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Easy A

MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for mature thematic elements involving teen sexuality, language and some drug material.

Reviewed by: Thaisha Geiger

Moral Rating: Very Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Teens Adults
Genre: Teen Romance Comedy
Length: 1 hr. 33 min.
Year of Release: 2010
USA Release: September 17, 2010 (wide—2,800+ theaters)
DVD: December 21, 2010
Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gemsclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems Copyright, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems
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Lying in the Bible



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Prayer in the Bible

Featuring Emma Stone … Olive Penderghast
Amanda Bynes … Marianne
Thomas Haden Church … Mr. Griffith
Patricia Clarkson … Rosemary
Cam Gigandet … Micah
Lisa Kudrow … Mrs. Griffith
Malcolm McDowell … Principal Gibbons
Alyson Michalka … Rhiannon
Stanley Tucci … Dill
Penn Badgley … Woodchuck Todd
Fred Armisen … Pastor
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Director Will Gluck
Producer Olive Bridge Entertainment
Screen Gems
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“Let’s not and say we did.”

Olive (Emma Stone) was a normal teen until she lied about losing her virginity to her obnoxious best friend. She thought it no big deal until the high-school’s self righteous Marianne (Amanda Bynes) overhears, and like wildfire, the gossip spreads. When her gay friend asks for her help in disproving his homosexuality, Olive reluctantly agrees to a fake sexual encounter at a party.

Afterwards, Olive begins to accept bribes from the school’s social outcasts, allowing them to falsely claim their own sexual encounters with her. At first, Olive enjoys the extra attention and even embraces her new role by wearing her own scarlet “A” to coincide with her English class’ study of The Scarlet Letter. Soon, Olive is labeled as the school’s newest floozy and begins to become ostracized. With the gossip out of control and her reputation destroyed, Olive begins to heavily regret her lies; echoing the truth of Proverbs 18:7-8:

“A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts.”

The film has notable actors. It’s nice to see Emma Stone in a lead role. She’s charming as Olive, and this film should open new opportunities for her. However, Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson have excellent chemistry as Olive’s parents and steal every scene they’re in. Penn Badgley plays Woodchuck Todd, Olive’s love interest. While their getting together is predicted from the onset, his character is refreshingly respectful and mature. He never believes the rumors, and when Olive rejects his kiss, he is very gentleman about it, a very rare Hollywood moment. The film displays the damage of gossip, and the double standard society has placed upon men and women who are sexually active. While the male social outcasts garner a new respect for their sexual exploits, Olive suffers more, since she is a female.

Objectionable Content

This film should have been rated R. There are over 40 uses of profanity, including 22 sh*t, 10 GD, 8 b*tch, and 5 as*. In one scene alone, over 6 uses of GD and 6 sh*t are spewed out. The names of God and Jesus are profaned numerous times, as well. The sexually derogatory words of d*ck and t*ts are used frequently.

Though there are no sex scenes, the entire film is heavily saturated with sexual language, references, and revealing outfits. One of the self-proclaimed Christians has an affair with a faculty member and contracts Chlamydia before blaming Olive. When Olive and her friend pretend to have sex, they make various noises and sexual comments to create a believable illusion to the eavesdroppers. Several sexual discussions occur as the outcasts barter with Olive on what they may claim they did with her. A woman’s breast hits Olive in the face while a bong is passed. Homosexuality is accepted as normal and, at times, praised throughout the film. While Olive’s parents are positive and loving, they give her very worldly advice about the normalcy of homosexuality and being sexually active. Her mother tells Olive of her promiscuous past and how her being a contortionist benefited her sex life; her father tells her that he was once gay for a long time.

Should I save sex for marriage? Answer

GAY—What’s wrong with being gay? Answer

What about gays needs to change? Answer

Olive’s antagonist is the Hollywood stereotype of the “self-righteous Christian.” Marianne is spiteful, a gossip, and very smug; the complete opposite of the fruit Christians should bear (Gal. 5:22-23). She has no resemblance to what a true follower of Christ should be. Perhaps the most disturbing part of the movie is during their religious meeting, the teens pray to get rid of Olive and sing empty songs of worship. Since nonbelievers often do not know Scripture, Christians should be a diligent light for Christ since we are often the only representation of Christ, some will ever see. In Colossians 4:5-6, Paul wrote:

“Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

While the film’s “Christians” did condemn premarital sex, they conveniently skip all of their own sins, as if adultery were worse than gossip, lies, and hatred.

When her deception began to take its toll, Olive goes in search of advice. She reads some verses from the Bible and seeks advice from religious leaders, asking which is worse: lies or adultery. While they never give her the answer, the correct response would be that both are wrong. Sin is sin. If a person commits even just one sin, then they are guilty of breaking God’s law. In James 2:10, he wrote, “for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” Since we all fall short of the glory of God, Jesus Christ became the atoning sacrifice for all of our sins.

Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer

How good is good enough? Answer

As for whether or not I recommend this film, I wholeheartedly say to avoid it. Aside from its offensive content, the film has no worthy redemptive value, not because of its plot basis, but because of its execution and plot filler. “Easy A” does effectively show the destructive consequences of lies and gossip, and the ending is suitable, with Olive coming clean. However, the film had other agendas which permeated the film’s dialogue and jokes from beginning to end, and Christians shouldn’t pay money to hear it.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: Heavy to Extreme / Sex/Nudity: Heavy

Every time you buy a movie ticket or rent a video you are casting a vote telling Hollywood “That’s what I want.” Why does Hollywood continue to promote immoral programming? Are YOU part of the problem? Answer

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Having seen the previews, I knew what I was getting into. I was expecting a teen sex comedy and “Easy A” fit the bill entirely. Emma Stone was lovely as Olive and Amanda Bynes played her role to the T. Seeing Christians displayed in that kind of light did irk me, but the role was satirical, and I couldn’t help but laugh myself at times. “Easy A” is by no means a movie for the family, or even on a date, but with a bunch of girls it was a lot of fun.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Audrey, age 19 (USA)
Positive—I had known what the movie was about before I went to go see it. I found it an enjoyable movie with my girlfriends; we had fun seeing it and laughing a lot. They do make fun of Christians, but, personally, I would have made fun of those kind of Christians myself. Overall, make your own choice about the movie, on your own convictions.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Laruen, age 19 (USA)
Neutral—I thought the movie was ok. I think all the sex innuendos and language were not needed, but the plot was generally good. I do not think this is a movie for anyone under 18. It is a mature movie and requires a mature audience.

For anyone who has a problem with language and some mild sex scenes, you might one to pass this one up. For anyone who wants a good comedy, this movie is perfect. No one really has sex, but some images you get in your head are a little too much. Just don’t go to this movie unprepared. Expect the worst, and you will be very surprised.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Elena, age 19 (USA)
Neutral—I saw “Easy A” today, from the very start of the movie to the end, profanity was used. Other than that aspect, the movie was really not all that bad. Sure, older people will object to the content of it, but it was made for the younger generation… it is a Teen Comedy after all, I tried to resist on numerous occasions from laughing but I really couldn’t. Definitely isn’t something you would want little kids watching, there is no nudity whatsoever, like I said my only objection would be the continuous use of profanity.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Mark, age 20 (USA)
Neutral—This movie is about a girl who pretends to have a bad reputation with boys so she can be popular. Although she isn’t what she presents herself to be, at the end, she finds out that was a bad idea, and her choices had negative repercussions. This movie is geared to teenagers, and it’s all about having sex. She even goes into a room with a guy who is trying to kick his “gay” label and has pretend sex with him that is noisily descriptive. Although, she never has sex with anyone, the whole movie is about it. So I can’t say it’s appropriate for a Christian teen, but the lesson at the end is good because she pays consequences for her fake reputation.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Candice L., age 40 (Canada)
Neutral—…I like this movie, but the language and the looseness is a little much. I like Emma Stone’s acting, much better than Ellen Page’s in “Juno”——(That film should be rated Extremely Offensive, with all the half sex scenes, F bombs, Lord’s name taken, and other cuss words. I know Juno kept the baby, but she kept treating the baby as inhuman and “food.”) Back To “Easy A”: Though they make some of us Christians look bad in the film, and there is a lot of GDs, J’s, a**, s***, and a gayness and loose parents, and partial nudity and a scene where a gay guy is watching a video with another gay guy, and girls wearing very skimpy clothing.

Though Olive (Emma S.) is a virgin for a long time, there’s nothing to be ashamed of being a virgin. But she lies and helps others out to fake sex, which makes her look like a prostitute. But she has a guy who likes her for who she is and doesn’t pay attention to rumors.

I found this film more fresh and colorful than “Juno,” because “Juno” is not the film for anyone to watch. I suggest this film for mature teens who are 14 and up, to watch this and to know what is right and wrong.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Anna, age 19 (USA)
Neutral—I am SO glad that none of my younger siblings were with me when I watched this movie. I did not expect it to be as dirty as it was, or I may not have even watched it myself, but it was kind of funny in some places, though; so I guess it was not all bad.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 3
Corey, age 22 (USA)
Negative—I saw this movie a few years back when I was a little more liberal about what I considered good. I was never fully on board with it, but I thought more highly of it back then than I do now. Reviewing movies for a public ministry has definitely caused me to consider things from a more cautious perspective. First of all, this is a highly thought-provoking movie. It is not only entertaining, but the moral conflict is fascinating and keeps your attention. Does it have redemptive value? Undeniably. But now the question becomes, is that redemptive value worth the abundant crass, irreverent display of immorality (albeit fake immorality)? Well, I certainly wouldn’t go around recommending the film. It may be worth the watch for mature adult Christians, but instead of recommending it to anyone, I would give them all the details of the pros and cons and let them decide for themselves.

