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Today’s Prayer Focus
  • Renée ZellwegerRenée Zellweger, actress, producer—“Judy,” “Leatherheads,” “Appaloosa,” “Miss Potter,” “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “Chicago,” “Jerry Maguire,” “Down with Love” • Faith: apparently Liberal Christianity (raised Episcopalian) • Worldview: Progressive Liberalism
  • Jeff BezosJeff Bezos, Founder and Chief Executive of Amazon—top Internet site and major movie, music and book distributor. Bezos owns liberal newspaper The Washington Post and is a member of the Bilderberg Group • Faith: Secularism. Worldview: Socially Liberal Libertarianism, LGBT activism and major donor

Please take a moment now to pray for these influential people (prayer suggestions).



also known as “Noé,” “Noe,” “Noa,” “Noe: Wybrany przez Boga,” “Nojaus laivas,” “Noje,” “Ной”
MPA Rating: PG-13-Rating (MPA) for violence, disturbing images and brief suggestive content.

Reviewed by: David Criswell, Ph.D.

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive
Moviemaking Quality:
Primary Audience: Adults Teens
Genre: Action Fantasy
Length: 2 hr. 18 min.
Year of Release: 2014
USA Release: March 27, 2014 (wide—3,400+ theaters)
DVD: July 29, 2014
Copyright, Paramount Picturesclick photos to ENLARGE Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures Copyright, Paramount Pictures
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Top choice for accurate, in-depth information on Creation/Evolution. The SuperLibrary is provided by a top team of experts from various respected creationist organizations who answer your questions on a wide variety of topics. Multilingual.

Featuring Russell CroweNoah
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Director Darren Aronofsky — “Black Swan
Producer Paramount Pictures
Regency Enterprises
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“It’s a very, very different movie. Anything you’re expecting, you’re f***ing wrong.” These are the words of director Darren Aronofsky and they pretty much sum up the film. It is “different” from the Bible in almost every way, and it is “f***ing” disrespectful to those of us who are “expecting” a movie about the Biblical Noah.

First, let me review the film ascetically from a purely secular standpoint. Was it a good film without regard for its Biblical authenticity? Frankly, it was not. Aronofsky is known for his dark and depressing films, and “Noah” is no exception. The film has a dark brooding and violent tone from beginning to end. The “redeeming” quality of the film is muted by Aronofsky’s obsession with melancholy brooding. Even if I did not believe the Bible to be the Word of God, I would find this film unpleasant and only moderately entertaining.

The story itself, owing little to the Bible, is a mixture of myth, fantasy, and drama. Noah is troubled by visions and pieces together that the world will be flooded. He seeks to save his family from the coming Flood, but is attacked by the tribal king who eventually stows away aboard the Ark. Noah, believing that mankind must die out, plots to kill his grand-daughters and insure that his children never breed. The film climaxes with a battle aboard the Ark between Tubal-Cain and Noah, while Shem’s wife gives birth to twin daughters whom Noah plans to kill. Will Noah keep his promise to God to kill the girls?

In case you hadn’t figured it out yet, this is “the least Biblical Bible film ever,” as Aronofsky himself has stated. Herein lies the greatest problem. If he wanted to make a fantasy film about the antediluvian age, then he would have been better served making a film about Gilgamesh or Satyavarman (the Hindu version). Since virtually every culture contains a Flood story (because it really happened), this would have been better, for the film has almost no relation to the Biblical Noah at all. However, since the film was billed as a Biblical movie, the outright anti-Biblical, and even Luciferic, derivations are important to understand. To save space I will only comment on the most important alterations.


Undoubtably the most bizarre addition to the Bible is the now trendy Luciferism subplot. For those who are not familiar with this now cliché plot point, Luciferism is when rebellion against our Creator is portrayed as noble or sympathic in nature. In this case, this is literally true. The Watchers (the name given to demons in the Book of Enoch and this film) “wanted to help man” because they “took pity on them,” but God cast them out for disobeying his orders.

I remember the scene in the trailer where Tubal-Cain says to Noah “you stand alone and defy me,” and Noah replied “I am not alone.” The audience cheered, thinking that Noah was referring to God, but alas he was not. When he said “I am not alone,” the Watchers (demons) arose to help him. It is not God, but demons, to whom Noah was referring. These Watchers then help Noah build the Ark and die defending the Ark from Tubal-Cain. Apparently the demons are redeemed as their souls go up to Heaven.

This is not the only Luciferism in the film, however. There is a large amount of imagery of the serpent which shed his skin in the Garden. That skin was then passed down to Noah who uses the snake skin in several strange rituals. In other scenes, hundreds (if not thousands) of snakes are seen crawling aboard the Ark. Finally, Noah himself is a Lucifer symbol, because when he refuses to kill his grand-daughters in the climax of the film, he is portrayed as defying God’s will (or at least he believes he is defying God).

Luciferism is thus a dominant plot point throughout the film and completely at odds with the Bible. In this film, DEMONS are sympathetic, but God is not so much sympathetic. He is a distant impersonal God who never once speaks to Noah.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20 KJV)

Genocide and Patricide

Copyright 2014, Answers in Genesis

As I mentioned earlier, part of the subplot of the film involves Noah’s desire to see the human race extinct. To that end, he plans to kill his own grand-daughters. Naturally, his sons want to defend their daughters/sisters. Both Shem and Ham attempt to kill Noah aboard the Ark at one point in the film. This bizarre subplot is supposed to highlight the question of whether or not man is “worth saving,” but this very question is a secular one. God saves us because He loves us; not because we deserve to be saved. It is then ironic that Noah is portrayed as a borderline psychopath who deserves to be saved because there is goodness in his heart, somewhere.


Aronofsky calls Noah the “first [radical] environmentalist.” That environmentalism is not only apparent throughout the film, but extreme and inaccurate. Contrary to the Biblical picture (and one supported by science) of a plush world, Aronofsky shows the Earth as barren desert and rock, having been destroyed by man. When Noah gives the Creation story to his children, he says “our fragile Earth was born.” Indeed, this is how radical environmentalists see the Earth—fragile. In fact, while we are to care for the Earth which was entrusted to us, God did not make the Earth some fragile paper mâché world. It has survived catastrophes like… a global Flood!

EARTH’S ENVIRONMENT—Should Christians be concerned about the environment? Answer

What is man’s responsibility to the environment? Answer

About Darren Aronofsky
Darren Aronofsky directing “Black Swan”Darren Aronofsky, age , is an American filmmaker and screenwriter, who is noted for his surreal, melodramatic, and often disturbing films.

