Copyright, Universal Pictures

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

also known as “Jurassic Park 5,” “Jurassic World: El reino caído,” “Jurashikku warudo/hono no okoku,” “Jurassic World - Il regno distrutto,” “Jurassic World: Bukott birodalom,” See more »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for intense sequences of science-fiction violence and peril.

Reviewed by: Blake Wilson

Moral Rating: Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: • Adults • Young Adults • Older Teens
Genre: Sci-Fi Action Horror
Length: 2 hr. 8 min.
Year of Release: 2018
USA Release: June 22, 2018 (wide—4,400+ theaters)
DVD: September 18, 2018
Copyright, Universal Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
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Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures Copyright, Universal Pictures
Featuring Chris PrattOwen Grady
Bryce Dallas HowardClaire Dearing
Jeff GoldblumIan Malcolm
Ted Levine … Ken Wheatley
James CromwellBenjamin Lockwood
Toby JonesGunnar Eversol
BD WongDr. Henry Wu
Rafe Spall … Eli Mills
Justice Smith … Franklin
Robert Emms … Jack
Daniella Pineda … Zia Rodriguez
Geraldine ChaplinIris
Peter Jason … Congressman Sherwood
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Director J.A. Bayona — “The Orphanage” (2007), “A Monster Calls” (2016), “The Impossible” (2012)
Producer Amblin Entertainment
Apaches Entertainment [Spain]
Legendary Entertainment
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It’s been three years since the catastrophic events of “Jurassic World”, and things haven’t gotten any easier since then. A volcano on Isla Nublar (the island home of the dinosaurs of both incarnations of “Jurassic Park”) is now classified as active and is set to erupt at any time. The question facing everyone now is, what will happen to the dinosaurs that are still on the island?

Former Jurassic World theme park executive Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard) now works for an animal rights campaign, and is fighting for the rights of the dinosaurs. Following the U.S. Government’s ruling to not save the creatures, Claire is contacted by a representative of Benjamin Lockwood (James Cromwell), a former business partner of John Hammond (who created the original “Jurassic Park” 25 years ago).

Through Lockwood’s assistant, Eli Mills (Rafe Spall), Claire is informed of an island discovered that the dinosaurs can be moved to. This would be a peaceful “Great Valley” where dinosaurs can roam free without danger and without tourists. With the help of two scientists and an old friend, Owen (Chris Pratt), the three set out to save the remaining dinosaurs before it becomes too late.

Entertainment Quality

This fifth installment in the “Jurassic” film series has quite a bit going for it. Of course, the action sequences are exciting. There’s a strong combination of CGI and practical effects (particularly the moment where Claire climbs over a T-Rex), and the film reveals its scares in a way I haven’t seen in previous “Jurassic” movies before. The overall cinematography, lighting and editing are excellent. At the same time, however, some of the same tricks from previous “Jurassic” movies are reused a little too much.

There are elements that “Fallen Kingdom” does very well. For one, I think this installment is very emotionally-compelling, with a handful of scenes that range from sad to heartbreaking. Oe scene in particular made a few people in the theater tear up… I later realized this also serves as a well-executed callback to the original 1993 film.

That being said, in some areas, the film also takes a step or two back from its predecessor. Instead of Jurassic World’s much more cohesive story, “Fallen Kingdom” essentially is two stories meshed into one. The only real sense of connection involves a scene on the beach. It doesn’t help that the overall tone is darker and more cartoonish in the second half. One example worth noting is that the auction scenes feel very much like they were pulled from a cartoon.

Similar to last time, Pratt once again plays the somewhat corny and “Indiana Jones”-like action hero. Sometimes his jokes hit, other times they fall flat. His friendship with Blue the Raptor is given more attention than last time thanks to a couple of “flashback scenes.” Howard definitely seems more convincing than the last-go-round (for the record, she isn’t running in high heels this time). The new additions to the cast vary from great (Isabella Sermon is a good addition) to just a little over-the-top (Justice Smith’s character is funny, but he often overdoes it). Jeff Goldblum reappears as Dr. Ian Malcolm in a couple of key scenes.

Michael Giacchino creates another fantastic score with occasional nods to John Williams’ original themes.

Positive Messages

Each of the “Jurassic” movies carries the same message. Man can’t take the place of God. Ever since the first movie, there have been cautions as to mankind trying to create forms of “artificial intelligence,” and these ideas later result in catastrophe. Dr. Malcolm describes this very ironically in the first “Jurassic Park” by saying, “God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man. Man destroys God. Man creates Dinosaurs.” It perhaps serves the idea that without God, this whole world is a chaotic mess.