Most of the immorality displayed in this film is frowned upon, not glamorized. But it’s still dealt with in a very indecent way. When I say indecent, I don’t mean nudity, but, for example, there is a scene in which two people jump up and down on a bed slapping each other and making sex noises to make the people listening at the door think they are having sex. This scene, while not condoned, is nonetheless incredibly crass and over-the-top. (Had I watched the film more recently, I probably would have stopped watching at this scene.) I love satire as much as anyone, but not even satire can justify this. This film shows the consequences of such behavior, but it also portrays homosexuality in a positive light. Some people, such as, claim that the film is anti-Christian. I do not agree with this. This film is a sort of modern retelling of “The Scarlet Letter” (though a very loose one), which is where it gets the idea for nasty Christian characters.

Unfortunately, there are professing Christians like this in the real world who make the problem worse by hating the sinner more than the sin. It is our job to warn people of their sin, but it is God’s job to pour out wrath upon them. Finally, I would like to say that there is no excuse for this film being rated PG-13. If you are thinking about seeing this movie, pray about it very seriously. I wouldn’t say it has nothing to offer for Christians, but the vast majority of Christian viewers should err on the safe side.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive to Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Gabriel Mohler, age 27 (USA)
Negative—PG-13? Should have gotten whatever is worse than R… I walked out and got a voucher for another movie. This movie in its entirety is a direct attact on Christians. Persecution of our faith has become the center focus of a comedy. Disgusting topics. Just one (OF MANY disgusting topics involving Christians) for instance a Christian in the film sleeps with a married guidance counselor, and she gave him Chlemydia! I can’t take it. It it truly the most disgusting movie I have seen as a believer over the past 5 years. SKIP IT
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Heather Faith, age 39 (USA)
Negative—The film was well casted, Emma Stone is enchanting, her parents are very believable, schoolmates besides looking older than high school are adequate sidekicks. The script, however, was appalling, from a Christian vantage point. We were the enemy plain and simple. They were seen as judgmental simpletons and lusty hypocrites, with no character or concern. The worldly minded heroine and her parents who guided her toward self discovery, vilified a biblical worldview and elevated humanism’s nihilistic self-serving purposes.

Hollywood has made another obscenity laced, sex obsessed polemic against God and His Word and people again and has tempted up to partake of its fruits. This film is vulgar, profane, ideologically humanistic and anti-Christian. Seriously, and easier A would be don’t watch this. Get an A+ from God for resisting the Easy A, and go for the Hard A by having a backbone.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Scott, age 48 (USA)
Comments from young people
Neutral—I really liked this movi,e because it taught me to never create a bad reputation to get attention. It also taught me to choose my friends wisely, because some might turn their back on you and spread nasty rumors. I would recommend this movie for sure!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Jullianna, age 15 (Canada)
Positive—“Easy A” was a very funny movie. Definitely deserved a PG-13 rating, because of all the sexual references and bad language. There was one scene where a woman repeatedly said G**D*** and s**t. Overall, it was a great movie with a wonderful performance by Emma Stone, but it was one of the most offensive PG-13 movies I’ve seen this year.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
C, age 14 (USA)
Movie Critics
…In the film Christ is mocked, Christianity is mocked, and so are we Christians. …
Phil Boatwright, Preview Family Movie and TV Review
…“Easy A”’s take on—and takedown of—Christians is as shallow as it is maddeningly predictable. Olive’s permissive parents pound the pulpit—“No judgment!”—while the caricatured believers who suggest that sex might need boundaries and result in significant consequences are portrayed as either hysterical or hypocritical or both…
Adam R. Holz, Plugged In
…sloppy teen comedy… The campus Christian Right has been handled far better in other teen movies (particularly “Saved!”); this one simply writes them off as one-note hypocrites. … The setting of this sexed-up teen comedy is one of those California high schools where everybody looks about 22 and is bursting out of their clothes when they’re not jumping into hot tubs. …
Stephen Witty, The Star-Ledger (New Jersey)
…a long way from a good movie… never establishes a story or characters that make much sense. …
Tom Maurstad, The Dallas Morning News
…the entire film is about sex and explicit in words although not in actions. … Drawn with all the nuance of Hawthorne’s original portrayal of the Puritans—which is to say no nuance at all—the purity club is angry, judgmental, hypocritical, downright odd…
Rebecca Cusey, World Magazine

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