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Friday, March 14, 2025


Why do leaves change colors in autumn?

What causes the seasons?

What causes the seasons?
Illustrated explanation.


What was Adam, the first man, really like?

Jack o lantern. Copyrighted. What’s wrong with celebrating Halloween?
Copyrighted Why do leaves change color in the fall?, plus coloring page
Where did Cain get his wife, if his father and mother were the first people?

JERICHO'S WALLS - Have scientists found proof that the city of Jericho fell, as the Bible reports?

Why does wind make sounds?

Did Adam have a belly button?

Games page

What does God want us to do?

Coloring pages - index and numerous coloring pages

Copyrighted Chess game (two player)
Rainforest sounds

Free lesson plans in DUTCH-language

Do certain trees tend to attract lightning?

What created hummingbirds, God or evolution?

Copyrighted How can sea gulls drink so much salt water and survive?

What is lightning good for?

What was Adam, the first man, like? (Waar leek Adam op?)


What are some weather extremes on Earth?


Quizzes - We've added 10 new printable quizzes to our free lesson plans page. For use in Sunday schools, home schools, Bible studies, etc.

Free lesson plans / curricula—18 new lesson plans, plus more. Use them for Sunday school, home school, Christian school, VBS, etc.

Copyrighted 10 new English coloring pages
If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? (Als Jezus God is, hoe kan Hij dan sterven? Als Jezus aan het kruis stierf, hoe kan hij dan vandaag levend zijn?)

Dutch translation of:
Who was Mrs. Noah? (Wie was Mevrouw Noach?) and
How is the wind like the Holy Spirit? (Hoe is de wind als de Heilige Geest?)


Sounds of the Rain Forest (improved)

Click to read

What will the biblical Millennium be like?
What’s special about the Sea of Galilee? Why does it have sudden storms?

Click to read Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God?

If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today?
Click to read Why does wind make sounds? (read and listen)
How is wind like the Holy Spirit?

See our Funny Picture of the Month!

Click to read KANGAROOS - Where do they come from? Why the pouch? Why do they hop? How fast are they? Did they evolve from some other animal? Answers
Click to learn about Mrs. Noah. Who was Mrs. Noah?
Illustration copyrighted.

How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? (Learn the amazing facts!) Also translated into Dutch

Are dinosaur fossils evidence for the great Flood?

What does God want us to do?

Click to learn about ADAM, the first man What was Adam, the first man, really like? Learn the amazing facts!

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