see “Jurassic World” in the theater a second time. It’s a great movie, but I wouldn’t want to go there. I think this may be one of the big summer movies of 2015. Audience applauding. It’s full of fun, full of action and for me I jumped a few times. I liked this movie a lot. I, by the way, have 2 sons, and the 2 sons in this movie show us that brothers stick together no matter what. RUN to go see this movie in 3D—great special effects. Run and don’t let the dinosaurs get you.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Rockinron, age 52 (USA)
Positive—I thought this was a fun movie to see and was what I expected. I believe it followed the basic plots of the ones before, and that was just fine. It was exciting and action packed. I believe there were Biblical values throughout, such as love of family, sacrifice for a friend…

There was also a negative reflection on consumerism and power. There are, of course, people getting eaten, as in the others. Our 10 year old came with us and closed her eyes on those parts, as you pretty much knew when they would happen. There were some curse words, but because of the action, many of them are easily missed—only one or two really stood out to me.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Miranda, age 40 (USA)
Positive—It felt a lot like the original “Jurassic Park.” The characters were well written, acted, and you cared about them. The story was good. It was violent, as was expected, but there was a scene with the assistant that was rated R material, in my opinion, because the violence was drawn out too much. I wouldn’t bring a child.

The comic relief was funny yet misplaced in parts. The Minions preview was more inappropriate than this movie, as far as sexual content goes. There were curse words. Overall, I felt like I had seen a remake of the original.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
T Wilkerson, age 47 (USA)
Positive—Overall, I enjoyed the movie. A lot of violence, as you might expect, and a few curse words thrown in, and no sex. I like the overall theme, the dangers of genetic engineering, which is man-made evolution. The bad guy brings up Evolution; I don’t think the movie promotes it. I get a more conservatist message from the movie, respecting what God already made and not genetically engineering creatures for man’s own purposes. It’s a fun movie, if you are a fan of dinosaurs and/or theme parks, for its subtle nods to real theme parks. Also, the dinosaurs are not CGI, they are practical effects. Which is a plus for me.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4
Keith Chandler, age 36 (USA)
Positive—I went to see the movie, and I thought that the actors in the movie were excellent, but I didn’t like for them to use Jesus name like a curse word, that was uncalled for, but I’m so glad that there’s was no nudity in the movie, so I’m giving this movie a 10.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Charlene (USA)
Positive—“Jurassic World” adequately welcomes us back to the “Jurassic Park” trilogy, giving us a better sequel than the two that followed the fantastic original. I read that there will be a new trilogy. There was a tease of a new dinosaur that they are creating within the film. I’m not sure if the public desires to see any more dinosaurs, though.

In this film, genetic research has created a teethy behemoth in order to attract more visitors to the park. According to their way of thinking, bigger means better, which will lead to higher attendance and the revenues that come with it. All the while, the Hoskins character has a different agenda. That is, breeding the seemingly tameable raptors for military use. As expected, things go horribly wrong when the other dinosaurs get loose. This sets up a terrific subplot with the raptors” relationship with their “tamer” (Pratt). See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Jeff, age 58 (USA)
Positive—“Jurassic World” is a movie that could be summed up with one word… fun. It’s a movie made to be watched with a group of friends. Although we can argue for days how “Jurassic World” (JW) compares to the other “Jurassic Park” (JP) movies, but regardless of one’s opinion, “Jurassic World” is dinosaur chaos done right. Although some may argue “but I wish there was more suspense, and Blue (the raptor) was too cute to take seriously.” However, I like the fact that JW doesn’t try to take itself too seriously and has absence of humor to it. This movie understands it has a vast target audience, and, like a Swiss Army Knife, it does a reasonable job trying to satisfy everyone.

Although JW may seem like a played out version of a story we are all familiar with, it feels much like an Indiana Jones movie with dinosaurs. There is certainly more action and explosions and not just humans running away from dinosaurs for two hours. It’s not without faults, though; the problem is with two main characters. Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard do such a good job in this film that it makes other minor characters seem very boring. Yet, the film kept cutting back to these minor characters and thereby slowing the plot down. Also, the dinosaurs don’t look quite as real when compared to the previous JP movies. But that’s just me nitpicking. “Jurassic World” is definitely a movie I would recommend to anyone that appreciates a good action adventure movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Rob Mackay, age 23 (USA)
Positive—This is a slightly better than usual sequel to the legendary Jurassic Park, mostly a special effects movie with CGI dinosaurs, somewhat cardboard human characters, a plot with unlikely threads seemingly designed by a committee, a number of Spielbergian touches (he is the producer) and references to other movies, and lots of chomping action for a summer popcorn movie. The film is basically a theme park in itself, which is fitting.

The film is actually sprinkled with a lot of significant issues, including the underlying premise of human hubris taking dangerous actions that threaten to destroy us. There are many critiques of corporate capitalism and its abuse of language as it seeks to control and entertain us (“containment failures”), needing to develop new thrills and new creatures every few months to keep the customers coming. There is the rich owner struggling to justify himself and articulate value, to say nothing of conquering all obstacles such as flying helicopters. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Stanley Hirtle, age 71 (USA)
Neutral—This movie was extremely scary, and I can’t believe how many kids were in the theater crying. I was shocked at how much brutal murder, death and blood was in this movie. It was extremely intense, on the edge your seat, of course, and quite an action flick; I just can’t believe how scary it was and so much death. It was very difficult to watch and seeing it in 3D, forget it!

