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Copyright, Paramount Pictures

Daddy’s Home Two

also known as “Daddy's Home 2,” “Guerra de papás 2,” “Babalar Savasiyor 2,” “Co wiecie o swoich dziadkach?,” See all »
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for suggestive material and some language.
Moral Rating: Not recommended
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults—but being heavily advertised to families
Genre: Comedy Christmas Sequel
Length: 1 hr. 40 min.
Year of Release: 2017
USA Release: November 10, 2017 (wide—3,300+ theaters)
DVD: February 20, 2018
Copyright, Paramount Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
Featuring Will FerrellBrad
Mark WahlbergDusty
Mel GibsonKurt
John LithgowDon
John CenaRoger
Linda CardelliniSara
Owen Vaccaro (Owen Wilder Vaccaro) … Dylan
See all »
Director Sean Anders — “Daddy’s Home” (2015), “Horrible Bosses 2” (2014), Writer: “We’re the Millers” (2013), Writer: “Dumb and Dumber To” (2014)
Producer Paramount Pictures
Gary Sanchez Productions
Huahua Media [China]
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Here’s what the distributor says about their film: “Father and stepfather Dusty and Brad join forces to make Christmastime perfect for the children. Their newfound partnership soon gets put to the test when Dusty’s old-school, macho dad and Brad's gentle father arrive to turn the holiday upside down.”

Prequel: “Daddy's Home” (2015)

Editor’s Note: This film comes from the writer/director of such offensive movies as “Horrible Bosses 2,” “We’re the Millers,” “Sex Drive,” and “Hot Tub Time Machine,” and “Dumb and Dumber To.” Although this particular film is somewhat less offensive and is not devoid of some positives, apparently designed to help make it sell for the holidays, in my view, it is overall unworthy of your time and money—and contains content unsuitable for families and kids. My recommendation for Christians of all ages: Avoid.
  • Violence: Moderate—mostly slapstick
  • Profane language: “Oh my G*d” (5), “Oh G*d” (2), “G*d no,” “d*mn” (5), “h*ll” (2)
  • Vulgar/Crude language: “F you, Kurt!”,“ d*ckhead!”, “Look at the side boobage,” “Did they take your b*lls at the dealer?”, “No, they didn't take my b*lls,” “numbnuts,” “I'm going to go drain the lizard,” “dingle,” “hoo-hoo,” “Then we jam that amazing Christmas in his butthole!,” “Candy a**,” “a**holes!”, “That's why you want to cr*p all over it,” “He's just trying to stir the turd,” “You can go suck a fart,” “bastards,” etc.
  • Sex: • long male-to-male mouth kiss and another later on • multiple instances of fornication strongly implied on the part of a grandfather • grandfather starts to tell a joke to the kids, “Two dead hookers wash up on the beach…” • Fathers discuss giving a talk about sex to their young son • grandfather says he doesn’t want a wimp teaching his grandson “how to score” • father gives a clumsy talk about sex to the boy • grandfather advises the boy to maneuver a girl under some mistletoe, kiss her and then “give her a smack on the caboose” • the young boy publicly kisses his stepsister • afterward, many girls line up for the opportunity to kiss this boy on the mouth
  • Nudity: • immodest female clothing • cleavage

cinema tickets. ©  Alexey SmirnovEvery time you buy a movie ticket or buy or rent a video you are in effect casting a vote telling Hollywood, “I’ll pay for that. That’s what I want.” Read our article

An accurate explanation of the purpose Jesus Christ’s birth. Answers for skeptics. Plus Christmas carols, games, coloring pages, reviews of Christmas movies, and more

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Secular Movie Critics
…The film portrays parenting as the death of manhood, a final surrender to the castrating effects of domesticity. …[1½/4]
Keith Watson, Slant
…A colossal waste of time and the moviegoer’s dollars. …
Soren Andersen, The Seattle Times
…clunky comedy… Patriarchal panic spans two generations in a comedy slick with flop sweat. … [2/5]
Phil De Semlyen, Time Out (New York)
…ends up being nothing more than a holiday sequel cash grab that has none of the charm or humor from the first film.
T.M. Powell, CBS Tampa Bay
…silly slapstick predominates… The film contains much sexual humor, including a sight gag about homosexuality, a few mild oaths, occasional crude and frequent crass language and an obscene gesture…
John Mulderig, CNS
…an indefensible group effort in failure… the most appalling excuse for a motion picture I've encountered all year long… [0/4]
Barry Hertz, The Globe and Mail [Canada]
…Anders assembles several potentially amusing story threads, but can't stick with any of them. He reminds me of a dog confronting a park full of squirrels. He can't stick with one long enough to reach his prey. …
Dan Lybarger, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
…the worst movie of the year… Despite its often adult humour, Daddy's Home 2 is rated PG-13 in America and 12A in the UK, meaning children of any age can be taken to see it. …You can, but should you?…
Tristram Fane Saunders, The Telegraph [UK]
…“Daddy’s Home 2” Is Trash. Period. …This is a toxic, not at all benign film made for the enjoyment of everyone still oblivious to the fact that this kind of worldview is crashing down in flames even as we speak. …
Emily Yahr, The Washington Post

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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