How do I know what is right from wrong? In today’s society, there seems to be a gray area around what is right and wrong. What are some guidelines you can ask yourself to determine if an activity is right or not? And what should you do if someone you know might “stumble” if you participate in something that seems to be okay for you?
How can I be and feel forgiven? Forgiveness is vital in developing a healthy spiritual life, or restoring a hurt relationship. What are the needs, requirements, and results of forgiveness?
If God forgives me every time I ask, why do I still feel so guilty? Why does guilt seem so strong even when every sin remembered has already been confessed? If God forgives these sins and doesn’t even remember them, why doesn’t the guilt subside?
Is circumcision a requirement for salvation for Christian males? “I am confused on whether or not as a Christian you have to be circumcised, because I am not…”
Physical healing—Is it guaranteed in Christ’s atonement? “…with his stripes we are healed.”
How do I witness to my peers when they seem to have knowledgeable answers against all of my beliefs? It is easy to become discouraged in witnessing to people you know who seem to always have the “right answer” to shoot down your well-meaning witnessing efforts. But here is some encouraging news, and some great resources that will help build your mental storehouse to overcome some of the most common objections to Christianity.
THE NEW TOLERANCE for all beliefs—It’s politically correct, but does it hold danger for followers of Christ? Is love the same thing as tolerance?
What does God expect of me? A presentation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS from the Old Testament, as well as God’s greatest expectations from the New Testament. Attractively laid out for easy printing and posting!
What are the Biblical guidelines for dating relationships? What are the Bible’s principles for dating? How far is too far? If you have already gone too far, why stop? The Bible gives us some very clear principles to guide us in making decisions about dating.
What is true love and how do you know when you have found it? As followers of Christ, we can only identify true love when we have found it based on what the Word of God says. So, what does the Bible say about “true love”?
My boyfriend wants to have sex. I don’t want to lose him. What should I do? God’s laws are clear, especially in this area. But what should be done to ensure that His perfect laws are obeyed in a dating relationship defined by ignoring His Word?
I am not married, and just found out I’m pregnant. What should I do?
What does God think of “missionary dating”? Christians dating non-Christians: is it okay, especially if your intent is to win your date over to Christ? After all, you’re not getting married…
Why won’t my parents allow me to single-date? Do parents have reason to act as they do when they don’t allow their teenage children to single-date? What are some of their concerns with dating?
Is inter-ethnic marriage biblical? Is it godly for a white man to marry a black woman and vice versa? What does the Bible teach?
Are there biblical examples of depression and how to deal with it?
What should a Christian do if overwhelmed with depression? Is it right to use antidepressant drugs? Or should a Christian’s faith be enough to solve depression problems?
If God knows I am hurting, why doesn’t He help me? What encouragement can be found when it seems that God doesn’t care about you, and no one notices your pain?
Help for Eating Disorders “I’m a girl suffering from Bulimia Nervosa. Only a few people in my church family know, but I am not getting anything from them…Please help.”
Cutting—Help for Cutters (and Others Who Self-Mutilate In Some Way)
Help for Eating Disorders “I’m a girl suffering from Bulimia Nervosa. Only a few people in my church family know, but I am not getting anything from them…Please help.”
How do I respect the wishes of my non-Christian parents while still following God’s will? Living as a Believer in a non-Christian family can be very difficult. How can the wishes of your parents be respected, while following the rules God’s lays before us to obey Him?
FOR PARENTS: Got teens from the Millennial generation? Here’s some helpful parenting tips.
Discover more answers in our Relationships, Love and Sex section
Pregnancy outside of marriage—Is abortion really an option?
Discover answers to your questions about pregnancy. Explore one of God’s greatest miracles… LIFE.
My friend sleeps around. Now people think I do. How do I fix my reputation and help my friend? Jesus was a friend to all types of people, even those with loose morals, wasn’t he? How can you still be a friend to someone you know that has a “reputation”, while keeping your reputation pure and blameless?