Faith: Atheism / Darren Aronofsky 2013Like many in the film industry, he denies God, but claims some form of “spirituality.” He says “The Fountain” is the best expression of his personal concept.

Worldview: Evolutionism, Liberal EcoFeminism justice warrior who delights in very publicly attacking and mocking the Bible and “organized religion.” He is a worldview propagandist who particularly enjoys using pseudo-biblical allegory for his purposes.

He was born of Brooklyn school teachers and raised culturally Jewish. Intelligent and gifted, he graduated from liberal Harvard University, where he studied a very Evolutionary and Atheistic view of social anthropology and film.

His Films

NoahBlack SwanThe FountainRequiem for a Dream

Aronofsky has repeatedly written and directed films that our reviewers have found EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE, such as “Noah” (2014), “Black Swan” (2010), “The Fountain” (2006) and “Requiem for a Dream” (2000).

Other Darren Aronofksy movies

Biblical accuracies and inaccuracies

Aside from the major problems listed above, there are countless inaccuracies. Ham wanders off alone without a wife; the animals are put to sleep in the Ark; the animals are not two by two and boarded together; Methuselah is portrayed as Shaman; only Shem has a wife; etc. The list of inaccuracies is too long to list here. It is easier to portray what was accurate. First, there is a guy called Noah. He builds an Ark with animals. The fountains of the deep accompany the rain waters and hurricanes are seen encompassing the Earth. Most everything else has no relationship to the Bible, at all.

Moral cosntent

“Noah” is a violent film. There are numerous scenes of blood and warfare and several animals have their throats slits or stomachs cut open. Blood splatters on Ham in one scene, and in another a dead animal’s insides spray out on a mass of people who are killing one another and raping countless women (no graphic sex or nudity is shown). In addition to this, there is some brief nudity as Noah’s drunkenness is shown; it may be a body-double, the camera is far off and does not focus on his behind. The viewer should also be aware that there is a lot of magic and mysticism in the film, which I only briefly touched upon above.

Supporting “Christian” films?

A lot has been said about this movie. Russell Crowe even went so far as to call people like Ken Ham “stupid” for commenting on a film he claims they haven’t seen. Well, I have seen it, and Ken Ham’s warnings are mild, as I was not prepared for the overt Luciferism.

Two questions remain. First, does Hollywood need a tutorial in how to market films? Insulting your target audience, as was done throughout the promotions, is not a good marketing strategy. Know your audience. We are not fools. Evangelics have an average of two more years of college than the average person. If you want to market to us, understand us, don’t talk down to us, and don’t insult us. More importantly, don’t hire an atheist to make Biblical films.

The second question is whether or not we should “support” films of this kind. Some Christians have argued that this is a good thing. They say that it is an opportunity to talk about the Bible and that if we don’t support films like this Hollywood will not make them anymore. To the second part, I say, please don’t. It is better not to have a “Bible film,” if the Bible is just going to be mocked. To the first part, I say that we do not have to like or support an un-Biblical “Biblical film” to talk about it. We can talk about it without supporting it. If we support it, then we are supporting its message, and its message is not a Biblical one.

Final analysis

In the final analysis, Noah is a huge waste of $160,000,000. The special effects are not bad, but the Watchers are frankly silly looking. I was somewhat reminded of the Tree Ents from “The Lord of the Rings,” but vastly inferior. Moreover the film gives the impression that the world was a barren desert, and there seemed to be only a small population of a few thousand people led by Tubal-Cain. It seemed to me that if one wanted to make a story about the ante-diluvian world (even from a secular perspective), the story could have been ripe with richness. Instead, I felt like I was watching cave men fighting rock giants on a deserted alien planet. I recommend that families stay home and avoid this film.

Violence: Heavy / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: Moderate

ALSO, see informed review from our ChristianAnswers team member Answers In Genesis:
    • “Noah Movie Review: An Unbiblical Film

See list of Relevant Issues—questions-and-answers.

Copyright, Paramount Pictures

Who was the real…?

• Noah • Noah's wife • Methuselah • Ham • Shem • Japheth • Tubal-cain • Lamech • Adam • Eve • and the Nephilim

Frequently asked questions

  • Copyright, Paramount Pictures Where did the Flood water come from? Answer (How could there have been enough water to cover the entire Earth?)
  • Where did the Flood water go afterwards? Answer (If the whole Earth was deeply flooded, where did all that water go after the Flood?)
  • Was the Flood local or global—covering the entire Earth? Answer (discover 9 Biblical evidences that the Flood was global)
  • How many people survived the Flood catastrophe? Answer

Watch ChristianAnswers’s award-winning film about the reality of Noah’s Flood

“The World That Perished”
33 minutes / Copyright © Films for Christ / Christian Answers Network. All Rights Reserved.
“A movie by Ray Comfort. This is not the Russell Crowe film.”
Featuring Ray Comfort
Video by Living Waters, a Christian Answers Team Member
Length: 29 minutes

Viewer CommentsSend your comments
Positive—Wow, I didn’t take anything in the film the same way as this reviewer did. I don’t love everything they did with the story, but in the face of so many negative reviews I feel compelled to share my thoughts. I believe if you look for God, you’ll find Him, and even though He is a silent presence in this film, His messages are incredibly profound. The underlining theme of the film is salvation—the ark is not only a metaphor for Christ, but the entire film is about the depravity of fallen beings, including the sin in Noah and his family.