There is a positive message on the strong influence that difficult choices have on our own lives and others. When faced with a very difficult decision, Owen tells Claire, “If you do this, there’s no going back.” In many cases during the movie, we are reminded also that any choice we make can have serious consequences. Paul’s letter to the Galatians offers a very interesting description of this message:

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” —Galatians 6:7-8

Meanwhile, characters sacrifice their lives for each other and for prehistoric creatures of any size and shape.

Negative or Offensive Content

Language: The overall profanity is toned down slightly from the last film, but there are still over a dozen uses of foul language. The s-word is blurted out once and there’s also an unfinished use of “Holy sh**.” We also hear four uses of variations of “d***” and “a**” (including a**hole). We also hear three uses of “h***,” and one each of “son of a b**ch,” “b***rd” and “bloody.” Jesus’ name is misused twice, and God’s name is misused five times.

Adult Content: One kiss between Owen and Claire. They flirt a few times. Claire wears one low-cut/form-fitting outfit.

Alcohol/Drugs: One bar scene includes Claire and Owen drinking beer, and Claire seems like she’s a little inebriated. Tranquilizing darts are used once or twice.

Violence: This is the part that is definitely the most problematic. The first half of the movie basically acts like an adventure movie with close-cut escapes. An island is basically decimated by lava and fireballs (with some striking dinosaurs). Some dinosaurs nearly stampede on our heroes. One nearly attacks them before being put down by a T-Rex. A carnivore nearly does away with Claire and an assistant in a cave, before narrowly escaping their doom through a ladder with the dinosaur continuously snapping at them. Owen is hit with a tranquilizer, and becomes paralyzed for a while. He is nearly finished off by rushing lava. A raptor attacks someone and is then shot in the chest out of defense.

The second half of the movie turns into a bit of a gothic horror flick. This is especially prevalent in a scene where the created “Indoraptor” tries to attack a little girl sleeping in her bed (the slow-motion movements and the thunderstorm in the background heighten the overall scare factor). But the Indoraptor is given one or two gross kills that rival the “Indominus Rex.” One time, he bites off the arm of a man before eating him; there’s a quick distance shot of the severed limb, before the camera revisits a distance shot where his body is ransacked around apparently without limbs. A goat is eaten by a T-rex. A T-rex chomps another guy up before throwing one or two limbs into another dinosaur’s mouth. This is all done with little blood shown (red stains are shown on the raptor’s teeth and lips), but it’s very intense and likely to frighten sensitive moviegoers and young children.

Another dinosaur is essentially impaled by a museum exhibit. A dinosaur sinks one of his talons into a woman’s leg (we see the resulting injury briefly). More dinosaurs are shot by a tranquilizer gun and a real gun. One character is murdered by a pillow being shoved in his face (off-screen). Dinosaurs are shown savaging people from time to time, often out of the camera’s view. A surgery is done on a raptor, with a little bit of dinosaur blood shown and someone is splashed in the face with a little blood. A blood transfusion is done on a large dinosaur, with little detail, just a big bag of dinosaur blood shown at the end.

A T-Rex nearly kills another human before being chomped by a killer whale-like dinosaur (the Mosasaur, who also is shown about to eat a group of surfers in a wave). Hydrogen cyanide gas begins to fill a containment area, threatening to kill anyone and any creature down there. A wall is broken by a dinosaur with a hard head (he also bumps into a few items for laughs). Characters fall off a cliff in a “gyrosphere” and nearly drown from water leaking in. The movie includes lots of loud screaming and roaring, etc.

Other: There are several greedy bad guys here that have no concern or compassion for others. They also lie and double-cross. When people in a court discuss how the dinosaurs being destroyed by the volcano is an act of “the Almighty,” Dr. Malcolm dismisses it and states, “God doesn’t have anything to do with it.”


The “Jurassic Park” movies have never been morality tales or character studies, by any means. They’ve basically been big-scale popcorn flicks meant to entertain and excite. This latest installment manages to do just the same. It sticks to what makes the franchise work. Cool dinosaurs, exciting action, hints of horror, some corny side characters, etc. For me, I just view them as extended “amusement park rides”—fun and exciting, but lacking any real sense of depth.

At the same time, I will say this is also an ambitious episode that succeeds more than it falters. For once, the prehistoric dangers aren’t restricted to Isla Nublar. The ending suggests that the setting will indeed be much different from here on out. In that case, “Fallen Kingdom” tries to get rid of key elements and plot points from past films, a strategy that franchises seem to be employing nowadays (“Star Wars” and the Marvel Universe both have utilized this approach).

In terms of content, this film isn’t much different from the remainder of the “Jurassic” franchise. The main concern, of course, is the violence, which (especially in the second half) does turn toward horror. There’s the usual handful of gross moments regarding humans meeting a gruesome end, some “jump” scenes and relentless roaring beasts. Besides that, there’s some moderate language and a handful of other negative moral choices.

