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Creatiile lui Dumnezeu
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Discovery pages: •Butterflies •Index: Insects of the Bible
Maimuta si un copil
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Discovery page: •Listen to monkeys
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Discovery pages: •Birds of the Bible
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Discovery page: •Listen to parrots
Leul si mielul
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Disovery pages: •What will the biblical Millennium be like? •Lions in the Bible •Lambs •Sheep •Listen: Lions
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Discovery page: •Listen to a toucan
Ursul panda
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Discovery page: •Camels in the Bible
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Discovery page: •Cattle in the Bible
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Behemotul (un dinozaur din Biblie Iov 40)
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Discovery pages: •Behemoth in the Bible •Job 40 •Questions and Answers about dinosaurs •The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible On-line
Oua de dinozaur
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Discovery pages: •What are fossils? •What kinds of dinosaur fossils have been found? •FAQs about dinosaurs
Arca: doua cate doua
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Discovery pages: •Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark? •Could Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals that were supposed to be preserved from Flood? •Genesis 7:9 •Deluge •Noah •Ark •FAQs about dinosaurs
Dinozauri: fioroși sau prietenos?
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Discovery pages: •What was life with dinosaurs like, at first? •FAQs about dinosaurs
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Discovery pages: •What were the ceratopians really like? •FAQs about dinosaurs
Balaur ucigaş
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Discovery pages: •Is there any possible connection between dragons and dinosaurs? •FAQs about dinosaurs
“D” este pentru Dinozaur
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Discovery pages: •Where did the dinosaurs come from? •Why did God create dinosaurs? •Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? •The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line •FAQs about dinosaurs
God made the world.
- •Printable version
Discovery pages: •Teaching notes
Did God make dinosaurs?
- •Printable version
Discovery pages: •Where did the dinosaurs come from? •Why did God create dinosaurs? •Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? •The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line •What was life with dinosaurs like, at first? •Teaching notes •FAQs about dinosaurs
The Bible has the answer, God’s Word is true.
- •Printable version
Discovery pages: •Teaching notes •Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? •The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line •How do we know the Bible is true? •FAQs about dinosaurs
We’ll learn the truth about history.
- •Printable version
Discovery pages: •Teaching notes •How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? •What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist, and you’re not? •Creation SuperLibrary
De colorat prin Biblie
Biblia este plina de povestiri adevarate grozave. Studiaza cateva dintre temele importante ale Bibliei-de la Geneza la Apocalipsa (de la inceput pana la sfarsit). Biblia este mesajul uimitor al lui Dumnezeu, in care ne spune lucruri despre El, despre creatie Sa, despre dragostea Sa, despre dreptatea Sa si despre a doua venire a Sa.
Adam si Eva in gradina Edenenului
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Discovery pages: •Creation story •Adam •Eve •Eden •Has the Garden of Eden ever been found? •The fall of man •Illustrated, summary story of the Garden of Eden •Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Adam incepe cu litera “A”
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Discovery pages: •“A” is for Adam •What was Adam, the first man, like?
Cuvantul Biblie incepe cu litera “B”
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Discovery pages: •Take a look at the world’s most amazing book •About the Bible •More about the Bible
Cuvantul creatie incepe cu litera c“Cuvantul creatie incepe cu litera C”
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Discovery page: •Animals in the Bible
Alegerea lui Adam și Eva
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Discovery pages: •Story of the fall of man •Fall of man •Sin
Caderea in pacat
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Discovery pages: •Story •Fall of man
Alungarea din gradina Edenului
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Discovery pages: •The Fall of Humankind (“God’s Story”) •Fall of Man
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Discovery pages: •Story •How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? •Why did God send the Flood? •Are dinosaur fossils evidence for the great Flood? •Index of FAQs about this biblical catastrophe
Marea Arca a lui
- versiunea imprimata: •Calitate superioară .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery page: •Could Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals that were supposed to be preserved from Flood? •Dinosaurs - Did Noah take them on the Ark too?
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Discovery pages: •Genesis 9:13, 15 •Rainbow in the Bible •How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? •What causes a rainbow?
