Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).
Reviewed by: Alexander Malsan
Moral Rating: | Very Offensive |
Moviemaking Quality: |
Primary Audience: | Adults Young-Adults |
Genre: | Horror Action Crime |
Length: | 2 hr. 55 min. |
Year of Release: | 2022 |
USA Release: |
March 4, 2022 (wide release) DVD: May 24, 2022 |
A deeply corrupt city / political corruption / police corruption / corrupt wealthy people
Rampant crime
What is LYING? What are the truly BIG lies of our world?
What does Scripture say about Stealing? and theft?
About the fall of mankind to worldwide depravity
What is SIN AND WICKEDNESS? Is it just “bad people” that are sinners, or are YOU a sinner? Answer
Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer
Learn about spiritual light versus darkness
What are goodness and righteousness?
Brutal justice of a vigilante crime fighter
What is JUSTICE? What does the Bible say about it? Answer
FILM VIOLENCE—How does viewing brutal violence in movies affect families? Answer
Foul and profane language in movies
Featuring |
Robert Pattinson … Bruce Wayne / Batman Zoë Kravitz … Selina Kyle / Catwoman Paul Dano … Edward Nashton / The Riddler Colin Farrell … Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin Peter Sarsgaard … District Attorney Gil Colson Amber Sienna … Iceberg Lounge Hostess Andy Serkis … Alfred Pennyworth Jeffrey Wright … James Gordon John Turturro … Carmine Falcone Barry Keoghan … Officer Stanley Merkel See all » |
Director |
Matt Reeves |
Producer |
DC Comics DC Entertainment See all » |
Distributor |
Bruce Wayne. Billionaire, businessman by day, caped crusader by night. In this scenario, however, Bruce’s primary focus has been on his more nocturnal crime-fighting activities and less on his responsibilities as the head of Wayne Enterprises and of the Wayne legacy itself. Even Alfred (Andy Serkis), Bruce’s life-long butler and friend, has noticed that the more Bruce has focused on being Batman, the more he has begun to lose himself. I’m getting a head of myself though.
Our setting, Gotham. Bruce has been The Batman for roughly two years. Crime, as Bruce states, has only gotten worse. One night, however, Batman receives words of a very strange murder of the Mayor of Gotham. He was found duct taped, missing a finger, and with a note… for Batman himself.
Of course, Batman opens the note. It’s a riddle left by the killer himself. Once Batman solves that riddle, however, a second murder has already taken place, with yet ANOTHER riddle left behind. “Follow the clues,” thinks Batman. This criminal, dubbed the Riddler, is a new kind of criminal, a sadistic one, Batman determines, that is killing elite political figures for reasons that are yet to be determined.
Riddle me this: What do trust, deception, betrayal, and cover-ups have to do with this story? That’s for Bruce—I mean—BATMAN to discover.
From the very beginning, it was incredibly hard to not have any preconceived notions regarding “The Batman.” The constant barrage of trailers, advertisements from businesses, early reviews, made it nearly impossible to not walk into the theater with at least some idea as to what I was subjecting myself to. As my friend and I sat in the dark and saw the red title I took a deep breath and said, “Here we go.” So, my dear readers, here we go…
It’s hard to deny that this is, indeed, a far more unique telling of Batman than any that have come before. The story will require far more care and patience from the audience than one might expect of an action-adventure-mystery film. You will patience as it’s nearly a 3 hour run time. As Director Matt Reeves stated, the focus of this version of Batman is more on his detective skills and not just his combative skills (though there is plenty of that).
This version is far darker, far bleaker than any Batman has come before and it certainly won’t please all tastes (indeed, there were times I felt a sense of emptiness myself). Reeves has always stood as a revolutionary when it comes to cinematography, directing, and, in the case of “The Batman,” writing. As he states in one of his interviews.
“There’s a lot in the story about Bruce Wayne confronting the shadow side of himself that’s Batman and the degree to which you have self knowledge. There’s psychological union, where Batman is broken, and he does things for reasons he knows and reasons he doesn’t know yet.”
In another interview, Reeves states the following regarding how he wanted the character Bruce Wayne to depart from the traditional playboy and socialite. Because he listened to the Nirvana song “Something in the Way” (1991) as he wrote the first act, he decided to base Wayne on reclusive Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. He took inspiration from the film “Last Days” (2005) which features a fictionalized version of Cobain living in a “decaying manor.”
Does this darker tone make “The Batman” a horrible film? Before I go there, I’d like to praise two more aspects of the film. First, the camera work is phenomenal—from closeups, long-distance, panoramic, you name it. Every shot is detailed perfectly. Additionally, the performances are spot on. Everyone is cast perfectly. I didn’t believe I would enjoy Robert Pattison as the Dark Knight as much as I did; I won’t underestimate him again. However, Collin Colin Farrell’s performance as the Penguin and Paul Dano’s performance as the Riddler are just jaw-dropping.
There is some suggestive and objectionable content that many Christians will wish to consider before watching “The Batman.”