For the movie of what they were going for, I thought they did a very good job making the movie, I just don’t like being in fear like that the whole time. The thought of these massive beasts being unleashed on these people at the park and brutally murdering them, I was really surprised there was so much death! See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Stephanie Smith, age 40 (USA)
Neutral—Great concept for a sequel—good setup with characters and the overall “wow” factor of the park and dinos is great. For the folks who remember the first one, how this shows the “follow through” on the vision it’s pretty neat. Did not like the needless vulgarities—use of Jesus” name was disappointing, although only once—still too many.

My big concern was the loss of life—graphically portrayed. OK, yes, we’re watching a dino movie where fear/thrills are part of the expectation. But how the assistant met her demise was a bit over the top. Great visuals—nice story—nice chemistry—but language disappointing.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Casey, age 50 (USA)
Negative—Lame, lame, lame. Bad character development, bad story development… predictable. This film was wrong on so many levels. There were many holes in the story line even from the get go. Why were the parents sending the boys to be with their Aunt in the first place? This is never fully developed. We are later told. A good storyteller shows, not tells. Who is in charge of the park? No clear organized chain of command. The Aunt, who is one of them in charge, is solely interested in saving her nephews and after ignores the plight of all the other people in the park.

The love interest in the story… Yes, there is one, however I have seen much much better from a Hallmark. No chemistry whatsoever. She can run like the wind in high heels in the mud? Really?! There is so much more that is soooooooooo like a B movie.

Special effects were the only good part. A very cheap knock off of the original. Hollywood often focuses too much on the special effects and fails at telling a good story. This is one of those times. They get an F on the storytelling. I had low expectations going in and this did not even meet my low expectation! Also, one clear misuse of Jesus” name
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Lisa, age 52 (USA)
Negative—All was good until they said GD and “Jesus.” Then I walked out. When will we learn that the world of movies is the best way to blaspheme God. Sorry that I paid for a movie that cursed my Savior! It was so unnecessary and out of place. Just there to get their chance of disgracing Our Savior. Sad that millions of Christians will be fine with this and overlook it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Willem, age 37 (USA)
Negative—Why is this movie in the negative reviews? 1. The acting was well played… for most of the characters… but suffered heavily with others.

A. The older brother, however, was a spaced-out telephone junkie with absolutely no imagination or “redeeming qualities” other than his droning and obnoxious distaste for everything dinosaur throughout the movie… which makes absolutely no sense. Kids his age play video games… the park IS like a giant video game! No teenager would have reacted the way that he did. A sensible alternative to this character would have been to cast him as a young man in his twenties who is a computer nerd (like the older sister in the first movie) so that he would better mesh with the eccentricities of his younger biology-nerd sibling. Instead, their two temperaments constantly clash over trivial subject matter that nothing to do with… well, dinosaurs. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Luke, age 32 (USA)
Comments from young people
Negative—I really wanted to enjoy “Jurassic World,” but when I finally sat down to veiw it, a half-hour into the film I already knew I would exit the room sorely disappointed. My main objection is the over-the-top violence. The camera often dwelled on a rather grisly scene much longer than necessary, and there was no shortage of blood and uncomfortable sound effects. Additionally, the plot was shallow, and there was very weak character development. I found myself often scratching my head, trying to figure out who was who and why they were in the story. The only redeemable part of the film was the specialk effects. Overall, I advise you skip “Jurassic World.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Perry, age 17 (USA)
Movie Critics
…It’s fun enough while it lasts, but somehow, finally, all too much and not enough. …What they’ve engineered is an undeniably vigorous assault of jaw-chomping jolts and Spielbergian family bonding that nevertheless captures only a fraction of the original film’s overflowing awe and wonderment. …
Scott Foundas, Variety
…ultimately uninspiring, movie with a Darwinian, humanist worldview and intense action violence involving dinosaurs…
Ted Baehr, Movieguide
…Most of the acting is a trifle one-note; in fact, I think the best performance might be from an injured Apatosaurus… You go to see a giant mosasaur devour a shark, a summer blockbuster metaphor if ever there was one. You go for the breath-taking shot of Indominus popping out of the jungle foliage like a de-camouflaging octopus. …[3½.4]
Chris Knight, National Post
…“Jurassic World” roars enough to thrill audiences… the first movie in a very long time that elicited cheers and applause from a packed preview audience. …
Barbara Vancheri, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
…it’s not nearly as cool, or as smart, as Jurassic Park. … Scroll the cast list of “Jurassic Park” … and it looks kind of, well, awesome, compared to the lineup in “Jurassic World.” …
Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer
…who needs a bunch of scientists wandering around talking about ethical considerations when we can have disposable victims and dully dependable villains (military contractors, corporate billionaires). …
Stephen Whitty, The Star-Ledger (New Jersey)
…None of this is ever quite as great as it is in Spielberg’s work, but it’s reasonably close; the worst you can say about the movie is that it sticks to a highly potent formula. …[3/4]
Kyle Smith, New York Post
…There isn’t anything original here, but it’s all executed with energy and skill. …The dinosaur revival park is back, and so is the death toll. A satisfying roller coaster ride, even if it feels like the 1993 original. …[3/4]
Rafer Guzmán, Long Island Newsday
…the new “Jurassic World,” produced by Spielberg but directed by Colin Trevorrow, has more modest but still challenging ambitions: Resurrecting the feeling of seeing “Jurassic Park” for the first time. …the script is almost apologetically humorous about its derivative formula and blockbuster aims. …The movie ends up as an awkward, ungainly hybrid: large, but inconsequential. [2½/4]
Liam Lacey, The Globe and Mail

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