Noah isn’t perfect. He isn’t the saintly man we want to remember from Sunday School. He misreads God in a big way in the second half, leading him to struggle with his belief that none of them are righteous enough to live. He takes “innocent life” in his hands with the intention of killing it—and can’t, because in that moment, all he feels is an incredible, overwhelming love—a lot like the love that redeems us from our depravity (both a pro-life statement, and a reflection of God’s desire to save us from the punishment we deserve; Noah isn’t defying God, he’s being humbled to the point where he realizes that no, he isn’t good enough to be saved on his own… he needs mercy; he’s also, in a small way, representative of God choosing to let humanity live). See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Charity, age 30 (USA)
Positive—…As a Christian, I found the message of the Noah account to be shown wonderfully in a exceptionally crafted film with stellar performances, beautiful cinematography and awe inspiring special effects. The film is thought provoking and presents the story in a way that encourages positive discussion theologically, politically, and quite frankly emotionally. Much has been made about the “deviations” in the story, but I found these to be minor in the grand scheme of things. None of them undermined the story’s message, and I don’t believe were made out of any “satanic” leanings. I think these deviations were used to simply make a good film, that both secular and (some) Christian audiences could enjoy. I did not take any of these as an affront to God or outright blasphemy. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Daniel, age 20 (USA)
Positive—I would say what a tempest in a pot of tea but I “should” say what a negative flood of judgmentalism! Wow! When my daughter asked what I thought some Christians would find controversial about “Noah” before we saw it I told her I could pretty much guarantee that your site would condemn it and I was right. Her point as well as mine is that it is a movie and not meant to religiously follow a biblical story! Aronofsky is a brilliant director, and he only took the story of Noah as a jumping off point. He was very open in interviews about that is “based” on a Biblical story and, if you’re familiar with his other films, you would know he tends to be dark and wants to make people think. This was a very disturbing film and it did make you think if you watch with an open mind and open heart. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Good / Moviemaking quality: 5
Debbie, age 55 (USA)
Positive—You get out of a story what you want to see, apparently. People who went into this movie expecting it to be evil are going to find ways to make it sound evil. I enjoyed it very much, since I did not expect it to follow exactly what I personally read between the lines in the Noah story. On almost every detail, it follows what is in Genesis. The few things that are different are such minor things they don’t affect the meaning of the story at all. It’s the gaps in the original story where it gets interesting. Nobody reads the original story of Noah without filling in gaps with their imagination. The Bible is simply not written in a detailed way. Most things are summarized, and there are many cases where we don’t even know what the original word means. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Matthew, age 22 (USA)
Positive—…Noah was not exactly biblical, yet that should be expected. The movies source material was borrowed from the apocalyptic writing of Enoch, which deals heavily with “The Watchers” and who and what they were. Where the story deviates from Enoch is in that it moves to the Sons of Seth vs. The Sons of Cain, rather than focusing on angelic mixture with human DNA. If the movie would have moved in this vein, I feel it would have made it even more interesting. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Shane, age 35 (USA)
Positive—Finally sat down to watch this film last night, and I have to say, the naysayers can cry “nay, nay, nay” all the way home. This is an excellent film, with Darren Aronofsky’s talents clearly on display. For all of the talk of controversy and blasphemy, this is a God-affirming film that takes liberties with the source material, yet does not water down the spiritual message. As an artist, Darren Aronofsky has every right to present the story as he sees fit. He is the artist. Who are we to question his vision? I would tell the detractors this: if you want a “literal” adaptation of the Noah story, by all means, give Kirk Cameron a couple million dollars, and I’m sure he’ll give you the film that you want. The rest of us are totally fine with this adaptation.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 5
Adam Renkovish, age 32 (USA)
Neutral—Just saw “Noah” tonight. Ok, just to get it out of the way, I’m a pastor with a theologically conservative bent and not necessarily an environmentalist per se. I believe the Bible is literal and anything Hollywood comes out with (or any Christian-based film company for that matter) is not. With that being said, I gave this an Average because the great film-making quality is shadowed by the weird/wacky realism of the story. Truth is, I have always strongly desired an emotionally realistic story of Noah with it’s complexity. The emotions of what a man would have to go through facing the end of the world and living in a time in which “every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Gen. 6:5). This is no nursery rhyme and certainly the violence and depravity could have been a whole lot worse if we were going for accuracy.

Yet textual accuracy is not this movie’s main drive. Therefore we get a mishmash of non-accurate situations as well as some accuracy in emotions and feeling.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Klamman, age 44 (USA)
Neutral—This film is typical of a Hollyweird big budget movie. I saw the movie and have read every post here and pretty much agree with everyone that has posted so far. Noah here is not the same guy I read about in the Bible. I could probably forgive every other bit of literary license that was taken because we have so few details. I don’t have an issue with an inaudible God. We don’t know how He spoke. I can even give the producers that there is nothing in scripture about Noah’s personal feelings toward his own family and their survival, but the Bible also doesn’t say that Noah believed that they should perish for one of the few characteristics of Noah that I did like that he recognized his own inherent evil but only as a participant in the “sins” toward the environment and not as a moral reprobate before God.

Although the producers, to their credit, did depict the original sin, however, there was a ceremonial arm wrapping with a snake skin that I didn’t quite understand. If you just have to see this film in the theater on the big screen at least read the TRUE story in Genesis 7 to 9 first. They might as well have called this Noah “the mariner’s brother”. I would highly recommend that you see a film like “God’s Not Dead” if you haven’t yet, instead of supporting “Noah”. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Bob C., age 50 (USA)
Neutral—I hate to play “Devil’s advocate,” but there are some interesting things about this errant movie that are worthy of note, and I do believe it should be the duty of every Christian to see it since it’s stirring up so much conversation among the unsaved (the heck with worry about “supporting” a Biblically inept film; they can have the $10 for us not to ever utter the insipid, ostrich-Christian catchphrase, “I haven’t seen it, but I oppose it”).

I can’t endorse the movie as anything Biblically accurate, but Christians should find some curious things here to ponder, and this is great food for conversation, as well as a gateway to share the Gospel. Now I went in expecting to hate this film, and I did not. I did not appreciate the merger of Bible and mythology, and I perceived the evolutionary and hyper-environmental messages that were flowing through, but some of the creative license taken was thought-provoking, and everyone running to their Bibles was a fairly positive outcome to this confused (even if deliberately so) work. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4½
Rev. Bryan A. Griem, MA, MDiv, age 53 (USA)
Negative—This film really bothered me. I tried to watch it as an adventure film; I tried to ignore the rock monsters, but, in the end, I couldn’t. It was like they took the idea of a man named Noah, a boat and some animals and rewrote the rest of the story. God did not choose Noah to save the poor animals. What a mess.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Christa, age 40 (USA)
Negative—Here is what is really funny (or not so funny). My wife and I went to see this movie, only to leave severely disappointed. As we were leaving, we had several strong opinions on the matter, only to come home and read the reviewer’s comments on the movie. This reviewer has it exactly 100% correct in his analysis. His comments are exactly what we said walking out (which we walked out of the movie early). Luciferism, overly hyped-environmentalism, pity for fallen angels, a psychotic Noah who really doesn’t know the will of God nor walk with God, outright blasphemy.

