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Christian Living



Eating Disorders



Streaming video— 
“Should a Christian shack up with someone?”
Todd Friel
Length: 3 minutes
Streaming video— 
Helpful advice
Tim Challies, Christian author and speaker
Length: 5 minutes

Visit the new Sex, Love and Relationships homepage. Discover more answers in our Relationships, Love and Sex section


Pregnancy outside of marriage—Is abortion really an option?

Streaming video— 
“Is abortion right, or is it wrong?”
It’s the big question that’s lost in a societal debate that’s mostly focused on legality. But, really, whether it’s right or wrong is the most important question about abortion.
Video by PragerU
Length: 5 minutes
Streaming video— 
“7 Reasons”

Watch ardently pro-choice people change their minds.

People give many reasons why they think abortion is acceptable, including…

  1. The inconvenience of pregnancy
  2. Incompetence of parents
  3. Infant disabilities
  4. It’s the woman’s body
  5. It’s not a baby
  6. Rape or incest
  7. She’s not ready to be a parent
Video by Living Waters, a Christian Answers Team Member
Length: 43 minutes

Click HereDiscover answers to your questions about pregnancy. Explore one of God’s greatest miracles… LIFE.





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Current Issues

Streaming video— 
“Where is Race Mentioned in the Bible?”
Featuring Dr. Voddie Baucham
Length: 1½ minutes
Recommended streaming video— 
The blood of Christ is sufficient to reconcile us
Ephesians 2:10-11
Dr. VODDIE BAUCHAM, D.Min., D.D. (hon.), Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Zambia

“We don’t have to achieve racial reconciliation. It exists. It has been achieved. It’s a reality that we must walk in. It’s not something that we have to accomplish, it’s already been accomplished.” —Voddie Baucham

Length: 54 minutes