What is a…

also known as: Tribe of Levi

Hebrew: לֵוִיִּי —transliteration: Leviyyi or Levi

The name “Levite” fundamentally refers to any descendant of the tribe of Levi (Exodus 6:25; Lev. 25:32; Num. 35:2; Josh. 21:3; 21:41). However, it is generally used as the title of that portion of the tribe which was set apart for the subordinate offices of the sanctuary service (1 Kings 8:4; Ezra 2:70), as assistants to the priests.

Moses and Aaron, Levites

Moses and Aaron are Levites, descendants of Levi, a son of Jacob/Israel and set apart.

When the Israelites left Egypt, the ancient manner of worship was still observed by them, the eldest son of each house inheriting the priest's office.

At Sinai the first change in this ancient practice was made. A hereditary priesthood in the family of Aaron was then instituted (Exodus 28:1). But it was not till that terrible scene in connection with the sin of idolatry with the golden calf that the tribe of Levi stood apart and began to occupy a distinct position (Exodus 32).

The religious responsibilities were then conferred to this tribe, which from then on was devoted to the service of the holy sanctuary (Num. 3:11-13).

They were selected for this purpose because of their zeal for the glory of God (Exodus 32:26), and because, as the tribe to which Moses and Aaron belonged, they would naturally stand by the lawgiver in his work.

The Levitical order

The Levitical order consisted of all the descendants of Levi's three sons, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari; whilst Aaron, Amram's son (Amram, son of Kohat), and his issue constituted the priestly order.

The age and qualifications for Levitical service are specified in Num. 4:3, 23, 30, 39, 43, 47.

They were not included among the armies of Israel (Num. 1:47; 2:33; 26:62), but were reckoned by themselves. They were the special guardians of the tabernacle (Num. 1:51; 18:22-24).

The Gershonites pitched their tents on the west of the tabernacle (Num. 3:23), the Kohathites on the south (3:29), the Merarites on the north (Num. 3:35), and the priests on the east (Num. 3:38).

It was their duty to move the tent and carry the parts of the sacred structure from place to place. They were given to Aaron and his sons the priests to wait upon them and do work for them at the sanctuary services (Num. 8:19; 18:2-6).

As being wholly consecrated to the service of the Lord, they had no territorial possessions. Jehovah was their inheritance (Num. 18:20; 26:62; Deuteronomy 10:9; 18:1-2), and for their support it was ordained that they should receive from the other tribes the tithes of the produce of the land.

Levite cities

Forty-eight cities also were assigned to the Levites, 13 of which were for the priests “to dwell in,” i.e., along with their other inhabitants. Along with their dwellings, they had “suburbs,” i.e., “commons,” for their herds and flocks, and also fields and vineyards (Numbers 35:2-5).

Nine of these cities were in Judah, 3 in Naphtali, and 4 in each of the other tribes (Josh. 21).

Six of the Levitical cities were set apart as “cities of refuge”. One of these was the ancient city of Shechem.

Thus the Levites were scattered among the tribes to keep alive among them the knowledge and service of God.

List of the 48 Levitical cities

in alphabetical order
  1. Abdon in Asher
  2. Ain in Judah
  3. Almon in Benjamin
  4. Anathoth in Benjamin
  5. Ayalon Valley (Ajalon, Aijalon , Aij'alon, Ayyalon)
  6. Be Eshterah in Manasseh
  7. Beth-Shemesh in Judah
  8. Bethoron (Beth-Horon) in Ephraim
  9. Bezer in Reuben
  10. Daberath in Issachar
  11. Debir in Judah
  12. Dimnah in Zebulun
  13. Eltekeh in Dan
  14. En Gannim (aka Anem) in Issachar
  15. Eshtemoa in Judah
  16. Gath Rimmon in Dan
  17. Gath Rimmon in Manasseh
  18. Geba in Benjamin
  19. Gibbethon in Dan
  20. Gibeon in Benjamin
  21. Golan in Manasseh
  22. Hammoth Dor in Naphtali
  23. Helkath in Asher
  24. Heshbon in Gad
  25. Holon in Judah
  26. Jahaz in Reuben
  27. Jarmuth in Issachar
  28. Jattir in Judah
  29. Jazer in Gad
  30. Jokneam in Zebulun
  31. Juttah in Judah
  32. Kartah in Zebulun
  33. Kartan in Naphtali
  34. Kedemoth in Reuben
  35. Kedesh in Upper Galilee, in Naphtali
  36. Kibzaim in Ephraim
  37. Kishion in Issachar
  38. Kirjath Arba (Hebron) in Judah
  39. Libnah in Judah
  40. Mahanaim in Gad
  41. Mephaath in Reuben
  42. Mishal in Asher
  43. Nahalal (Nahalal) in Zebulun
  44. Ramoth-Gilead in Gad
  45. Rehob in Asher
  46. Shechem in Ephraim
  47. Taanach (Tanach, Ta'anakh, Ti'inik, or Ti’innik) in Manasseh
  48. Jokneam (aka Jokneam Illit, Yokneam Illit, and Yokneam

Levitical cities divided between Levite families

13 cities for the Aaronites (descendants of Aaron)
13 cities for the Gershonites
10 cities for the Kohathites (Kohath)
12 cities for the Merarites (Merari)

Levite Cities of Refuge

See: What are the Levite Cities of Refuge?

Prophecy in the book of Revelation

Revelation 7:4–8 mentions that people from the 12 tribes of Israel will be sealed by an angel of God. Levites will be a part of the 144-thousand Israelite evangelists for Christ during The Great Tribulation.

And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed:

of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand were sealed;
of tribe of Simeon twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand were sealed;
of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand were sealed.

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Article Version: July 2, 2024