If this were a film about Mohammad or the Koran in any form, there would be massive riots and possibly worse. Why is it OK to have “poetic license” with what is holy? It’s not!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Chris, age 40 (USA)
Negative—…atheistic take on the biblical Noah. In essence, Noah is portrayed as a drunken madman who opposes the following “sins”: 1. Overpopulation. 2. Failure to be environmentally correct. The producer provides a disclaimer that the biblical story of “Noah” is not followed by this movie. This is obvious. No Christian should see this movie. It is an atheist view on what sin is. There is no mention of violence in the world and sexual immorality. These “sins,” which Hollywood believes are NOT sins, have been excluded. If you watch this movie, you will be giving money to people who are extremely hostile toward Christian morality.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 1
Jerome, age 29 (USA)
Negative—I echo the sentiments of the reviewer and the majority of the posters here. I was not impressed at all by this film and was very disappointed in it’s attempt to tell the story of Noah, his family, the animals and the ark. It’s about as far away from the Bible as one can get. I would not call this a Christian movie in the slightest.

What concerns me is how it negatively portrayed God, who is never called God in the film, but the Creator, how it positively showed demons, fallen angels called watchers in the film, and depicted Noah as a man who is bent on wiping out all of mankind, including his very own family, going so far as threatening to kill his own grandchildren, should they be girls.

I would definitely recommend that you not see this film. Save your money and go instead to films such as “Son of God” and “God’s Not Dead,” which to me are more Biblically accurate and glorify God.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Les, age 43 (USA)
Negative—Don’t waste your money. Hollywood missed the boat… again. Beyond artistic license, it takes “characters” from the Bible and produces “Noah meets Transformers meets Mad Max meets Waterworld”. In this movie, it is the fallen angels who help Noah and his family build the ark. Yes. We are told that the fallen angels are “beings of light who were punished by The Creator for trying to help mankind”—not because they sided with Lucifer/Satan and tried to rebel against God. Called “The Watchers,” the fallen angels are depicted as Transformer-like rock men.

Noah is portrayed, not as a righteous man who walked with God, but as a murderous maniac chosen to “save the innocents: the animals.” Noah wants to help The Creator wipe out mankind, including his own family, and leave Earth for the animals.

Sad, because of what this movie could’ve been. For example, Anthony Hopkins creates an interesting, likeable character as Noah’s grandfather, Methuselah. Biblically, because Adam and others were alive while he was growing up, Methuselah likely knew Adam and may have recounted Adam’s direct account of events in the Garden and the Fall to Noah and his family. Instead this movie about Noah is a mockery. Tragic because of the people who may see this movie and think that is what is in the Bible. Made me think of Matthew 24:37-39 and 2 Peter 3:3.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Tori, age 40+ (USA)
Negative—It is much, much worse than I thought it would be—much worse. … it is also a boring movie—yes, boring!… Yes, any movie based on a real event will have to use some creative license, including depicting a biblical account, but this movie steps way over the line. It’s a terrible film. …

I have watched Bible-themed Hollywood films that have had some problems with them, they still could be used as conversation starters for evangelism. But I can’t say that for “Noah”—the problems are such that the film could be counterproductive for non-Christians to watch.”
Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis (USA)
Negative—This is hands-down one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. IT. WAS. BIZARRE. It was like a “Harry Potter” meets “The Shining” meets “The Lord of The Rings” meets “TRANSFORMERS”. What in the world did I just experience? I was really hoping and expecting to see an excellent product and at the same time get a refresher on at least some mains parts of the Flood account. This was none of the above. I am still SMH. I would have walked out of the movie had it not been for the fact that I wanted to view it in its entirety so that I could provide an accurate review.

Okay, the acting was so-so, and the special effects were interesting and at times impressive. But the storyline? It was like someone was in a drug-induced state when they wrote the script. “Rock-transformer giants” who fight the “men” and then who self destruct and beam their way back to Heaven? (Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up, folks.) Wow! …Please, make it stop! Save your money for something else. Or donate what you would have spent on this movie and give it to a worthy cause.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Better than Average / Moviemaking quality: 4
Michael A., age 45 (USA)
Negative—Although the story of Noah has enlightened and entertained us for millennia, Paramount Pictures decided it needed a rewrite; and the resulting movie looks like a violent offspring of “Transformers” and “Night of the Hunter.” Although the dialogue contains a nugget or two of profound wisdom, and the cinematography is frequently breathtaking, no one in our 13 member Bible study found this movie to be a positive experience. PETA must have kidnapped the scriptwriter, for Noah becomes a vegetarian, and the consumption of meat is frequently presented as one of the evils that leads to the destruction of mankind.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Brian Schacht, age 67 (Canada)
Negative—…Noah’s producer, Darren Aronofsky, once said, “All of my charity work has always been about the environment,” so I can understand why he thought that the biblical narrative is about saving innocent animals. But what was he thinking when he had Noah build the ark with the help of a rock group? These embarrassingly absurd rock people stomp around almost every scene of the first half of the movie. From a production viewpoint, I expected better and more sensible motion graphics for such a big budget movie.

From a biblical viewpoint Noah himself is about as far away from the Noah of the Bible as he could get. Perhaps the best way to describe him and what he does in the movie would be to liken it to Hollywood doing a movie about Napoleon, and portraying him as a tall Japanese-speaking crocodile hunter, who was into sky-diving and Russian roulette.

However, there's something more sinister about the production of this movie. It's more than just a grown man with a childish imagination playing with an expensive toy. It is the blatant mischaracterization of a man of God in an attempt to undermine the authority of the Word of God.

If Hollywood's “Noah” is a financial success, I suspect that a sequel will be a blasphemous mischaracterization of Jesus and His work on the cross. As with “Noah,” this will be given a pass by many professing Church leaders who are mesmerized by the glitter of Hollywood. These are dark times indeed.

Yet my fading hope is that if Hollywood ever sees fit to portray another biblical figure, they will get it right. They can have their poetic licence, but they must stay faithful to the script revealed in the Scriptures. If they do that, I will encourage Christians everywhere to flood the theaters, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that conviction.

In the meanwhile, I am encouraged that over 150,000 people freely saw our version of “Noah” in just over two days since its recent release. May those who have a “Noah” craving, get their fix at
Ray Comfort, Living Waters (USA)
Negative—“Noah,” the worst movie ever made! I just watched the “Noah” movie and I can’t stress this enough. DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY! DON’T GO! Let me explain why.

Since the distribution company wouldn’t allow us to preview the movie in advance, I figured it was going to be unbiblical and didn’t want us to write a bad review. Because I expected it to be unbiblical, I invited my pastor to attend with me to make certain I didn’t take anything out of context or miss some key biblical point.