In the end, if you’re a fan of this franchise, you’ll probably enjoy “Fallen Kingdom.” It delivers what you would expect in a disjointed and occasionally messy way. On the other hand, families with young children searching for a movie night should look elsewhere. There’s a handful of moments here that may very well cause nightmares for some kids; all I’ll say at this point is please take the PG-13 rating seriously.

  • Violence: Very Heavy
  • Profane language: Moderate
  • Vulgar/Crude language: Moderate
  • Nudity: Minor—cleavage
  • Sex: Mild—kiss
  • Occult: None

The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-lineVisit our Dinosaur Web site where you’ll discover a mountain of knowledge and amazing discoveries. How do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? You’ll find the answer to this and many more of your questions. Play games, browse and learn. Includes many helps for teachers and parents.

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—One of the saddest but most terrifying additions to the “Jurassic Park” series, “Fallen Kingdom” has everything you want from a summer blockbuster—it’s smart, funny, rips your heart out and stomps on it. It has dozens of winks at the audience—references to the original and subtle nods to the moral lessons of “Frankenstein” (check out Mary Shelley’s portrait in the Lockwood mansion!). ‘Blue’ is an awesome dino-character, and I was glad to see horror take the place of graphic carnage. It raises serious questions (about playing God, the ethics of human cloning, our responsibility to care for the earth, and selling weapons for profit) but does not preach; it leaves us to decide. It’s not the best in the series (that’s still Speilberg’s original), but it may be the most solid sequel in action sequences, thrills, and provoking thought. I’d leave the kids home—one scene in particular may give them nightmares.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Charity Bishop, age 35 (USA)
Positive—“Fallen Kingdom” gets a 7/10 from me. It has the suspense, horror, and action. But I was horrified to see children in the theater. There are scenes where human beings are mutilated. Their limbs are torn off and eaten. No child needs to witness that. I don’t understand parents nowadays. It’s PG-13, not “PG because all kids like dinosaurs.”

It is a fun watch for 14+ and the auctioning scene is one of my personal favorites. Those poor bad guys though, they always die in these films, you think they would get the hint!

The profanity is unnoticeable if you are a regular moviegoer, for the exception of the word “B*st*rd.” The violence and gore is what these movies are known for and is very offensive for young viewers or Christian families. There are themes of cloning, artificial intelligences, and man made DNA. They in a sense, “play God” but that is science fiction or any science in general for you: humans think they can do everything on their own.

Enjoy the movie if you decide to see it!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Phillip, age 20
Negative—I was eagerly awaiting the movie—really liked the 2015 version, although the violence and language didn’t set well with me. Although this version was a great delivery method for tons of scenes with dinosaurs—the language and the worldview really troubled me.

Language—although I appreciated there were no G—D—n phrases (which for me and my family is a deal breaker on seeing the movie at all)—there were plenty of mis-uses of Jesus” name and other curse / vulgar words, and it seemed as if there were more than the 2015 movie. Disappointed, and enough to probably not see the movie again—what is the point? At what point can you justify seeing something that isn’t pure or Godly?

Worldview—the total absence of God (minus one comment, at the beginning, in the Congressional panel scene). The worldview omits God—whether the viewpoint is “God as a watchmaker—who set things in motion and let’s it go” or the evolution viewpoint where God’s isn’t a part of the creation process.

All in all—I would ask when a movie or other piece of entertainment passes from what could be considered acceptable—minor curse words, no sex, levels of violence—to unacceptable? What tips it from something that would be acceptable to “no—no more.” It’s hard to pinpoint as it’s part of Christian liberty—however, for me, this movie tips it to the “no—can’t do it.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Casey, age 53 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive— I’d give this movie either a “positive” or a very light “neutral” rating when it comes to a moral essence with this film; there is practically no sex or nudity and almost no vulgar language of profanity—save for a few misuses of the Lord’s name. In other words, I’d say this movie is very mild for a PG-13 film. However, the violence is at a level which can be expected from a Jurassic Park movie.

Now, as a film in general, I was expecting a bit more. I wouldn’t say I disliked it, more like was slightly let down by the plot’s outcome and choppy pace stumped by weak jokes and a slightly annoying character whose presence felt unnecessary. Some scenes felt like thrown-in bloopers while others felt like bits which would have best belonged in the bonus features section of the Blu-ray disk. A great chunk of the movie felt uninteresting to me, and felt like just a gangster film but with dinos as the smuggling item.

However, though some things bored me, a lot captivated me. The effects and dino props/CGI was impressive, and the character acting was very good. For the majority of the movie, I was thrilled and well entertained—not as much as I was during the former Jurassic World, but I felt like the admission was justly filled in.

So, if I had to throw out a straight-forward answer as to what I thought of “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” I’d say that I really did enjoy this film. Like I said, there are some things which I was unimpressed with, but, all in all, it’s a good film to bring the family to. It’s a fairly safe movie to go and view with leisure.