**Please note some of the content below contains necessary minor spoilers but not all content is listed**
VIOLENCE: Extreme. A man is bludgeoned in the head multiple times and then smothered with duct tape. When the body is found later, a policeman says a finger was severed. We see a victim with his head in a box with rats around his face (it looks like they will bite his face) in a live video posted by the Riddler (the video fades before anything happens). Another character is bludgeoned in the back of the head before he is duct-taped and has an electronic collar attached to his neck. A guy has a bomb strapped to his chest and the bomb eventually explodes (we see the body explode, nothing gory). There are scenes with multiple fist fights (mostly by Batman and villains), where villains are knocked out. He also hits villains with lead pipes a couple times. Batman punches (planned) a cop to escape a jail cell. There is an intense car chase with many car crashes, overturned vehicles and explosions. A character is blown back by a bomb and later shown lying in a hospital. A hit on a reporter is mentioned. We hear a voicemail of someone being strangled by another person. We hear a disturbing conversation (brief) about a child dying in an orphanage. A city is seen flooding and people are seen drowning (we see the water turn red). A character is almost killed. A dome is seen flooded.
PROFANITY: Very Heavy— • “J*sus” (18) • “Jesus Christ” (2) • “For Chr*st’s sakes” (2) • “Chr*st” (2) • “G*d d*mn” (10) • “G*d” (4) • “Holy sh*t” • “H*ll” (17)
VULGARITY: Very Heavy— • “F**king” (1) • “Freakin” • “Sh*t” (13) • “B*stard” (1) • S-words (17) • “d*ckbag” • “pr*cks” • “Son of a b*tch” (7) • “Bastard” • “A**” (3) • “A**hole” (2) • “She’s one hot chick” • “Rich scumsucker” • “freakin’ psycho”
SEX: A character is seen in a photo cheating on his wife with another woman. Women are pole dancing at a bar (we see it briefly). A girl puts her hands on a guys thigh to get information. Two characters kiss twice.
NUDITY: Female characters wear cleavage baring and revealing clothing. A male character is shirtless for an extended scene. A female character is seen changing into another outfit (we see her in her underwear and bra for a moderate amount of time).
ALCOHOL: People drink at a bar a few times.
DRUGS: Someone is killed using arsenic. We see a drug operation going on. A character injects himself with a green potion to receive more energy to fight someone.
OTHER: We see criminals committing robberies, graffitiing items. We see a picture of a man with a disfigured face.
One of the central themes, I found, in “The Batman” was “hope.” In a city like Gotham, the people live with very little hope. Criminals, gangsters, and mobsters rule their streets. Their only hope is a vigilante. He is one person. He can’t be everywhere.
If only the people of Gotham had hope in the true Savior, one who is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present—the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what real hope looks like. That’s what REAL hope feels like.
Why is the world the way it is? If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving, would He really create a world like this? (filled with oppression, suffering, death and cruelty) Answer
Discover the good news that Jesus Christ offers
Are you good enough to get to Heaven? Answer
How good is good enough? Answer
Will all mankind eventually be saved? Answer
Do you understand God’s Story? Take a short journey through the Bible, from Creation to eternity, summarizing of the Bible’s most important records, in chronological order.
When I look at what is going on in the world right now, I am reminded that only Jesus can be our strength, our hope and our salvation. Only HE can deliver and only HE can save. In the darkest hour of the darkest day, HOPE comes in the form of Jesus.
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” —Romans 8:18
“I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand on the earth.” —Job 19:25
“Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” —Romans 5:2-5
The world becomes tiring, we feel weakened, and sometimes alone. Fellow followers of Christ, we are never alone! We are not weak! Jesus is our strength.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” —2 Corinthians 4:16-18
“The Batman” is a moviemaking marvel, in terms of new techniques in planning (apparently some of the scenes were pre-planned using virtual reality according to Reeves), camera work, length (a whopping three hours) and especially tone.
The tone, though, will be the problem, as will the content. It’s dark, almost as dark as the Christopher Nolan trilogy. The content alone, which SHOULD have led to a R-rating, should be enough to detract many Christians away from the film. I do NOT recommend this film for viewing (the stars also do NOT warrant a recommendation by any means). If you do decide to go, however, PLEASE leave the children and, yes, the teens at home. This is not for them.
See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.
PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.
I will try to keep this review spoiler free, although minor spoilers will be evident. The story takes place in the second year of Batman’s crime fighting. Gordan and Batman are already colleagues and is working with the police department. However, as high profile politicians and police officers are brutally murdered by the mysterious Riddler, Batman finds himself fighting against corruption from within even as he tries to save their lives and find the Riddler. The plot itself is intriguing, and it is far more satisfying than the previous incarnation of Batman under Ben Affleck. The result is mixed.