What I didn’t expect was how absolutely boringly bad this movie would be. I kept thinking, as I continually checked my watch, I’ll never get that 5 minutes back, or That 5 minutes, or THAT 5 minutes. This checking of my watch went on for more than 2 hours!!! Counting the previews, that’s nearly 3 hours that I’ll never have back.See all »
Al Menconi (USA)
Negative—This is the first review that I have ever written. I love movies, and I so love when one comes out that is about the Bible. This is, unfortunately, not a good movie. If it is just a story, and not about Noah, that is fine. But it is supposed to be about Noah. The story had giant beings made of rock and ash helping Noah build the ark and protect the ark.

Also, it had Noah’s sons turning on him and trying to kill him on the ark. Also, had one point in the film where 2 little girls where born to his son and Noah was going to kill them… Terrible Film. And there are so many other things that were put in the film that just never happened. Please open up the Bible and see the true story.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Average / Moviemaking quality: 5
Lorie Bond, age 45 (Canada)
NegativeI think “Noah” is an insidious, dangerous film. I don’t think its main message is one of a good man standing against evil to do God’s will; I think its message is that disobeying God for a “greater good” is morally acceptable, if not admirable. The story of the fall of man is depicted as a viable choice as is the fall of The Watchers, and Noah’s refusing to save an innocent girl, whom Ham, his son, loves, from a violent death, since Noah didn’t want his family propagating. His decision to kill his granddaughters is depicted as a divinely ordained “choice” that Noah changes his mind about at the last minute.

The skin of the serpent who tempts Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit is depicted as a symbol of reverence throughout the movie. The Watchers, giant, rock-like creatures who were once angels that were thrown from Heaven for disobeying God, are depicted as the protectors of men who are “misunderstood” by God and then taken back to Heaven in the end.

Furthermore, after the flood recedes, Ham takes off alone, still angry with his father for not allowing him to take a wife, leaving Noah to preside over a broken family. There is no evidence of this whatsoever in the Bible. All three of Noah’s sons had wives before they entered the ark. Would that be God’s plan for the only remaining human beings after He destroys mankind? It could be if it was God’s intention to leave the Earth to the animals alone, since man didn’t appreciate the environment, which was another underlying theme in the movie.

Lucifer rebelled against God to assert his own will. So did man. I got the impression from this movie that that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and that abusing the environment and not protecting God’s creatures is worse. If that was true, then there would have been no need for Christ to come into the world to save us. How convenient for the atheist who wrote and directed the film. Don’t see this movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Maryann Ragan, age 53 (USA)
Negative—The new movie “Noah” is a perversion of ark worthy proportions… and that is me being gracious. The worst part about this movie is that those who know no better may truly believe this garbage, and may believe that this is what we (Christians) believe as well.

1) The biggest problem with this movie, literally and figuratively, are these fictional things referred to in the movie as “the Watchers.” Here’s their mythology: According to the movie “Noah,” after the Fall, some “angels” were worried for the plight of man and decided to “help” them. Because those “angels” went against the wishes of God, he cast them out of Heaven… which look like meteors falling from the sky. They became “fallen angels” cursed to take the form of rocks, they became known to man as “the Watchers;” so these giant rock monster-like beings with burning coal-like cores taught mankind “all they knew,” but mankind turned on them and killed all but a few who ran and hid and begged God to return home. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Kelly, age 28 (USA)
Negative—The special effects of this movie in terms of the “Watchers” appears to be an amalgamation of claymation and stone transformers! The setting is a far cry from any kind of vision that would be taken as an interpretation of antediluvian biblical narratives. It appears more to be influenced from the Mad Max series. Did the Director come from “down under” as Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe have? Or is he just under a flood of Luciferian delusion?

Noah, the main character, interestingly is more concerned with preserving the life of the “innocent” animals than that of Mankind. Hence, the scene where he watches two young girls being pulled away to be sold into slavery or raped is overshadowed with his appalled expression at the misuse of animals as they are butchered and eaten. Biblically, after the flood, God gave Noah animals to be eaten as food.

For any Christian out there who is considering viewing this movie, I would not recommend doing so unless one of your favorite past times is hanging out in witch covens—that’s how DEMONIC this movie is!
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Dawn Marie, age 40 (USA)
Negative—I agree with many of the comments already listed. Very offensive to those of us who hold that God’s Truth is given to us through the Holy Bible. Lucifer is truly the Prince of the Air and that fact is supported by the making and viewing of this film. I’m so sorry that I didn’t read these reviews before seeing the movie. I feel that I have supported this production and the making of these types of films by paying the ticket cost.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Carol W., age 59 (USA)
Negative—Before you go see this, listen to what the producer (an atheist) said when asked if it was Biblically accurate. He laughed and said (in short) it’s no where near biblical. It’s just a fictional story he changed and made into a movie. Remember, just because it sounds biblical doesn’t mean it is. Don’t let this movie be something we see or tell others to see. It’s a very twisted representation of the actual Noah story.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Matt S, age 32 (USA)
Negative—Biblical characters were co-opted to gain credibility and then a familiar sounding story was made up. Nothing else is true to the Bible, from the evolutionary “transitional” animal at the beginning of the movie (doglike with hair AND scales) to Noah’s story of Creation where the reptiles grow hair and turn into mammals. Noah isn’t sure about his mission, he turns homicidal toward the end of the movie thinking man is supposed to be wiped off of the Earth, and the ark was meant to save only the animals.

Tubal-Cain turning the film blasphemous by inferring that having dominion over the Earth is the foundation of sin. It’s stated that the animals act exactly the same now as in the garden of Eden, which they do not, they didn’t eat each other in the garden. The first sign of the waters receding was the ark bashing into a rocky outcrop. Like was previously pointed out, there just isn’t enough room here to point out all of the inaccuracies.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3½
Sheldon Taylor, age 53 (USA)
Negative—There has been enough said. I will just say it was not a well put together movie nor an inspiring movie. If you’re looking for a show that will inspire you by showing Noah’s great faith in God, this is probably not the movie for you.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Scott, age 40 (USA)
Negative—This movie is demonic. I CANNOT believe how they have completely changed this story from the Bible. I thought maybe it would just be a few things that were not scriptural, but 99.9% of it was NOT based on the Bible. Christians be warned to not see this movie. It is from the devil, full of lies and sorcery and an abomination to the real story of the miracle God did with Noah. And in this movie, the vision he had of the ark—he was on drugs and had a hallucination about it.