Avraam si Isaac
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Discovery pages: •Story •Abraham •Isaac
Moise si rugul arzand
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Discovery pages: •Story: The man who wanted to see God •Moses in the Bible •Miracles in the Bible
Moise si Cele zece porunci
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Discovery pages: •Handout •Story •Lesson •For teachers •Article
Trecerea Mării Roșii
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Discovery pages: •Miracles in the Bible •Red Sea in the Bible
Cuptorul cu flacari (Sadrac, Mesac, Abednego)
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Discovery pages: •Shadrach •Abednego •Meshach
In siguranta in foc
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Discovery pages: •Miracles in the Bible •Shadrach •Abednego •Meshach
Daniel in groapa cu lei
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Discovery page: •Daniel in the Bible •Lions •Babylon •Idolatry •Miracles in the Bible
Iona și Marele pește
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Discovery pages: •Jonah in the Bible •How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a “whale”? •Miracles in the Bible
David si Goliat
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Discovery pages: •Sling •Goliath •David •Fear, anxiety and worry—What does the Bible say?
Ingerul Gabriel si Maria
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Discovery pages: •Luke 1:31 •Angels in the Bible •Gabriel •Mary •What does the Bible teach about angels? •The name Jesus •The name Christ •Messiah •Messianic Prophecies •How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? •Jesus greatly humbled himself for us •Birth of Christ •Who is Jesus? Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection
Un inger a venit la ciobani
- versiunea imprimata: •Calitate superioară .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery page: •Luke 2:10-11 •Angels •Shepherds in the Bible
Iosif, Maria si copilasul Isus
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Discovery pages: •Myths about the Christmas story •Jesus •Mary •Joseph
Maria si bebelusul Isus
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Luke 2:15-16 •Birth of Christ •Jesus •Mary
Copilasul Isus
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Luke 2:12 •Birth of Christ •The name Jesus •The name Christ •Messiah •Messianic Prophecies •How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? •Jesus greatly humbled himself for us •Who is Jesus? Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection
Animalele cu copilasul Isus
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Luke 2:7 •Was Jesus born in a stable?
Steaua din Betleem
- Discovery pages: •Matthew 2:9 •Stars in the Bible •Bethlehem •What was the Star of Bethlehem? •Miracles in the Bible
Magii nchinandu-se inaintea lui Isus (Matei 2.11)
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery page: •Matthew 2:11 •Wisemen in the Bible •Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God
Isus la templu (Luca 2.46)
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery page: •Luke 2:46 •Herod’s Temple in the Bible
Isus este botezat (Matei 3.16-17)
- Printable versions: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Matthew 3:16-17 •Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God •John the Baptist •Holy Ghost
Isus vorbeste cu Nicodim (Ioan 3.16)
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Discovery pages: •John 3:16 •Nicodemus in the Bible •Is Jesus Christ the answer?
Isus iubește copiii
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Isus vindeca un olog
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Discovery pages: •Miracles in the Bible •About Jesus Christ (FAQ index)
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Discovery pages: •Jerusalem •Messiah •Messianic Prophecies •How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? •Jesus greatly humbled himself for us •About Jesus Christ (FAQ index)
Isus pe cruce
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Disovery pages: •John 3:16 •Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God •Redemption •Is Jesus Christ the answer? •About Jesus Christ •Crucifixion •How did Jesus Christ die?
Baiatul la cruce
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Discover pages: •If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? •What does God want us to do? •Salvation •Redemption •Jesus greatly humbled himself for us •Birth of Christ •Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection •Effection Evangelism
Isus a inviat din morti
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Discovery pages: •If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? •FAQs about Christ’s resurrection
Tomas afirma ca Isus este Domnul
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Discovery pages: •Thomas •If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? •FAQs about Christ’s resurrection •Miracles in the Bible •Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God •About Jesus Christ (FAQ index)
Intoarcerea lui Isus pe pamant
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Discovery pages: •What will the biblical Millennium be like? •Kingdom of God•About Jesus Christ (FAQ index)
Cosmos (Psalmul 19.1)
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Discovery pages: •Psalm 19:1 •How many stars are known to exist? •Is every star different?
Iubirea față de Isus
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Exprimarea dragostei
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezoluție înaltă .pdf •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Galatians 5:14 •What does God want us to do? •Goodness •Goodness of God
Colindarea de craciun
- versiunea imprimata: •Rezolutie scazuta
Discovery pages: •Colossians 3:16 •Christmas •Carols
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