On the positive side, The Batman harkens back to a time when plot and character development superseded pointless action. We feel like we are a part of solving the mystery and we get to know the characters as something more than caricatures. This means, of course, that the pace is deliberately slow, but the film is three hours long, and it feels like it. Did the film overstay its welcome? That depends on how patient you are with plot development. I suspect that this generation’s love of fast paced, camera bobbing, films will find this film too slow and tedious. Others will appreciate the getting their money’s worth. In either case, the film is only as tedious or interesting as its other elements permit.
“The Batman” explores the darker side of human nature. That we live in a world governed by sin and corruption is obvious, and Biblical. However, there is no redemption in “The Batman.” In fact, the Batman himself is confronted by his own actions when he discovers that the Riddler considers the Batman his mentor! The Riddler is just meting out justice. Obviously, Batman believes that the Riddler crossed the line, but this begs the question that the film never answers. Who draws the line? Without God, we all draw our own boundaries, and where people create their own boundaries there is inevitable anarchy. This is further highlighted by the Catwoman who steals from those whom she believes deserve to be stolen from. We know that Batman has some sort of moral compass (he won’t kill), but he gets perilously close to it on many occasions, and we are never told from where his moral compass originates. This leads to the most obvious flaws in the film.
With no redemptive element, “The Batman” revels in violence. Although we see little blood, we are teased with the Riddler having rats eat a man’s face off, skinning another man’s face (we see a brief glimpse on a TV screen from a distance), and countless others are shot, stabbed, and killed. When the Riddler’s grand scheme is revealed, we see (not graphically) perhaps hundreds of people killed, and many shot or dying in the chaos. “The Batman” is by far the most violent Batman film to date and would certainly have been rated R a decade or two ago.
This does not even count the addition of foul language (including the F word) that is now apparent in the post-Nolan era. In terms of sexual content, there is amply cleavage and skin, but no nudity or sex. Nevertheless, Catwoman and Batman do kiss several times as Catwoman attempts to seduce him. They clearly have a romantic relationship (even though she doesn’t know who he is).
In terms of the filmmaking, “The Batman” is well directed, but the cinematography is part of the extreme dark fad which makes it hard to see. I get that they are setting the tone and feel of the film, but Nolan’s films achieved this without the extremely dark and dull look. Still, there are scenes where the cinematography was good and effective, but the overall look actually hurts the film. In terms of acting, Pattinson does a good job as the Batman, but his Bruce Wayne looks more like a teenage emo who can’t even afford to buy a comb. I don’t blame him for that, as this appears to have been a director’s choice, but it is another choice that makes the film more depressing as we see that Bruce has as many issues as the Riddler.
Zoë Kravitz made a very good Catwoman. I will always consider Julie Newmar my favorite, but Zoe is certainly among the best, and probably my second favorite. Paul Dano also does a fine job as Riddler, but since he spends most of the movie behind a mask it is hard to emote. He comes off as intended, an emotionally disturbed psychopath. Colin Farrell is unrecognizable as the Penguin in a supporting role. Andy Serkis appears without makeup or CGI as Alfred the Butler and Jeffrey Wright appears as Gordan in a role so similar to Felix Leiter that I thought he was reprising a previous appearance as Gordan. This is not meant to be disparaging, however, as Gordan is probably the best character in the film, and certainly the only one with a strong moral compass. Wright does a fine job bringing him to life.
Now as for recommendations, I can only give advice. The film is certainly worth watching from an entertainment perspective, but from a Christian perspective (and this is a Christian review site) there are many problems with it. The violence is extreme, but so is the dark nature of the film. Even the Wayne family is discovered to have had dark secrets. One subplot involves patricide.
The addition of foul language further harms the film, but there must also be warning on the introduction of “wokeness.” While some may giggle at such a warning, wokeness is really an intentionally racially divisive Marxist tool used to convince people that Capitalism is only for white people. They must set up an us versus them mind set to push for “change.” It is no accident that the rich Capitalist of Wayne Enterprises turns out to have connections to the underworld. Catwoman even speaks of wanting to bring down that “rich white privileged” elites. It has now become a cliché that the only uncorrupt politician in Gotham City is a black woman whereas every other politician is a corrupt white man. Now this wokeness was not as extreme as other films, and it is easily overlooked, but the increasing trend to drape capitalism in the guise of “white supremacy” ultimately denies not only the facts, but undermines minorities who seek success and live the American Dream.
Ultimately Matt Reeves take on Batman was a very serious take on the story. The Penguin, for example, is just a name. He is a scarred mobster but nothing about him has the comic book feel. Personally, I feel Reeves version is vastly superior to the Ben Affleck films, but does not hold up to the high standards set by Christopher Nolan.
Indeed, Nolan’s films at least had a redemptive theme, even if a muted one. We know that Batman had boundaries, but in Reeves take we see Batman calling himself “Vengeance;” something the Riddler and his minions also claim. Batman questions his actions, but we are never given an answer to those questions. In a way, this film could have been so much better if they had explored the answer to these questions rather than simply asking the question, but I suspect we live in a generation where they have no answers, because we have forsaken it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½