I think I was sexually abused, but I’m not sure. What is sexual abuse, and what can I do to stop the trauma I am facing now? Sexual abuse is extremely harmful to the emotional and physical stability and anyone. What can you do to find help if you’ve been sexually abused in the past?
Sexual Abuse of Children What is it? How widespread is child sexual abuse? One survivor tells her story. Includes ways to find help.
I hit my girlfriend—once. Now she won’t go out with me anymore. What should I do? Physical abuse, unfortunately, is often passed down through generations. What can be done to stop the cycle, or to mend a relationship in which abuse is present?
Cutting—Help for Cutters (and Others Who Self-Mutilate In Some Way)
Help for Eating Disorders “I’m a girl suffering from Bulimia Nervosa. Only a few people in my church family know, but I am not getting anything from them…Please help.”
Jobs in Christian service—How can I use the Internet to find a new job? How can ministries find the best candidates to fill positions? Here are some of the best places to find Christian ministry employment information—whether you are looking for a job or searching for the right person to fill a position.
Why should any one have to accept ancient hearsay as evidence for the existence of a god?
If Christ’s miracles really happened, why weren’t they reported by historians?
How do I know what God’s will is for my life? You are not alone if you want to do God’s will, but just don’t have any idea what His will might be for you. What should you do to find an answer to this important question?
Why aren’t my prayers answered? If God promises to answer my prayers, why don’t I see them being answered? What exactly does God promise about praying?
If God knows I am hurting, why doesn’t He help me? What encouragement can be found when it seems that God doesn’t care about you, and no one notices your pain?
How can I be sure of my salvation? Most Christians believe that salvation cannot be reversed, but how can you be sure that you truly have given your life to Christ and have been saved in the first place?
Does Christianity need to develop a NEW gospel adapted to today’s world? Some people feel that religion needs to be adapted to modern life and needs. Is this true of Christianity?
Aren’t all religions basically the same? According to a poll, many Americans assume that when Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and others pray to their god, all are actually praying to the same god, but simply using different names for that deity.
Will my mentally handicapped sister go to heaven? This is a question many a brother, sister, or parent has asked, and it’s not easy to answer. But, the Bible does give some truth that we can use in answering this question.
I’m in a gang. Can God save me? Ex-gang members live to tell of the incredible hardships they went through to leave the gang. Can God, who know every crime that was committed, save anyone trying to escape the lifestyle of being in a gang?
I’m ugly. Why was God so unfair to me this way? Man looks at each other on the outside, but God looks at the heart. Why does He make some people so attractive, while allowing others to be physically unappealing?
Discover many more answers in our Bible and Christian Theology index
Visit our Bible and Christian Theology question index
Is the Bible truth or tabloid? So many of the stories in the Bible seem so much like headlines that you would see in a grocery-store-checkout magazine. Could all of these seemingly impossible stories be true?
So, is the Bible really all that accurate? We’ve heard of many supposed inaccuracies in the Bible. How do we know that the Bible is as perfect as it claims?
What’s the big deal about the Bible anyway? Thousands have given their life to stand on what the Bible teaches. Why? What makes the Bible so unique?
Which colleges and seminaries teach a literal Genesis, including six-day, young-Earth Creation? [Answer by region | Alphabetical list] Here is a growing list of higher-learning institutions officially adhering to the literal, young-Earth creationist viewpoint. To our knowledge, this is the most complete list in the world.
What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist? Public schools are notorious for laughing at the ideas held by Christians about the creation of the world. What can you do to present a scientific view of creation that demands thought?
Has science disproved the miracles associated with Jesus Christ? The creation of the universe, water into wine, the blind and lame healed, walking on the water… Has science disproved these supernatural occurrences?
Discover more answers about Science, Creation, Evolution and the Bible
ORIGIN OF ETHNIC PEOPLE GROUPS—How could all ethnicities come from Noah, his three sons and their wives?
Are we living in a moral Stone Age? Philosopher Christina Sommers charges that today’s young people are suffering from “cognitive moral confusion.” They not only have trouble distinguishing right from wrong—they question whether such standards even exist. The threat this moral relativism poses to society is greater than any external danger.