I have learned that I will NOT see movies made from Hollywood until it has been out long enough to get reviews. I felt guilty even watching it and when I left, I saw the other movie being offered, “God’s Not Dead,” I sure wish I would have seen that one. I urge you to not see this movie, you will regret corrupting your spirit and mind if you do, I sure wish I had been more diligent to investigate it before watching. It is a warning to us all, as Hollywood gets more involved in making movies about the Bible, that we make sure they are accurate before we even consider watching them.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Stephanie Smith, age 39 (USA)
Negative—DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY. I had reservations about seeing this movie but thought the makers would at least stick to the Bible. I don’t know what “bible” they used to make this film, but it was nothing like mine. Others have done a great job relaying the details of this movie, so I will try not to repeat. I found this movie offensive and inaccurate on many levels and really should have left half way through. I thought it might get better, but it got worse. The assault on movie-goers’ minds throughout this movie was nothing short of demonic sliming. I felt like I needed a shower afterward. This movie, frankly, was disgusting, and I pray that anyone who goes to this, but doesn’t know or understand the Bible, will be protected from believing that these deviations are accurate.

It is plain to see how late the hour is, how deep the deception has become. We all know who runs the mainstream movie business so I guess we shouldn’t have expected anything different. I regret spending money on this film—I never want to support this kind of thing again.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Tammy, age 43 (Canada)
Negative—When we first heard about the movie “Noah,” we found that one of the periodicals had listed it under the label “Science Fiction and Fantasy.” We were confused at how they could categorize a story from the Bible under that heading. However, after viewing the Paramount picture starring Russell Crowe in the title role this past weekend, we now understand why it had been designated that way.

The first reaction that came to mind from watching the movie “Noah” was wondering how Noah could have gotten everything so correct at the beginning, only to become so astonishingly wrong at the end. He was brilliant as the servant who carried out God’s inspired mission of creating a great ark all ready for pairs of the world’s animals to come aboard in preparation for the deluge, but then he degenerated into just another one of corrupt hoi poloi (which we may recall was God’s problem with his creation in the first place). The Noah of this namesake movie forgot that God chose him for this momentous task because he was found to have been “righteous in his generations. But, near the end of the movie Noah declared that he had failed in his mission from God. That’s like Columbus declaring that he failed in his mission because he never found the short route to Cipangu.See all »
H.A. Stanley, age 69 (USA)
Negative—I saw this movie on Friday night, and I was totally upset. This is the most unbiblical representation of the Bible I have ever seen. They put things in this movie that weren’t in the Bible at all. They made Noah out to be a warrior with a sword and killing people. He was relying on dreams and visions, rather than relying fully upon God. The ark wasn’t even built correctly. They had one person survive the flood and hide out in the ark during the flood. 2 hours wasted. Don’t go see this.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Very Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Travis Ginther, age 29 (USA)
Negative—This is not a biblical account of Noah or God. The only credit I can give this movie is to the actors. They did their job, and they did it well. However, the whole movie was disturbing and hurtful to my soul. Methuselah was made out to be some sort of sorcerer. In the book of Genesis, Methuselah had a significant role in the account of Noah and the flood. Methuselah lived 969 years, the longest of any man. The significance of Methuselah’s living to 969, is that God had mercy on him and his family. God showed his tender mercy and love toward Enoch, Methuselah’s father, and it is captured in the Bible! Imagine that. Enoch, “walked with God and then he was not, for God took him”. God also displayed his mercy to Enoch by waiting for Methuselah to die before sending the flood. In the Bible, these were men who walked with God and were considered righteous before God yet, in the movie, Methuselah was killed by the flood with all the wicked people.

Also, in the movie, Noah had no direct communication with God. The movie depicted Noah as being very confused and led by dreams and by his grandfather. After the family entered the ark, Noah (knowing that Ham and Japheth had no wives and Shem’s wife was barren) was led to believe that God wanted all of mankind to die, including Noah and his family. When they learn that Shem’s wife is actually pregnant, Noah sets out to murder the babies born to Shem on the ark. The Bible tells us that “Noah, his wife, his sons and his sons’ wives, entered the ark”.

In the end of the movie, Ham wanders off to Canaan with no wife, yet in the Bible, Ham is the father of Canaan.

…Don’t even get me started on the rock monsters, fallen angels who helped build the ark and save Noah’s family. Just sickening how far from the truth this movie is. The movie did not even touch on the rainbow of God’s covenant with man.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
Janelle, age 37 (USA)
Negative—I saw this movie last night and I was disappointed. My husband said “well, that was not the story I was told when I was young” and I agreed. I was really surprised that they added in comic book type creatures to build the ark, I found that quite strange and obviously that was a way to show off the expensive, special effects capabilities they had access to. The filmmakers left out the rainbow which was God’s promise he would not flood the Earth again. That prophesy should have been in the film, as God is good, and he was in communication with Noah. That was an important omission.

The story was changed, and my worry is that young people who have not read the story of Noah will go away with the idea that God is not good. I hope that they will read the Bible and see the differences and realize that the tale was certainly changed from the original.See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 5
Gail, age 52 (Canada)
Negative—I can say emphatically, that we are in the last days. I am broken hearted to see all the POSITIVE comments about this movie. …The scripture is clear that there will be a separating of the wheat and tares. I understand this scripture more now than ever. Since when is the Bible, the Word of God supposed to be entertaining? Jesus says, “You are either for me, or against me.” There is no gray area here people. You cannot sit at the table of the Lord, and drink the cup of demons. Wake up and stop your compromising. This movie is pure heresy and blasphemy. God have mercy…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Roy Hobbs, age 52 (USA)
Negative— I went to see this movie so I could form my own opinion. The question I kept asking myself is “why” “why” “Why”? Why would they make alterations to the story of Noah that take away from the true original that would have made for a better movie anyway? The producer must have banked on the belief that the majority of his viewers did not know the story of Noah and hoped that his alterations would fill in the gaps and provide for a better movie experience. They again “why”? Why call it Noah? How about call it Fred? Since it is not the story of Noah.

If the producers wanted to make a blockbuster they should have followed the story line and emphasized on the drama of Noah being hit with the reality of a worldwide flood. They tried here but failed. Making Noah more true to his real character in the Bible where he loves people and hurts for those who are all going to die would have added to that drama in a very suspenseful way. Along with Noah having a real person issue like wondering how God was going to fill the ark, only to witness the miracle in disbelief. Another drama builder. This was nothing more than a storyline yanked from it’s context to try and create a story that is not very interesting outside of that context. Angels becoming rock people, animals that tell an Evolution story, etc. Great actors, great cinematography, and one big missed opportunity.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Gino S, age 46 (USA)
Negative—I went to see this movie at a Studio Movie Grill and was so disappointed that I wanted to leave within the first 30 minutes. But, because it was my birthday, we stayed! I really wish we left!! What a waste of $$$!! I hated everything about this movie!!! There was nothing GOOD about it!! I don’t know HOW ON EARTH anyone can leave a positive for this movie. What a joke!!

I knew going into the movie that it wasn’t going to follow the Bible. The only similarities to the Bible is that there was a guy named Noah who floated on a boat. That’s about it! Nothing else was really biblical! I really think the character Noah ended up being a psychopath who needed a smack in the face!! It was dumb, stupid, and horrible! Don’t even rent it… not worth your time or $$!!! What a disappointing movie to see on my birthday!!…
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Amy, age 45 (USA)
Negative—What an awful film. So many people don’t believe in God anymore that when they watch this film they will think it is true to the Bible. Yet the only thing real is there was an ark and a flood! This film has portrayed Noah as a murderous lunatic! He never once refers to God but calls him the “creator.” No praying for God’s guidance.

Stone transformers? What was that about? They even had flares! A lot of the film was taken up by Ham wanting a wife. But all Noah’s son’s had wives when they entered the ark (Genesis 7 verse 13).

The Bible doesn’t say much about Methuselah but this film has him as some kind of Lord of the Rings wizard! And to use a snake skin as something that gives power from God is mad, seeing the serpent was evil. The whole film is warped!

The Bible has very deep spiritual meanings, and man corrupts it to suit himself. Just like this man has twisted God’s Word to make a profit. See all »
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Mary, age 47 (Wales)
Negative—Did Hollywood learn nothing from Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ? Give the audience an accurate portrayal of biblical events and you’ll get Christian support (to say nothing of the monetary gain they are after). If this film was Scripturally accurate, it would have become a part of every Christian church’s video library all over the world. With all of the talent and CGI that Hollywood has their fingertips, why would they create this ridiculous and depressing telling of the Noah story. It was as if the Biblical account was not a good enough plot.

There’s no need to retell all of the outrageous inaccuracies that have been stated before. I don’t recall any film in the past that has taken such liberties with a biblical story. A more accurate title to the film would have been “NOT NOAH.”
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2
Jeff, age 57 (USA)
Negative—In a word: Horrible. The absolute worst film supposedly about a Bible character, but turns out to be a better piece for Mystery Science Theater. Now THAT would be entertaining.

Don’t waste your time or money on this film. The ONLY thing they got right were the names of most of the characters and even if I weren’t a believer, it’s still a terrible movie.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Dee, age 43 (USA)
Negative—This movie left me with a very bad feeling. The Fallen Angels are portrayed as the victims of God’s punishment on them (they were “only trying to help the humans”) and were shown as some kind of sci-fi creatures there to help Noah build the ark. How ridiculous! The Fallen angels, who became demons, are never there to help God’s children!

Later on in the movie it pictures Noah as some deranged prophet about to murder his own family! This movie made me hate Noah as depicted in it. In the Bible we read about him as a compassionate, obedient, full-of-faith prophet of God who loved his family and was used by God to save humanity.

There is a warning in the Bible for the producers of this movie: “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” Mark 9:42
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 3
Jan, age 62 (USA)
Negative—I just finished watching this deplorable movie. While the stunning visuals intrigued me in the beginning, the corruption of the actual Biblical story became exhausting to watch, especially with a movie of such length. I am sure that anything I could say about the movie has already been said, but I wanted to add an observation that I made from watching the “extras” from the DVD.

While filming in Iceland, it was stated that “daily offerings were made to the Icelandic elves so as not to disrupt production.” Filmmaker Mr. Aronofsky stated that he wanted to show “respect” to these elves, if they were around. What else needs be said. Save your money and time on this one-it’s not worth it.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 4
Robin, age 39 (Canada)
Negative—I tried to like this movie, but I just couldn’t like this movie due to the major differences in the story. I would rather watch “Exodus: God’s and King” than this movie. Wish Aronofsky did a better job on this. This movie has the potential to be a hit, but, in the end, it wasn’t a hit. From a Christian view, this film was very hard to watch and one of the most disgraceful films of all time. I like some movies from Hollywood, but this was just one of those movies I wish Hollywood didn’t make. I knew that it wasn’t going to be accurate to the Bible, but didn’t expect a huge difference.

Overall, after viewing the movie two times, I give this a low rating of 2 stars. If you want to see a good Hollywood take on the Bible, I would suggest “Exodus: God’s and Kings.” It’s not accurate, but a more faithful movie than this. “Noah,” in my opinion, should be avoided at all cost.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: 2½
John, age 20 (USA)
Negative—I cannot believe Christians thought this movie was acceptable. This is the most blasphemous movie I’ve ever desired to sit through. Shame on Russell Crowe and Emma Watson for being part of this deliberate anti-Christian propaganda. The director even said he thought the Bible was fictional trash so he made this totally fictional movie mocking God’s creation with mystical rock creatures straight out of a Thor movie. This is not okay! Go watch the Chosen and save your money before you rent this.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Extremely Offensive / Moviemaking quality: ½
Tommy, age 21 (USA)
Comments from young people
Positive—Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” is a visual masterpiece. The story drags at times, but that is a small complaint when every single shot is so exponentially beautiful, specifically the flashbacks of creation. I am appalled at this website’s rejection of one of the few faith-based Hollywood movies that is actually decent. The story of Noah is extremely short, so of course some liberties had to be taken to make it an interesting movie. I respect Aronofsky for not giving up his artistic integrity because a few people might get offended. Yes, a few details are changed, but it keeps the overall message of a man with a strong faith in God.
My Ratings: Moral rating: Excellent! / Moviemaking quality: 3½
C, age 16 (USA)

PLEASE share your observations and insights to be posted here.

Movie Critics
…numerous dramatic fabrications …heavy-handed ecological doomsday messages …fantasy-style spectacle… a whole forest takes instantaneous shape at Noah’s convenience and there is far more swordplay and fighting than one ever imagined in this story. …by far the most startling apparition in this context are the Watchers, the so-called Nephilim… Here they take the form of giant, ferocious-looking rock people… who not only come to Noah’s aid by doing the heavy lifting in building the ark but cut down, stomp on and otherwise decimate the hordes who eventually besiege the ark in hopes of climbing aboard at the last minute. …
Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter
…murky, ill-conceived take on the world’s oldest disaster story contains some of the most pristine visuals produced on a mass studio scale in some time. But it’s also constantly tethered to a dull, melodramatic series of events out of whack with any traditional interpretation of the material. By turning the monolithic odyssey into a sword-and-sandals showdown with occasionally cosmic tangents, the 137-minute studio venture contains the glimmers of a truly visionary achievement flooded by half-baked ideas. …
Eric Kohn, Indiewire
…“Noah” mostly proves frustratingly ponderous… Aronofsky and co-writer Ari Handel have greatly expanded the Noah narrative… but they fail to come up with characters or scenarios that are all that captivating. …tension between the believable and the fantastical consistently undercuts Noah: The movie wants to be a love story, a family drama, a war movie and a disaster film, but the different tones and genres aren’t properly integrated. …
Tim Grierson, Screen Daily
…Man builds ark, survives flood, then wonders what it was all for…
Scott Foundas, Variety
The utter embarrassing mess of “Noah” and why everybody is lying about it—Tragically, as Western Civilization continues to decay all around us, one thing remains unmuddled: everything is politics. And nowhere is that more true than in media. The same polarization that fired Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and then got him rehired, and made Mel Gibson $600 million, and then lost him his Hollywood career, and made half the world want to canonize Roman Polanski with the other half wanting him castrated—these are the same social causes propelling the embarrassingly awful horribleness of Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah,” into an 76% fresh rating from the shameless, agenda-driven critics at, and setting so many Christian leaders and critics into shilling for the same. Please, stop the madness.

It is astounding to me how Christians can be lured into a defense of the indefensible because they are so afraid of the charge of “unreasonableness.” Trying so hard to be nice, we end up being patsies for people who have no other agenda than to make money off of us. …
Barbara Nicolosi, Church of the Masses
Comments from non-viewers
Neutral—I am a pastor who has a different take on the movie. I did not see it and because of reviews regarding the movie, I did not want to encourage those in my church to see it either. At least not from a “this is a Bible story reenactment we want you to see” point of view. The movie is what it is. I’m disappointed that it tried to market itself as something the church population should not miss. We’re bringing our kids to see what the stories we teach them are all about! No problem with the movie, itself. The problem is how it marketed itself—how it represented itself. The biggest disappointment of all is that Salem Media and Publishing got behind this movie and marketed it heavily via it’s Christian based outlets—thoroughly trying to convince pastors and youth leaders to take their congregations to see this movie! That is the real shame. The movie might be a fun piece of action and fantasy, but a Christian support media company such as Salem backing this movie with such ferocity—now that is a crying shame. I am now canceling my subscriptions to all Salem publications and services as result. I can no longer trust them to educate the people I love.
Pastor Bill, age 59 (USA)

“VOTING” FOR BAD MOVIES—Every time you buy a movie ticket or rent a video you are casting a vote telling Hollywood “That’s what I want.” Why does Hollywood continue to promote anti-Biblical programming? Are YOU part of the problem?

Negative—The reviewer speaks of “insulting your target audience,” assuming that Christians are that audience; but perhaps we are not. Perhaps the target audience is the unsaved, in which case the Christian furor over this movie is precisely what will increase it profit. Perhaps the comments made by the promoters of this movie that it was faithful to the spirit of the original were merely to rile us up against it, gaining vast amounts of free publicity in the process. Perhaps the movie is aimed directly at its target audience, and that audience is laughing at the poor deluded Christians who actually believe such rubbish.

This movie and the motives behind it are a dishonour to God and an insult to the committed Christian. Those of us who see it are doing no more than supporting the enemy as he works to destroy as many as he is able.
Peter Rhebergen, age 53 (Canada)
Neutral—Question: Where does the world (and Hollywood) get its bad theology? Answer: Plenty of it comes from the Christian church. Consider for a moment that MILLIONS of Noah’s ark pictures are drawn in Sunday schools every year, yet the vast majority of the artwork fails to depict CLEAN ANIMALS in larger groups (of seven—per the Genesis 7 plain text). This simple fact demonstrates that children are learning from Biblically illiterate adults and institutions. Surely, if Christendom cleans its own house and reads its own book, the rest of the world won’t be as dirty and confused.
Andy Hoy (author—Eat Like Jesus), age 89 (USA)
Negative—This movie mocks the truth. It is full of lies and deception promoting the evolution lie, homosexual agenda, etc. The Lord warns us that many will be deceive in the last days. Shame on the producers, directors, and all who push these lies to the weak minded. Don’t waste the money God has given you on this Bible mocking movie.
Michael, age 56 (USA)
Negative—…Hollywood is nothing less than a distilled version of our American culture meaning it is extra addicted in its love of the portrayal of our worst sins because millions will turn over their $10 for an everning of so-called viewing pleasure. Are you sure you want to contribute to a $38 million dollar first week showing?…
Robert Maclean , age 65 (USA)
Neutral—I have not seen this film and have no plans to. If you want to see the best production of Noah, go see it at Sight and Sound Theater (if still showing, they change their shows) THAT will awe and inspire you. You want to see a Godly film? Go see God’s Not Dead, put out by actual Christian believers.
Andrea, age 41 (USA)
Negative—Although I have not seen the movie, I can tell I will not be watching it based on all the other comments! The simple answer is this… It is not reflecting what God had purposed and causes misleading believes about the true account. This director may be a great director but he is of the world. I don't need to fill my mind with his worldview of what he thinks God did or did not do.

Very disappointed that some self proclaiming Christians are falling into a world view that it's ok to disrespect our God and his word. “It's just a movie.” No everything we do and watch and say needs to be carefully examined! Because the world is watching what we do as Christians. We should stay away from these false accounts and fill our time and spend our money on better (Christian value) entertainment. Be either hot or cold! Not a Luke warm Christian!

Oh yeah! Demons kill steal and destroy, they don't and did not help Noah, God was the only one that helped Noah remember! Someone please send the director a Holy Bible please! Thanksss!
Joel Northington, age 40 (USA)
Negative—No, my family chose not to see this film. We are standing on God’s Word and know He will pass judgment on Hollywood and directors like this one and actors/actresses who put their names/careers on the line against Lord God. For He is the Lord God most High and His Word cannot be changed without consequences. I really feel sorry for those that take his might and power lightly. I did read all your reviewers and was saddened to hear what they had done with our precious Word. They should either not do Bible films or get direction from Bible scholars to make sure they get it right.

If we were another religion, our President would have major problems right now with riots in the streets of every major city due to this film, because it is an affront to our God. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. The McClure Family—Ohio
Rita McClure, age 63 (USA)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Christian Spotlight reviews are those of the reviewers themselves, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Christian Answers.

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