- cab
- cabins
- Cabul
- Caesar
- Caesara Philippi
- Caesarea
- cage
- Caiaphas
- Cain
- Cainan
- cake
- Calah
- Calamus
- Calcol
- Caleb
- calendar
- calf
- calkers
- call
- calling
- Calneh
- Calvary
- camel
- Camon
- Camoun
- camp
- camphire
- Cana
- Canaan
- Canaanite
- Canaanites
- Canaan, the language of
- Candace
- candle
- candlestick
- cane
- canker
- cankerworm
- Canneh
- canon
- Capernaum
- Caphtor
- Cappadocia
- captain
- captive
- captivity
- carbuncle
- carcase
- carcass
- Carchemish
- Carmel
- Carmi
- carnal
- carpenter
- carriage
- cart
- carve
- casement
- Casiphia
- Casluhim
- cassia
- castaway
- castle
- Castor and Pollux
- caterpillar
- catholic
- catholic epistles
- Catholicism, Roman
- cattle
- caul
- cauls
- causeway
- caves
- Cavemen
- Cea
- cedar
- Cedron
- ceilings
- cellars
- Celts (Celtae, Celtics)
- Cenchrea
- censer
- census
- centurions
- Cephas
- Cesarea
- Chabolo
- Chabulon
- chaff
- chains
- chalcedony
- Chaldea
- Chaldee language
- Chaldees
- chamber
- chambering
- chamberlain
- chameleon
- chamois
- champion
- chance
- chancellor
- changes of raiment
- Channah
- channel
- chapel
- chapiter
- chapter
- Charashim
- charger
- chariot
- charity
- charmer
- Charran
- Chebar
- Chedorlaomer
- cheek
- cheese
- Chelal, a son of Pahath-moab (Ezra 10:30)
- Chelubai
- Chemarim
- Chemosh
- Chenaanah
- Chenaiah
- Chephirah
- Cherethim
- Cherith
- cherub
- Chesalon
- Chesed
- Chesil
- chest
- chestnut tree
- Chesulloth
- Chezib
- Chidon
- chief of the three
- chief priest
- chiefs of Asia
- child
- Chileab
- Chilion
- Chilmad
- Chimham
- Chinnereth
- Chios
- Chisleu
- Chittim
- Chiun
- Chloe
- choler
- Chor-ashan
- Chorazin
- chosen
- Chozeba
- Christ
- Christian—the name
- Christian—What is a true Christian? including identity
- Christs, false
- chronicles
- Chronicles, Books of
- Chronicles of king David
- chronology
- Chrysoprasus
- Chub
- Chun
- Church
- churl
- Chushan-rishathaim
- Cilicia
- cinnamon
- Cinnereth
- circuit
- circumcision
- Cis
- cistern
- citizenship

Cities of the Bible
- City of David
- Clauda
- Claudia
- Claudius
- clay
- clean
- Clement
- Cleopas
- Cleophas
- cloak
- closet
- clothing
- cloud
- Cnidus
- coal
- coat
- coat of mail
- cockatrice
- cock-crowing
- cockle
- Coele-Syria
- coffer
- coffin
- cogitations
- coin
- collar
- collection
- college
- colony
- Colossae
- Colossians, Epistle to the
- color
- Comforter
- coming of Christ
- The Ten Commandments
- communion
- Conaniah
- concision
- concubine
- concupiscence
- conduit
- coney
- confection
- confectionaries
- confession
- congregation
- congregation, mount of the
- conscience
- consecration
- Consolation of Israel
- constellation
- contentment
- conversation
- conversion
- convocation
- cook
- Coos
- copper
- Cor
- coral
- Corban
- cord
- coriander
- Corinth
- Corinthians, 1st Epistle to the
- Corinthians, 2nd Epistle to the
- cormorant
- corn
- Cornelius
- corner
- cornet
- Cos
- Cosam
- cotes
- cottage
- couch
- coulter
- council
- counsellor
- courses
- court
- covenant
- covering of the eyes
- covetousness
- cow
- Cozbi
- crane
- Creation
- Creation order
- creature
- Crescens
- Crete
- crimson
- crisping-pin
- Crispus
- cross
- crown
- crown of thorns
- crucifixion
- cruse
- crystal
- cubit
- cuckoo
- cucumbers
- cummin
- cup
- cup-bearer
- curious arts
- curse
- curtain
- Cush
- Cushan
- Cushite
- custom
- Cuthah
- cutting
- cymbals
- cypress
- Cyprus
- Cyrene
- Cyrenius
- Cyrus