(SPOILERS concerning something that I found pretty attention-drawing): The part where it is revealed that the little girl is a human clone created in a lab was stretching it, even for a science fiction film. Also, I view this as a subject that is rather questionable when it comes to God’s laws of nature.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Chris, age 16
Positive—My aunt took my brother and I to see this movie, and we thought it was fantastic.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Charlene (USA)
—So, “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” takes place three years after the events of the first film. The volcano on Isla Nublar is going to erupt, and there is a big controversy going around on whether or not the dinosaurs should be saved, or left to die. So after the people decide that they should let the animals perish on the island instead of being saved. A wealthy businessman, Eli Mills, has Claire, Owen, and few other people go to the island to relocate the endangered dinosaurs to a sanctuary for the creatures that’s located on another island.

If you’re a big Jurassic Park fan like me, then you’re going to be disappointed with this installment. Let’s start with the positives. This is a fun movie. Filled with what most people expect when they go see a Jurassic Park film. Dinosaurs chasing people, and eating them. Likable characters. And some crazy plot to get the characters, no matter how many vows they make to never return to the island, to go back to the island. Chris Pratt’s performance is the saving grace of this movie. He’s likable, smart, and is extremely funny in his own Chris Pratt way. There was a very funny scene with him and Claire at a bar, to where she takes a shot at him by saying “That he should just go live in his van and be a bum!” This is a funny shot at him because he actually did live in his van before he became famous.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Douglas, age 14

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Secular Movie Critics
…a combination of blockbuster and genre action sequences loosely tied together with technobabble and character work. Those looking for the Jurassic World franchise to take on the self-serious tone of other mainstream Michael Crichton adaptations—here’s looking at you, HBO’s Westworld—will find little of value in Fallen Kingdom’s half-baked narrative. But those who just want to watch dinosaurs eat people in creative ways? They’re destined to get their money’s worth. [3/5]
Matthew Monagle, Austin Chronicle
…Howard, thankfully, gets more to do than the last go round (and in combat boots, no less!), Pratt busts out his Indiana Jones cocktail of can-do heroism and deadpan jokiness, and Bayona and his screenwriters…test the laws of incredulity with varying degrees of success. At least, until the final half hour when forehead-slapping absurdity finally win out. Up until then, “Fallen Kingdom” is exactly the kind of escapist summer behemoth you want it to be. …
Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly
…This isn’t just a film you need to “turn off your brain” to enjoy; nothing less than surgically removing your brain from your body would do the trick. …
Matt Singer, ScreenCrush
…Even the heavenly chorus that’s working overtime on the soundtrack can’t drown out the lack of chemistry between Howard and Pratt. And the movie too often defaults to people running around screaming—which is, to be fair, the backbone of this franchise, but it gets awfully old here. …
Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
…The fear factor is back. This is a Jurassic sequel that plays it both adrenaline-pumpingly huge and thrillingly small. A summer ride that will drive kids out of their minds, and maybe even give the parents nightmares. …
Ben Travis, Empire
…The movie plays like a strenuous imitation of Steven Spielberg instead of the real deal. …
David Edelstein, Vulture, New York Magazine
…The film may deliver the spectacle of dinosaurs body-slamming other dinosaurs with their mouths, but that’s about all that connects “Fallen Kingdom” to the wonder and fright of the original film. As a horror movie, it’s diverting enough when it’s not continuously shooting itself in the foot with ideas it can’t explain and doesn’t care to. …
Dominick Suzanne-Mayer, Consequence of Sound
…There are some reasonably entertaining scenes and set pieces, but the whole concept feels tired and contrived, and crucially the dinosaurs themselves are starting to look samey, without inspiring much of the awe or terror they used to…
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian (Uk)
…I found it “Transformers” boring, a summer movie that however much it earns, fails to justify its existence. …
Roger Moore, Movie Nation
…Like an amusement ride on its last legs, there is no wonder in this world anymore; just the repetition of cheap, worn-out jolts. The park is gone, and with it, so is any semblance of humanity. …
Jordan Raup, The Film Stage
…much of this fifth iteration is absurd, both intentionally and un. Yet it’s also funny, intriguingly dark and visually sumptuous. …
Joe Morgenstern, The Wall Street Journal
…You can go see “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” or you can save yourself the time and money by chugging a six-pack of Red Bull and running through the dinosaur exhibits at the Harvard Museum of Natural History until you can’t breathe. As experiences go, they’re equally adrenalizing and equally ephemeral. …
Ty Burr, The Boston Globe
…I like the new “Jurassic World” movie better than the 2015 edition. Bayona’s direction is considerably more stylish and actively mobile than Colin Trevorrow’s was. …Is the movie a great time? Well… “Fallen Kingdom” leans awfully hard on the animal-abuse pathos. …
Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune